/ / Noise in the heart of a newborn: is there any reason for panic?

Noise in the heart of a newborn: is there any reason for panic?

With the advent of the baby, the parents do not appearonly a huge amount of hassle, but also fears associated with health crumbs. Unfortunately, there is not a rare situation in which many parents are told by pediatricians at the next examination that they hear a noise in the heart of a newborn. Of course, it causes panic in moms and dads, but before you put unreasonable diagnoses only to the little man born, it is necessary to understand the causes of this phenomenon.

noise in the heart of a newborn
So, first of all it is necessary to say that farnot always the noise in the heart of a newborn signifies the defect of its development. Usually serious deviations are visible even at carrying out of US of the pregnant woman, therefore the future mum will learn about serious diseases even before appearance of the kid on light. In addition, with suspicions, you and your baby will be immediately sent to the ECG and ultrasound of the heart. These studies will help to finally determine if there is a cause for concern.

heart murmur in a newborn
Quite often, heart murmur in a newbornare due to incorrectly located chords of the left ventricle. But they only cause extraneous sounds, but they do not affect the functioning of this muscular organ in any way. Often, the noise occurs due to the fact that at birth, arterial and venous ducts, an oval window, and umbilical vessels, which ensure the correct intrauterine blood circulation of the crumbs, are not closed in time. If previously it was thought that they should close right away, almost with the first inhalation of the baby, now with the help of modern studies it was found that the noise in the heart of the child can be listened to and up to 2 years.

The fetal circulation system can notfunction without special ducts and oval window. With their help, excess blood is discharged, they help the heart to work under low pressure, without breathing. But with birth, when the lungs open, fill with blood and begin to function 2 circles of blood circulation, all these auxiliary elements are not needed. Oval

heart murmur
окно, например, закрывается из-за возрастающего blood pressure, the ducts stop working under the influence of muscular, nervous and natural physical factors. Normally, it is considered that the ducts should close no later than 8 weeks after the appearance of crumbs to light (ideally this occurs in the first 2 weeks of life), and the oval window can function for up to 2 years.

If the doctor hears a noise in the heart of a newborn, andwith the help of special studies it was found that it works a little differently than it should, it requires constant monitoring and regular research. So, if the arterial duct does not close, then at the age of 2-5 years, surgery will be necessary. Despite the fact that with an open oval window, surgical intervention is required only in exceptional cases, parents should know how the heart of their child functions.

Шум в сердце у новорожденного может означать как certain minor deviations in its development, as well as evidence of serious violations. That is why it is better to do all the doctor's appointments in time to exclude possible problems and to know all the features of your baby.

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