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Where and how to host a stag party

Soon you will have a responsible and veryan important day is a wedding. The bustle during holiday preparations creates a slight dizziness. Probably, to relax a bit before the solemn ceremony, they came up with a festivities devoted to future spouses. Bachelor parties and hen parties are unforgettable events in the life of the future bride and groom. But today we will take a man's topic and define how to hold a stag party so that this day will become another important holiday for the future husband.

If the rally is organized by a close friend of the mainhero of the evening, then on it lies the whole responsibility for cooking. The financial side can be solved in two ways: either everything is paid by the groom with his consent, or embezzlement is divided equally among all participants of the event.

First of all it is necessary to take into account the interests andpreferences of a young man who will soon go to the registry office. If this guy has a sense of humor and is ready to accept any surprise, let your imagination do not know the measures (the main thing is not to overdo it). Well, if a person has a calmer character, it is better to consult with him, otherwise he may take offense at you.

How not to twist, but before the groom or his friendsthere is always a very trembling question: "Where to spend a stag party?". Let's start with an option that will prevent large waste of money: a company of friends can get together with the groom at home or in nature, if the weather and the time of the year allows. Traditional shish kebabs and red wine will force the future husband to tell his friends about some of the male secrets that will remain forever in this circle. Alternatively, you can transfer the festivities to the cafe.

Most young people do not even know howto spend a stag party without a disco. Here you can really break away and relax. The main thing is to keep the groom in the frame of propriety, if he is already unable to do it himself. As for this fact, it is better not to touch with alcohol, because the memories that someone was bad, do not bring pleasure. Especially if it concerns the originator of the celebration.

To make this day truly unforgettable,think of unusual entertainment. All guests should like the idea of ​​karting. Just keep in mind that the highlight of this day's program will be the impression of a frantic race, and not from the upcoming event and the experiences of the future spouse. And if the winner is someone else from the invited friends, and not the groom himself, who will then get the laurels of the honor of this evening?

That men are not bored, you can use the whole companygo to paintball. This is a male entertainment, where all members of the company will be involved, it resembles hide and seek for elimination. Anyone who is caught in a special weapon must leave the game or be rehabilitated. After that, probably, all the guys will know how to spend a stag party fun. The main thing is that no one is hurt or injured.

Undoubtedly, most guys associateStag party with a strip club. This option is valid in the case when the second half completely trust their men, and the bride will not be offended by such a campaign. In this institution they are waiting for the guests who celebrate the stag party. How to spend the groom on a long voyage with his wife, will tell her body seductive dancer.

Do not forget that such an event is betterall to schedule for a week or at least for some days, instead of for a day before wedding. It will be hard to transfer two events in a row, both morally and physically. Feel the atmosphere of the holiday, you can in any case, but to the important day of the ceremony you need to approach responsibly.

So let each groom have a thrill of anticipation before the stag party and good memories left after this day!

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