/ / Leather laces around the neck - an accessory that came from antiquity

Leather laces around the neck - an accessory that came from antiquity

Millennia ago, before the writing beganand even before the notion of "clothing," people decorated their bodies with drawings and various accessories. Among them - bracelets, necklaces, earrings and, of course, leather laces around the neck, hands and feet. At the same time, the latter had a form quite remotely resembling modern analogs. They were made from the skin of dead animals and were somewhat coarse and massive. They, for the most part, used to wear various talismans and talismans.

leather laces around the neck

Fashion accessory

Times change - and morals.However, the tradition to decorate your limbs and neck accessories has not lost its power. A huge variety of materials and techniques make it almost unlimited flight of fantasy in the creation or design of jewelry.

Leather laces around the neck - one of the popularaccessories of the younger generation "next". However, adults do not mind to have this product in its box of excellent quality. Not departing from the ancient traditions, this accessory is, in most cases, with amulets, talismans, amulets and religious symbols. In this case, the pendant and leather cord around the neck should be in harmony with each other, representing a single whole, the finished image. Therefore, it is worth paying attention to the color and compatibility of the parts. In addition, the lace can be worn without any suspenders. Also such an accessory is called a choker.

It is worth noting that the boundaries in the choice of the color of the laceno. The shade range includes all possible spectrum. Made from the same material, but different in color, the chokers will have slightly different prices. So, the black version will be cheaper than the red one.

braided leather cord round neck

Manufacturing techniques

Leather laces around the neck or wrists can be likewoven, and simple. Sometimes a mixed technique is used. Sometimes it looks very organic look massive strips of leather, wrapped in woven thin straps. And if you still choose the right colors, even the most choosy people will envy the accessory.

Lace braided leather (around the neck, wrist,ankle or waist) looks more refined and exquisite. However, its cost is at least a third higher than its unpainted "colleague". Using a variety of techniques when weaving choker allows you to combine and find excellent solutions for ordinary things. Sometimes you can find a product consisting of shoelaces of different lengths.

Materials for parts

At this stage, the attention of fans of accessoriesriveted to a combination of different materials in one subject. So, as metals for the fastening device, precious alloys began to be used more often. The dominant position among them is gold. Then comes silver and platinum. Now it's hard to call such an accessory cheap and tasteless. Many jewelers proudly put leather laces around their necks in the windows of their stores.

men's leather lace over neck

Men's leather lace on the neck, braided clothwhich is decorated with precious materials, will be an excellent completion of both the business image and the mischievous everyday. The advantage of such an accessory is its durability and the ability to wear without removing.

If the product does not have metal parts, then it"Will grow close" with the body, and even in a bath, sauna or swimming pool, the need to remove it will disappear. To care for the leather lace (wiping the material), castor oil can be used.

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