/ / Baby car seat Happy Baby Mustang Isofix: customer reviews, description

Baby Car Seat Happy Baby Mustang Isofix: customer reviews, description

The issue of transport securitya small passenger in the car is difficult to solve. The choice of a car seat sometimes takes a lot of time, as it is not easy to orient in a huge assortment of products presented in the stores. Armchairs are divided into age groups, have different characteristics of safety and comfort and vary greatly in price. In addition, there is a constant release of new models. One of the noteworthy options is Happy Baby Mustang Isofix. Reviews, characteristics and distinctive features are important for every parent who chooses a car seat for his child.

happy baby mustang isofix reviews

Product information

The convenience of this chair is its service life.It is designed for children between the ages of 9 months and 12 years. The upper threshold by weight is 36 kg. To ensure that the seat can be reliably installed in a car, it is prudently equipped with two systems known to each consumer of similar products: Isofix and Top Tether.

When the baby is old enough, the chair fasteningis made with the use of regular car seat belts, passed into special holes, which is equipped with a car seat Happy Baby Mustang Isofix. The reviews also note that the manufacturer managed to make the chair of optimal size, in particular, the seat has enough width, and even the adult child feels quite comfortable. In addition, this parameter can be adjusted. The backrest inclination can also be adjusted according to the needs of the baby.

car seat happy baby mustang isofix reviews


Many parents buy for their babycar seat Happy Baby Mustang Isofix Beige. Reviews about it consist not only of a description of its merits. Some buyers focus on some of the shortcomings. Most often, the complaints are about the length of the seat belts. According to some, they are rather short, and if the toddler is large enough and besides is dressed in tight and voluminous clothes, it can be very problematic to fasten it.

Another often noted inconvenience is a poorly thought-out mechanism for changing the inclination of the back. Quite often, consumers say that the relay is very inconvenient to twist.

happy baby mustang isofix beige reviews

Another censure is the lack ofcup holder in the set. The presence of this element is provided by the manufacturer, so if it is not included - the delivery service of the selected store should be blamed.
A controversial shortcoming, which relates, rather, topersonal perception, you can call a hard seat, which is lamented by some small consumers. This nuance can become a serious problem, since it is the consumer's assessment that determines the future prospect of using this device. In the worst situation, if the child does not like the chair at all, the parents are forced to acquire a new one.


If you collect all the opinions of buyers together andanalyze them, we can conclude that the producers have created a successful product - Happy Baby Mustang Isofix Beige. Reviews for the most part are inclined to the fact that the product is a useful purchase. The chair can vary in size, that is, it "grows" with its owner. The back is made of orthopedic material, which means that it does not harm the back. In addition, the adjustable headrest is made of a soft and comfortable material.

baby car seat happy baby mustang isofix reviews

Since the purchase is designed toto serve for a long time, the question arises of caring for Happy Baby Mustang Isofix. Reviews note the ease in removing the upholstery of the car seat, which can simply be washed in a typewriter, without fear of loss of form. It dries quickly and is also easily put back on the chair frame. The material is durable, does not wipe, so you do not have to worry about it. In addition, he is breathing, which perfectly protects the child from overheating and does not allow him to sweat. Another important advantage of an autoarmchair is the use of only hypoallergenic materials, which are considered the safest for children.


Women often make their choice in favor of this.instance due to its appearance. The model is presented in several colors, attracts attention with an interesting design and attracts with comfort - in a chair that looks very comfortable, I want to sit down. It is equipped with a comfortable mattress and a soft headrest and armrests.


This parameter, first of all, shouldGuided parents when choosing a child car restraint. This model fully complies with all European safety requirements for this category of goods.

The chair has a high level of protection against sidebeats. For kids, there is a special belt that holds them well, but does not hold down movements. Quite a large number of such products are equipped with belts, of which small passengers are easily released, which is not the case with the Happy Baby Mustang Isofix baby car seat. Reviews confirm that the five-point fixation is what is needed for young travelers. It does not allow them to easily get out, which means children will not endanger their health and worry their parents. The belts are equipped with soft shoulder inserts, which also provides additional comfort.

car seat happy baby mustang isofix beige reviews


Price is one of the significant advantages.car seats Happy Baby Mustang Isofix. Reviews suggest that, on the one hand, it may seem that 8000 rubles. - it is very expensive. Not everyone can afford to spend that amount one time. But, on the other hand, it is actually the only profitable investment in this type of funds. There is no need to acquire several different restraints as the child grows.

This is one of the few seats designed forthree (starting with the first) age categories. And over time, inflation and other factors, it can be assumed that the cost of car seats will only grow. In addition, when buying a new chair there is a need to put the old somewhere.

Largely due to its ability to beThe only car seat in the family, many prefer the very Happy Baby Mustang Isofix. Reviews say that this is a worthy choice that does not ruin parents and gives comfort to children.

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