Подвижные игры - любимое развлечение детей любого age. And there is a scientific explanation for this - in infants at the physiological level there is a need for physical activity. Thanks to such activities, the child grows and develops, and his social adaptation takes place. The kid in the process of mobile pastime not only develops physical skills, but also learns to communicate with others, to find solutions in disputable situations, to comply with the rules. One of the simple and at the same time entertaining games is the "Forbidden Movement". Such activity is suitable for preschoolers and for older children.
Игра "Запрещенное движение" относится к inactive activity. Such activity is aimed primarily at developing the attention and memory of children. Performing various physical movements is an additional condition. This game can be offered to kids and schoolchildren. But it is important to take into account the age characteristics of children.
How to organize mobile activities with children "Prohibited Movement"? The rules of the game are:
The game "Prohibited traffic" can be changed, for example, in this way:
This game will appeal not only to children, but alsofor adults. For example, it is possible to include mobile activity in the scenario of a corporate party or a family holiday. The game "Forbidden movement" does not require props, special equipment. Therefore, it can be organized both indoors and outdoors.