/ / The best holidays for parents - the first birthdays of a child!

The best holidays for parents are the first birthdays of a child!

Not so long ago you held a smalla lump, memories of pregnancy and childbirth are still fresh in memory, yesterday your baby was a helpless newborn, and now - a restless baby. Soon he will be one year old - an important date in the life of parents and a child. The first birthdays of the child are the most memorable and the most important. Of course, before Mom and Dad there is quite a reasonable question: "How to celebrate the original year of a child?" What to do so that the baby is not overtired and tired at the holiday?

The first birthdays of a child

It is worth to think ahead of the celebration.As a rule, a happy mother thinks about the future of the event a few months before its onset. And rightly, because in this case there are so many nuances, and parents should take into account all the problems that may arise.

So, we need to decide who to invite tothe first birthdays of the child, who will be the guest of honor. Of course, children's holiday can not do without children. But if your baby is too small, he is only one year old, it's better to call one or two youngsters of his age. From adults, you need to invite only the closest relatives and friends, the godmother.

The first birthday of the child, the tradition

There are many different scenarios, likespend the year. Many of them have already become traditional. Naturally, the apartment should be beautifully and originally decorated on the day of "X", so that the birthday party could feel the atmosphere of the holiday. In spite of the fact that you are still too young, balloons, flags, a candle with the number "1", garlands "Happy Birthday!", Wall newspapers with photos of the baby from birth and up to the year are actual in the first days of the birth of the child.

The first birthday of the child, the tradition

All this can be bought in children's boutiques orspecialized shops, and you can show your imagination and come up with the most unusual design of the apartment. Try to decorate the front door, then guests invited to the celebration will immediately see where the birthday boy lives, and this will create a festive mood.

How can celebrate the first daybirth of a child without a large, tasty and beautiful cake? Confectioneries in our time offer a wide selection of festive cakes. You can make it to order in the form of a number "1" or some kind of cartoon character.

In the first days of the birth of a child, children's competitions are relevant. The most popular of them are:

1. "Camomile". The petals of a paper chamomile write questions related to the baby. For example, these are:

  • With what weight and height was the baby born?
  • What is your favorite baby bathing toy?
  • What most likes to eat birthday?

Whoever answers most questions correctly and collects the greatest number of petals, he won.

Celebrating the first birthday of the child
2. "Guess the taste." Guests blindfolded try the baby puree from jars and try to guess what it tastes like. For the contest choose a puree from several components.

3. Watching the video. In the first days of the birth of the child, guests are required to watch a video made up of photographs and fragments from birth to the year.

For children's holiday, you can come up with a lot of interesting contests. It is only necessary to include your imagination and imagination!

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