/ / Uterus with hog contraindications

Uterine Boron Contraindications

Uterus Borovaya is considered the most effectiveplant collection for the treatment of diseases of the genitourinary system. In the people it is also called "female grass", as it is widely used in gynecology for the treatment of inflammatory processes in women of different ages.

In addition, this collection helped manybleeding, toxicosis during pregnancy, disorders in the menstrual cycle, erosion of the uterus and even in the treatment of infertility. Very often, the uterus is used to fight infection of the bladder and kidneys.

This fee is considered the most effectiveantiseptic, which has a diuretic and anti-inflammatory effect. The structure of the hog uterus includes: arbutin, saponins, flavonoids, resins, coumarins, tartaric and citric acids, bitter substances, as well as various tannins. But, like all folk remedies, the uterus has a contraindication too. Therefore before its application it is necessary to familiarize with the side effects of this folk remedy.

Uterine borax: contraindications

It is not recommended to take a medicinalindividual intolerance, which the doctor must determine. And also, if the patient has a hypersensitivity to the one-sided orthility. In most cases, use is not recommended for pregnancy and lactation.

With regard to the latter, the opinions of doctors in this regardcase diverge. Sometimes the future mother, due to individual needs and testimonies, the bovine uterus may be appointed by the attending physician. Most often it happens in the event that it is thanks to this remedy that a woman becomes pregnant. Then the use of the hog queen is not contraindicated, but, on the contrary, will stimulate the fixation of the fetus and promote its successful development in the future.

But if you are not sure of the need for applicationof this collection, it is better not to expose yourself to danger and consult a doctor. After all, the uterine Borova, the use of which helps with many gynecological diseases, during pregnancy can give side effects.

Indications for the use of borage uterus

These include the following:myoma and fibroid of the uterus; premenstrual syndrome; menstrual cycle disorders; uterine bleeding; cervical erosion; adhesive processes; salpingitis; infertility; pyelonephritis; cystitis; prostatitis (in men). It should be noted that for all indications it is necessary to take into account that for the time of menstruation it is necessary to stop the use of such an effective herb as the hog uterus. The side effects of this remedy may worsen during this period.

Accept boron uterus as in alcohol, and inwater infusions, which are considered to be potent, therefore require the appointment of a doctor. Sometimes it is used in the form of oil tinctures or ointments. It is believed that all its useful properties, this tool preserves in dried form, which can be found in the apricot called "herbal collection of the uterus Borovaya." Its contraindications are also clearly described on the package.

Borovoy uterus: side effects

Quite often, those who accept this fee,suffer from uterine bleeding and toxicity of the body. Since the hog queen has a rich chemical composition, its application can cause a different reaction of each patient depending on individual characteristics. The chemical elements that make up its composition include: hydroquinone, arbutin, vitamin C, coumarins, saponins, flavonoids, as well as all known trace elements copper, titanium, manganese, zinc. All components have a number of side effects, which in some cases can negatively affect the body.

It should be noted that the uterus is boric,the contraindications of which have been described above, have been banned for sale in many countries for a long time. The main reason for this is its carcinogenic and toxic effect on the human body. This again confirms the fact that, like any other drugs, it should be prescribed only by the attending doctor. After self-medication can lead to serious consequences, which as a result still have to go to the hospital.

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