/ The child swallowed the battery: what to do?

The child swallowed the battery: what to do?

Growing up, the child tries to know the surroundingshis world. Hearing, sight, touch, and sense of smell help him to cope with this task, and, of course, there is nothing to do without taste sensations. Kids have not yet learned how to distinguish adults, how edible, and what is inedible. Therefore, they try to try any object, as they say, "to the tooth."

Especially dangerous for the child are small objectssizes. It often happens that the child has swallowed a small thing. Especially dangerous when this subject is a battery. Among other things, it can also end with a chemical burn of the esophagus. Therefore, a swallowed battery is very dangerous. And if this happens, then you should immediately go to a medical institution.

baby swallowed battery

How do I know if my baby has swallowed a battery?

To make stupidity can not only very smallchildren, but also a bit older. But only older children will not swallow the battery intentionally. This can happen by accident, for example, when replacing a battery in some kind of toy, he took it in his mouth to hold it with his hands until he opened the place where the batteries are inserted (so sometimes adults take nails in their mouths to free their hands) . But it happens, the children do it, arguing with their friends: "It's not enough to" break up "the battery!". But if this happened to older children, they will be able to explain to the parents what happened. But if a small child swallowed a battery, then adults can not know about it right away.

If none of the parents or other adultsthe moment when this happened, there was no room in the room, then it would not be possible to find out about what happened immediately. How do you know if a child has swallowed a battery? If you have such a suspicion, then there is only one way out: you must carefully observe the behavior of your baby. In this case, you can see that the child's well-being begins to deteriorate. There are times when the battery can leave the esophagus on its own. But this may take a long time, and a reaction may begin, of which we have already spoken.

small batteries

Symptoms of swallowing the battery

The fact that a food source has got into the gastrointestinal tract can be guessed by the following symptoms:

  • The temperature rises, which is a natural reaction of the human body to the inflammatory process.
  • Vomiting appears due to irritation of the larynx. If there are blood in the vomit, then this is a signal of internal bleeding.
  • Cal has a black color and a metallic smell. This also indicates the presence of feces in the blood.
  • The baby has a stomach ache. The pain is localized depending on where the stomach or intestine is located in the battery.
  • A kid can lose consciousness - this is a sign of internal bleeding.

Such symptoms speak of peritonitis and intestinalinfections. In order to exclude the possibility that the child swallowed the battery, it should be diagnosed using an X-ray. Remember, when this object could get into the body of your baby, and inform the endoscopist. This will enable you to more accurately determine where the battery can be at the moment.

Made in a medical institution X-rayWill show whether the foreign object is in the esophagus or has passed on. If the battery is stuck in the esophagus, then it should be removed as soon as possible. Using an X-ray, you can also determine exactly where it is. If the battery is found in the esophagus, after two hours the leakage of the electrolyte begins and a chemical burn of the esophagus occurs. In this case, a current is formed that traumatizes the baby, erosions appear on the mucous membrane of the esophagus, which then develop into ulcers.

chemical burn of the esophagus

What kind of batteries can a child swallow?

There are a lot of varietiesbatteries. But more often small batteries get into the tummies of babies, as a rule, they are round flat nutritious elements, they are also called - battery-pills. They are used in "talking" books, in children's toys. Quite often these are the batteries from the clock.

Many parents are interested in the question of whetherwhether their crumbs swallow the so-called "little pink" battery. The answer is yes. Misinchikovye and palchikovye batteries usually do not reach the stomach, and get stuck in the esophagus. They represent an even greater danger than battery-pills.

The child shoved the battery in the ear

Children can not only swallow itemssmall sizes, which include batteries, but also shovel them into your ears or nose. How should we proceed in this case? Despite the fact that it is less dangerous than if swallowed, but also when a child has pushed a foreign body (in our case, a battery) into the nose or ear without the help of doctors, it can not be helped either. You must immediately go to a medical facility or call an ambulance at home. It is very dangerous when an object enters the respiratory tract, then it becomes already life-threatening. In the event of a large object falling into the bronchi or trachea, it may block the lumen, and the child will begin to suffocate.

