/ / Nano Riko baby stroller: description, model selection, reviews

Nano Riko baby stroller: description, model selection, reviews

The appearance of a child in the world is a great happinessand a huge responsibility, since now the newly mums and dads are simply obliged to provide their little heir with everything most necessary and, preferably, all the best. As practice and reviews show, for young parents the most difficult task remains to choose a suitable stroller for your child. After all, despite the fact that the assortment of such goods is very diverse today, it is rather difficult to find a worthy option that will suit both in quality, price, and practicality.

A lot of attention to yourself attracts every strollerNano Riko. This is a product of Polish production, which in appearance is not inferior to expensive and well-advertised models of more famous manufacturers. Is this a worthy option? Today we will try to understand.

stroller nano riko

Nano Riko is a good manufacturer that values ​​reputation

As a manufacturer, Nano Riko is prettyis successful and already has a number of loyal fans - moms and dads who recommend their friends to buy products only of their production, as they have learned from their experience that the Nano Riko stroller is an excellent option for the first transport for a child.

All models of this brand in the overwhelmingmost cases received only positive or even admired reviews, as the combination of their positive characteristics makes them worthy competitors to more expensive strollers.

Models 2 in 1 from Nano Riko conquer the market

Not so long ago in our market there were universal strollers 2 in 1. The rating of the best similar models of this company, according to buyers, is as follows:

- The ballerina;

- Amigo;

- Alpina;

- Blanca;

- Satino.

They won the trust of moms and dads very quickly, soas now parents do not need to buy two strollers - a cradle for a small child and a "walk" for a more adult. Of course, the manufacturer Nano Riko did not lag behind the current trends, which is why in stores with children's goods you can see quite an impressive number of models 2 in 1 of this brand.

stroller riko nano 2 in 1

2 in 1 - an excellent option, or still it is necessary to trust only the classics?

Stroller Riko Nano 2 in 1 - a great optiontransport for babies from birth to three years - so says the manufacturer. And in their reviews, real buyers confirm this fact - indeed, any walk with such a stroller will be a joy not only for the little one, but also for the mother. Stroller Riko Nano 2 in 1 is a kind of "designer", in which parents can easily and absolutely independently replace the lyulek with a walking unit, simply removing one part from the chassis and replacing it with another, depending on the needs and age of the child. Classic models with cradles or walking variants are no worse than strollers 2 in 1, it's just much cheaper to buy one stroller than to spend two.


Modern moms with an ulterior motive choose the 2 in 1 stroller. The rating of the best models from Nano Riko, which we presented above, combines the following advantages:

- Removable cradle near such strollers is quite spacious, so that even a large child in warm winter clothes will be comfortable in it.

- The manufacturer for the interior upholstery uses only natural materials safe for the child, which means that there will be no allergic reactions from the delicate skin.

- Unlike the models-transformers, the removable cradle will have a perfectly flat and comfortable bottom for the child's back.

- Stroller Nano Riko 2 in 1 in reviews mentionedas one of the best is also because the parent can choose the position of the cradle himself when driving - or so that the youngster sees you, or so that he is face in the direction of movement and enjoying the walk.

stroller riko nano 3 in 1

- Walking block is also convenient and very practical, since it has four options for the child's position at once.

- The seat is large enough so thatlimit the child's familiarity with the world, and five-point (most modern) seat belts will reliably hold the child, so that mom can be calm - the child will not get out of the stroller yourself.

- Such a baby stroller Riko Nano very easily folds and unfolds, even a fragile mother will cope with this task.

- Material chassis frames - aluminum, that is, the stroller is light, but reliable and durable.

- Pleases and availability of a capacious basket. In their reviews, customers call it almost perfect, as it does not sag and does not collect dust on the move.

What are the disadvantages mentioned by buyers in the reviews?

Nano Riko 2 stroller in 1 is like almost everyone, but there are also such customers who could find flaws in it. For example, most of the indignation of some mothers is caused by the following factors:

- Models 2 in 1 are quite heavy.But such a flaw can be fully explained by the fact that this is not a walking cane and high-quality elements made of good materials make it a little heavier. But the child is always comfortable in such a stroller.

strollers 2 in 1 rating of the best

- Large wheels are not always convenient to "step on"steps. Again, the medal will have two sides. Yes, the Nano Riko stroller is "armed" with large wheels, because they provide smooth movement of the stroller even on bumpy roads. If the wheels were smaller, this would discomfort the little creature, since it would shake well during the movement.

Now there are 3-in-1 models, what are they?

Stroller Riko Nano 3 in 1 caused just a waveReviews, as soon as it appeared in stores with children's products. Unlike the models 2 in 1 with a walking block and a lyulek, in the complex 3 in 1 there is also a car seat, which if desired, the parents can easily install on the chassis of the stroller.

Characteristics that will make you fall in love with the 3 in 1 model

Stroller Riko Nano 3 in 1 - the perfect modern version of children's transport - this is indicated not only by the manufacturer, but also by parents who have acquired such a model.

riko nano flower

Its main advantages are the following:

- This is truly a universal option:buying a 3 in 1 model, you get both a stroller with a cradle for the little ones, and a stroller-walk for a more adult child, and a practical car seat for a baby, which is simply necessary for all parents who have their own car.

- With such a stroller can walk mom and baby, and more adult three-year-old child.

- A quality system of depreciation on the chassis, which is equipped with a stroller Nano Riko, will make your every walk easy and pleasant for the kid.

- The manufacturer uses only high-quality materials for the manufacture of children's vehicles, so that over time the stroller will look just as beautiful as the day of purchase.

The Flower line, which even mothers of boys will like
riko nano stroller

As we have seen, the manufacturer Riko Nanocherishes its reputation and offers its buyer only high-quality models of strollers that surprise with their reliability. But the brand pays no less attention to the appearance of its products. So, the hearts of all moms were conquered by strollers from the Riko Nano Flower lineup. The Polish manufacturer has managed to decorate with a beautiful flower version even models for boys, so if you always wanted a "cheerful" stroller for your baby, choose Flower. Fortunately, a variety of shades and colors allows all mothers to find the ideal option for their baby.

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