/ / Swaddling a newborn is an important time for the growth of a child

Swaddling a newborn is an important time for the growth of a child

Today, a widespread judgment amongyoung mothers is that the diapers have ceased to be necessary for caring for the baby. Their sales in stores fall daily, and doctors pediatricians advise from the first days to put children in sliders, because they do not fetter the baby's movements and do not prevent him from developing properly. As for the special groups for the preparation for childbirth, in which they are oriented towards the early development of the child, they advise to avoid clothes of any kind altogether. They argue that this is necessary in order that nothing would stop him from tempering and developing properly.

In order to understand, whether it is necessary to swaddle the child, it is necessary to return to several months ago, when he is still in the maternal abdomen.

The very first sensation that a baby receives -this is a touch. When the gestation period is 4-5 months, the fetus moves in the amniotic fluid, not touching the walls of the uterus. However, over time, as it grows, the uterus naturally becomes small for it, and it constantly collides with its walls.

Approximately from the eighth month of pregnancy,already the large fetus becomes quite tight in the space inside the uterus and, in fact, it is clothed in its tissue. Sensations of touch give the infant an understanding of what kind of body it has, which is the same as the shape of the uterus, that is, the ovoid form.

If the mother is in favor of swaddlingnewborn, then the baby is likely to feel something similar, and like any already grown man, in the situation described above, should gradually come to terms with the changes that have occurred.

In order for this world not to become something terrible for a baby, it is required to help him to return what was so familiar to him recently, that is, the awareness of his body, his form.

Conveniently swaddled child immediately calms down,feels comfortable and safe. Now you know that this is by no means a coincidence, because being in an intra-uterine position, he is least susceptible to stress, especially harmful at this age. Past generations of women were well versed in this kind of business, so swaddling a newborn for them was a habit. It was they who started using diapers in order for the baby to adapt better to the new world.

Of course, many years have passed since then, butbecause the way children are born is the same as hundreds of years ago. Therefore, swaddling the newborn has not lost its relevance. Fears about the fact that the child will develop differently, here have no reason. After all babies at first, immediately fall asleep, it is necessary to wrap them, feeling themselves in the familiar surroundings. A week later the children begin to try to pull their hands out of the cradles to suck them. This is a new step in the development that happens in the new world because, inside the womb of the mother, the baby sucks his fist at about the age of four months.

This is why you should not try to understand attemptsrelease of the child from the diaper as an escape. When children are 2-3 weeks old, they begin to look at things differently in a different way. Your child will begin to show attention to the people around him, objects and colors. Then this will be the real first sign of liberation from diapers, which a wise and attentive mother will understand and stop completely swaddling the child.

For some, swaddling the newborn and alreadybabies is normal. Some babies are in diapers and sleep in them for up to two months. Sometimes it can be explained by difficult births, when for the child this all was a major shock, and the understanding of the new world slows down a little. In this situation, time will be the best cure for this problem. After some interval, the baby will learn, behave as expected to newborn children. If you try to speed things up, it will not lead to anything good.

Therefore, if you swaddle the children beforethe moment, as they themselves do not wish to get out of the diapers, nothing terrible will happen, even on the contrary. The kid will gradually get used to the differences of this and other world, where he spent his first 9 months, and will not be nervous.

In any case, swaddling the newborns is a rather controversial issue, and it's up to you whether you will be able to change your baby or not, only you.

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