How many holidays there are in our lives - and the daysbirthdays, anniversaries, and New Year, and Christmas, and many others. However, there is one year in the year, which is considered a significant date for all Russians, is the Flag Day of the Russian Federation. Celebrate this holiday every year on August 22. Founded it by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation in 1994.
Celebrate this holiday and with the family, and the work collective. It is possible to hold the Day of the Russian Flag in the school. We will offer a scenario in this article.
On the stage comes the presenter (B) and welcomes the children.
AT: Hello guys!I am very glad to see you today and invite you to take part in our game show. Do you know what day it is? Of course, today we celebrate the Day of the Russian State Flag! And who among you knows why the state needs a flag? He and other symbols were invented by people so that everyone could see which citizens they are. For example, every athlete from Russia, going to competitions in other countries, always takes our white-blue-red flag with him.
In the introduction, we can confine ourselves to thisinformation, and you can add more about how the Day of the Russian Flag appeared. You can modify the script on your own. And after the introductory part, it's time to proceed to the competitions.
The first contest. On the stage eight children are invited, they are built around. From hand to hand to the music, the guys are given the flag. When the music ends, the child, in whose hands the flag has appeared, is eliminated from the circle.
The second competition. We continue to celebrate the Day of the Russian Flag.Activities held during the holiday should be directly related to this symbol. You can form from the children 2 teams of five people in each. Let the guys come up with names for their teams. At a certain distance, 10 flags are placed. One person from each team will start at the same time. Their task is to take one of the flags and go back. The team will win, the participants of which will quickly bring 5 cloths.
The third contest, which can be held on the Day of the Russian Flag.Activities held on this day, can be and the nature of a small task. The presenter proposes to study all the garments for a certain period of time and, if all the colors of the national flag are present on it, to rise on the stage and get the deserved prize.
Not only the usual game contests can be held on the Day of the Russian Flag. The scenario that is proposed in this article includes contests that seem to return children many years ago.
For one of them you will need ten letters, a rope (you can use a rope) and two hoops.
AT: Our ancestors always took a flag with them, ifwent into battle. The post of the flag bearer was very honorable. And the biggest shame for the troops is the loss of the flag on the battlefield. And now, boys and girls, you become fighters. Your task is to collect a secret letter with a report. However, this task will not work for you. It is necessary to overcome several obstacles. Each fighter climbs under the rope (rope), then climbs into the hoop, takes the letter and returns to the team in the same way.
For another, you will need ten picture cards and two flags.
AT: Do you know when people got their first flags?Three thousand years ago they were used by Indians. Now you will turn into two Native American tribes, who will have to decorate their flag. And we will choose the winner.
The more diverse subjects of competitions will be offered to children, the more interesting will be the Day of the Russian Flag. The scenario that we proposed contains maritime competitions.
For the first contest it is necessary to collect two teams. In each - five children.
AT: I think you all know that one of the mostthe great Russian tsars was Peter I. It was by his decree, from 1705 on every Russian ship began to raise the flag of white-blue-red colors. Today you will sail on ships. You only need to choose captains.
The captains of the ships are given the lead by the hoop,other participants receive a flag. Teams line up in lines, on the floor in front of them stretches the rope. Its opposite end is the other shore. Captains take the first participants with flags, transport them to the "other shore", leave the flag there and take the passenger back. The team that will quickly transport all the flags through the "sea" wins.
For the second contest it is necessary to distribute to allparticipants of the team paper boats. The waves are depicted on the wall using paper. The task is simple - the children take turns running to the wall, launch their boat into the voyage, attaching it to paper waves with adhesive tape, and return back to their team. It is best to use double-sided scotch.
Very often the Flag Day of the Russian Federation inschools and kindergartens are held together with their parents. Therefore, it is possible to organize a competition in which they will also take an active part. You can type several teams, each of which will have two people - a child and a parent. They are given two flags - the flag of Russia and the flag of the city. The presenter can read any text or verses in which the name of the city and the word Russia are often mentioned. As soon as the word "Russia" sounds, the participant holding the flag of the Russian Federation should raise it with a cry of "Hurray!". When sounding the name of the city, the same is done by the participant with another flag. The one who was most attentive wins.
After that, the holiday can be continued at the table with a lot of delicious dishes and, of course, from the heart to dance.