/ / These magic multivarkas "Polaris", or Is it worth it to beat the kitchen with household appliances

These magic multivarkas "Polaris", or Is it worth it to beat the kitchen with household appliances

In our modern age, mistresses are thinking about how to speed up the process of cooking, and the resulting dishes make more useful.

pilaf in the multivark
Not so long ago the Russian market appearedmultivarkas "Polaris". Manufacturers say that this technique helps solve a huge number of problems that arise in the kitchen. Skeptical hostesses are indignant: why clutter the kitchen with another electrical appliance? Let's try to understand.

What is a multivarker and why is it needed?

First, let's try to explain what is behind thea wonderful machine offers us manufacturers. A multivark is a small element of kitchen appliances that can perform a huge number of functions. It is able to fry, stew, boil, bake. With her help, any, even the beginner, the hostess with ease will cook soup, cutlets, desserts, pilaf.

In the multivariate "Polaris" there is a modedeferred cooking. In your spare time you put food into it, and after a necessary amount of time you get a hot dish. Preparation takes place in a removable bowl. It is covered with a non-stick coating, which is strong enough. However, to avoid scratching, it is better to use silicone or plastic kitchen appliances.


For better cooking inDuring the use of the Polaris multivarka, it is equipped with an internal heater capable of evenly distributing heat inside the tank. The microprocessor of the kitchen appliance is responsible for the temperature, time and method of cooking. Surplus steam and the pressure of the electric saucepan independently leads through a special valve.

The multivariate will become an indispensable assistant to the youngmothers, as well as those who try to eat healthy food. The fact is that in this wonderful saucepan most of the vitamins and trace elements are stored. At the same time, the products do not dry up, their taste characteristics are not lost.

Multivars "Polaris" help to save, theyconsume very little power. At the same time, in comparison with the process of cooking on external electric stoves, there is no loss of heat and heating of the ambient air.

Now the landlady can not worry, that in case of arrival of visitors of meal on all will not suffice.

Multivarka can cook up to ten servingsdishes. The presence of six programs allows you to choose the best way to prepare each treat. In this case, it can keep them warmed up during the day. An important point is that in this electric appliance there is a possibility of choosing a delay in the beginning of cooking. And this means that the dish will arrive in time for the meal.

Despite the invaluable assistance to the hostesses, whichhas a multivark produced by Polaris, the price for it is set at a fairly acceptable level. This allows each family to purchase this miracle of technology.

Another nice property of multivarkers"Polaris" is that it helps to free up considerable space in your kitchen. You can get rid of a huge number of electrical appliances, and you are unlikely to return to the usual way of cooking.

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