/ / Rottweiler: breed description, standards, training, nature, features of keeping at home

Rottweiler: description of the breed, standards, training, character, especially content in the home

Russian dogs are quite often written about this dog.Media, and, as a rule, in a negative format. It is called aggressive, evil, uncontrollable, capable of attacking and causing serious injuries to a person for no apparent reason. A powerful, strong, harmoniously folded dog will not cause anyone to want to pat him on the withers or treat him with some delicacy.

Владельцы ротвейлеров придерживаются совершенно different opinion. They consider their pets to be smart, infinitely loyal animals that never show unmotivated aggression, get along well with all households, including children. Which of these statements is true, and which is fiction - we will try to find out in this article.

breed history

A bit of history

Although the breed description is Rottweilercan be found in almost all publications on cynology, history has not preserved information about where this dog came from in Germany. There is a version that coal-black molossians, who later settled in Europe, are the offspring of Tibetan mastiffs. Some breed researchers believe that the ancestors of the black Rottweiler were native dogs and Phoenician dogs.

According to another version, the history of the breed takes its tollbeginning in Rome, but from shepherd breeds. Interestingly, historical documents mention dogs that looked very much like Rottweilers. They participated in the Seven Years War - one of the largest conflicts of the 18th century.

It is easy to guess that the name of the breeddescended from the German town of Rothville, although it is believed that these dogs have two homelands. By the time the breed was born, two large black dogs lived in the vicinity of Rothville. Some of them were muscular and powerful - they were mainly used to carry heavy loads, but they were not suitable for helping shepherds: they fell during the drive from fatigue, and when angry, they could seriously damage livestock.

Второй вид был значительно мельче, проворнее и more enduring. They were used by shepherds. Judging by the description of the Rottweilers in the dog books, the second homeland of this breed is the town of Rottenburg. The basis of its economy was also cattle breeding. It is interesting that the butchers of this city were not averse to "sip" after hard work. It would be more accurate to say that most of the city’s men suffered from alcoholism, and feasts often ended in brawls and disappeared wallets. To save their money, the butchers put cash into special wallets, which they hung on the neck of the Rottweilers: not a single sane person tried to rob a four-legged assistant.

how many rottweilers live

In the 19th century, Germany became widely used.railway transport, dogs were replaced by more calm and hardy donkeys. The stock of Rottweilers was dying, literally melting before our eyes. When the Germans realized that they had actually exterminated the valuable breed, and began to think about its restoration, only a few purebred Rottweilers remained in the country. Only one dog was presented at the national cynological exhibition, and its thoroughbred caused serious doubts among experts. At that time, there were no breeders in the country who were ready to do such complex work as restoring the breed.

Only at the beginning of the XX century the Rottweilers got theirsecond birth. Numerous pedigree clubs began to appear. The abilities of these strong and hardy dogs came in handy in the police. After the war (1941-1945), the National Breed Club (ADRK) retained the bulk of the dog population. Today, ADRK works closely with FCI, but does not obey it.

The standard of the Rottweiler breed, the refinement of its exterior, the work to strengthen the psyche of animals, the preservation of working qualities are controlled and dictated by ADRK.

External Features

Необходимо отметить, что стандарты породы FCI и ADRK are somewhat different in wording, but due to the fact that the organizations work closely together, the description of the Rottweiler breed in these documents is identical. If you are not too familiar with the features of these animals, you should focus on the FCI standard, as it is intended for wide circles, including amateurs.

An adult rottweiler is large or very largea large animal with a strong skeleton, well-developed muscles, not very long limbs, a strong head proportional to the body. The weight indicated in the standard must be taken into account as a guideline. When assessing the external data of an animal, the growth and proportions of the body in relation to it are more important.

external features of the rottweiler

The weight of the male Rottweiler is 50 kg, the growth ranges from61 to 68 cm. Bitches are slightly smaller: weight - 42 kg, height - from 56 to 63 cm. The main proportion that judges take into account at exhibitions when evaluating an animal is the length of the body to height at the withers: it should not be more than 15%. The body of the rottweiler is powerful and strong. In a dog in a stance, it clearly fits into a rectangle. The neck is muscular, fairly wide, of medium length with a bend. Folds and a suspension on the neck are recognized as a disadvantage. The sternum is voluminous, the ribs are well developed, convex. The pronounced withers are massive, turning into an even wide and strong back. Too straight or beveled croup is a serious drawback.