How to know if a child has swallowed a battery

How to remove the battery

Extract any foreign body,what it has in size and shape, is not an easy procedure. No less everything is also difficult with the removal of batteries. As a rule, this happens with the help of a surgical operation and with the use of special tools. Small batteries are quite difficult to get, using standard tweezers, so most often this is done with the help of special grips in the form of a loop. If you're lucky, the endoscopist removes the foreign body from the first time. This procedure occurs under anesthesia.

After the battery has been removed, the childStill some more time should be in hospital, as doctors should watch him. Even if the battery passes freely through the esophagus and is in the intestine, specialist observation is still necessary. Doctors will prescribe a special medicine for the baby, which will help the body to quickly get rid of the foreign body.

Such children after all the proceduresthere is still a course of rehabilitation. Such rehabilitation includes a set of measures, which is prescribed for peptic ulcer. All this time you need to adhere to proper nutrition. The doctor will recommend a special diet, depending on the specific case.

the child swallowed the battery what to do

The child swallowed the battery: the consequences

If you swallowed the battery, then,what it is, big or small, the consequences can be very deplorable. The severity of the consequences depends on the period of finding this object in the body of the baby.

If the battery is stuck in the esophagus, then alreadyAfter two to three hours after the incident, it begins to oxidize. This process causes the child to suffer greatly: he can not swallow, his larynx is very sore. In the process of healing of the mucosa due to the scar formed, the esophagus often narrows, and sometimes it overlaps. In this case, repeated surgical procedures are carried out, and quite often all ends with a lifelong disability and feeding with a probe. Due to damage to the vocal cords, the child may lose the opportunity to talk.

Colonoplasty. What is it?

With very serious damage to the esophagusit is necessary to conduct colonoplasty. This is done in the following way: the tissue from the large intestine of the baby is taken and transplanted to the damaged esophagus. As a rule, this gives a good result, but nevertheless it is a very expensive operation.

The acid in the battery, hitting the stomachand the intestine, forms ulcers on their walls and causes internal bleeding. In the event that the acid enters the large vessels, the bleeding occurs very rapidly, which in the end can lead to the death of the child.

batteries from watches

How to save a child

As practice shows, most often childrenswallow the batteries that were in their toys. It can also be batteries from wristwatches that belong to adult family members, in rare cases these are batteries that are in the hearing aids. Therefore, it is not allowed for the kid to play with these objects. But in the toys compartment, which stores batteries, should be fixed with special cogs, which the child could not self-untwist.

Every time before giving a toy to a baby,check if the compartment is securely closed. If you doubt the reliability of fastening, it is better to reinsure and fix the cover with a tape. Under no circumstances should batteries be left in a conspicuous place from which the child can reach them. Also, do not throw used batteries into the trash can to which the baby can reach. And most importantly, never leave your young children unattended.

Battery self-discharge

If the child swallowed a battery-tablet andthe X-ray showed that it is in his intestines, then, in the case of a normal state of health, the baby should wait 1-3 days. During this time, the foreign body must leave the body in a natural way. But it should be remembered that the longer the battery is in the intestines, the more dangerous it is. Therefore, it is necessary to help her to get out faster. To do this, feed your child with soft food, kefir, boiled beets, give him plums.

If three days have passed, but the battery never came out,should be sent to the hospital, where it will be surgically removed. Postpone the trip to a medical institution in no way, because it can result in ingrown batteries in the tissues of the intestine.

Baby cracked battery

If you crumble a finger batteryit is difficult, then it can easily crack it. And this is also very dangerous for his health. The electrolyte will flow out of the damaged housing into the child's mouth. The chemical burn of the oral mucosa, resulting from this, will heal for at least two to three weeks.

baby swallowed battery effects

If this happens, immediately flush your mouthwith plenty of water and, without delay, consult a doctor. You can lubricate the wound with sea buckthorn oil. Electrolyte, as a rule, except the tissues of the mouth, also damages the larynx.


Among other misfortunes that occur withsmall children, it happens that the child swallowed a battery-tablet. "What to do in this case?" - this question is asked by the parents of the affected children. The food in the baby's body is very dangerous. Therefore, in no case should you engage in self-treatment, and immediately you should take the baby to a hospital where the X-ray location of the battery will be determined and it will be removed.

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