/ / Frozen pregnancy: the main signs and symptoms

Frozen pregnancy: the main signs and symptoms

Pregnancy is the most magical time for eachwomen. Waiting for the birth of a small child causes excessive joy, new plans appear, and the life of married couples is radically changed. But now, without the appearance of any precursors, at the next appointment the doctor reports that the pregnancy has stopped, and your baby, before he was born, died ...

After severe depression and nervous stress, questions begin to be raised - why did you have a dead pregnancy? How to prevent this? Why did this happen?

Many women who have stopped pregnancy are called "frozen". This is not quite true. Intrauterine fetal death is called a frozen pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy (frozen) is a sudden cessation of fetal development and subsequent death. Usually, this is most unobtrusively occurring in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Frozen pregnancy (frozen) quite often occurs in the first trimester of pregnancy. But, in fact, it can happen at any time, and even come a week before the expected delivery.

Scientists have identified the most dangerous weeks. Vulnerable are children at the time of 2-5 weeks, 7-11 weeks and 15-18 weeks.

Let's look at the signs of a frozen pregnancy in trimester.

If the first trimester has a frozen pregnancy, the symptoms will be as follows:

  1. If you follow the basal temperature, then after the termination of embryo development, it decreases to 1 degree.
  2. If the death of the embryo falls on the first 2weeks from conception, then monthly can come on time or with a slight delay. Moreover, they are accompanied by heavy bleeding. Prolonged menstruation is an occasion to visit a doctor.
  3. Cessation of toxicosis is cause for concern. If your period is less than 10 weeks, you should consult a doctor.
  4. With a frozen pregnancy, swelling and pain in the chest.
  5. Lean or abundant pinkish discharge may indicate a spontaneous abortion or the termination of pregnancy.

In the second trimester of frozen pregnancy, the following symptoms are observed.

Term from 13 to 17 weeks:

  1. The stomach stops growing.
  2. Appear spotting.
  3. The body temperature rises, because fetal death on a long term causes the development of intrauterine infection.

It is worth noting that self-identificationa frozen pregnancy is impossible. That is why it is necessary to visit the doctor on a regular basis, as only after examining the gynecologist you will notice that the uterus has ceased to "grow."

The term is more than 17 weeks.

  1. The first and most obvious sign is the cessation of the perturbations. If you do not feel your baby for more than a day - this is an occasion to consult a doctor.
  2. The tone of the uterus, the presence of excreta should serve as an excuse for an early visit to the gynecologist.

Causes of a Pregnant Pregnancy

Regardless of your time limit, the frozen pregnancy causes in itself is quite diverse.

  1. Genetic or chromosomal abnormalities.They appear already at the 8th week of pregnancy and, in most cases, are incompatible with life. Genetic problems in the embryo arise with an incorrect combination of parental genes.
  2. Hormonal disorders in the female body. The lack of progesterone contributes to a dead pregnancy. The increase in male sex hormones (androgens) also leads to that phenomenon.
  3. Infectious diseases.The development of infections can cause intrauterine infection. Irreversible effects are caused by the virus of rubella and cytomegalovirus. In addition, banal ARVI can negatively affect the fetus and provoke its death.
  4. Incorrect lifestyle and regular stressful situations can cause premature detachment of the placenta and, accordingly, the death of the fetus.

Стоит отметить, что в большинстве случаях a frozen pregnancy (frozen) is the result of accidental and irreparable factors. Frozen pregnancy is one of the main ways of natural selection, which does not allow the birth of an incurable person. The semiannual interval will allow to restore the hormonal background for the subsequent pregnancy. During this time, it is necessary to pass all the tests and perform the prescribed treatment by a gynecologist.

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