The front legs of the dog are set slightly wider than the line.the hulls are wide, strong and even. The shoulder blades are set at 45 °, the forearms adjacent to the sternum, powerful. The elbows are tightly pressed to the chest, are not obstructed or twisted, the metacarpus is strong and springy. The hind legs are slightly pulled back, set quite wide. The hips are muscular, the hocks are strong and flexible. Hind fingers slightly longer than front.


Large, but proportional to the body.The forehead is moderately convex, wide, separated by a shallow furrow. A pronounced transition from the forehead to the muzzle, which is equal to the length of the frontal part and narrows to the nose, but without sharp points. The muscles of the head are well developed, the silhouette of the broad cheekbones. The lips do not fit snugly, but do not sag. The teeth are even, large, complete. Scissor bite without clearance. Both jaws are strong and wide.

The nose is black, a slightly stretched format withdeveloped nostrils. Eyes - almond-shaped, large, with a black border on the eyelids. Iris is dark brown. The ears are semi-erect, turned forward, triangular in shape with rounded tips, medium in size, widely set.

breed standard


According to the description of the Rottweiler breed instandards, the dog’s coat is short, two-layer with a rough awn, uniform in length, very dense. The coat is somewhat longer only on the hind legs, shorter on the ears and muzzle. The undercoat is thin, dense. It is completely covered by the outer hair.


From time to time in dog breeding publicationsthere are reports of the birth of golden, white and black rottweilers. Such animals are an exception: they are rejected and are not allowed for breeding. According to the standard, the color of the Rottweiler is only black and tan, without white spots or any other marks.

The yellow-red tan marks are strictly outlined for a typical pattern for this breed: cheeks, eyebrows, neck, muzzle, “socks”, chest, and the area under the tail.

Rottweiler Character

Что же говорят об этом животном владельцы?Judging by the reviews, the Rottweiler is endowed with an ideal character: friendly to familiar people and a calm dog. Such a pet does not bother the owner during the rest, but peacefully lulls his toy without distracting anyone. Interestingly, these dogs always know how to entertain themselves. Even a Rottweiler puppy does not seek to bite the corner of the sofa or slippers, you will not find destruction in the house from a pet left for the whole day at home.

By nature, these are pronounced optimists,fun people and sanguine people. Dogs of this breed have a unique sense of humor and love to participate in noisy and outdoor games. They have no manic desire to dig holes or spoil flower beds on the site, they do not see intruders in any passerby.

rottweiler puppies

The nature of the rottweiler allows you to keep the animalin the city: being in a crowd of people, the dog behaves completely calmly, carefully examines passers-by. However, if someone attacks their owner, do not wait for mercy from this dog. The power of these animals is so great that detractors do not have a single chance to escape, and the swift attack of a truly furious Rottweiler can stop even a crowd of intruders.

Благодаря высокому уровню интеллекта эта собака easy to learn. The Rottweiler instantly remembers teams, really wants to please and please his master, loves to work. When kept at home, the Rottweiler gladly carries packages from the store, rides children on sledges, perfectly understands words and whole phrases addressed to him. The more often the owner says, communicates with his pet, the higher the intelligence of the animal becomes. To other pets that live in the house, this dog is quite friendly. At the same time, it is very important to show your four-legged friend in time that you will not tolerate quarrels and fights in the house.

On a walk, rottweilers can be aggressive towardsrepresentatives of their breed or to larger animals. They don’t take small dogs seriously as opponents, they treat them completely indifferently or benevolently. It must be said that the character of the Rottweiler bitches is softer and more pliable. It is better to start them for novice dog breeders who do not have experience with such large animals.

Care and feeding

Caring for the rottweiler is easy thanks to itsrelative smooth coat: the dog almost does not fade, but from time to time it needs to be combed out with a stiff brush to prevent the appearance of hair in the apartment. The rest of the care for the dog involves the usual procedures: regular examination of the eyes and ears and their cleaning with cotton swabs dipped in water.

If with animal care everything is very clear, thenfeeding such a pet should pay special attention. How to feed the rottweiler? Every day, such a dog eats quite a lot, while trying to cheat and get its own food in all available ways: if the Rottweiler finds food lying unattended, you can assume that it has never been there.

rottweiler feeding

Given that the rottweilers are not too activewhen kept at home, it is easy to assume that they are prone to obesity. Therefore, a balance of nutrition is needed. The diet should be made taking into account the recommendations of the veterinarian, especially if you decide to feed your pet with natural food. As for ready-made dry feeds, they contain all the necessary vitamins, minerals, substances necessary for the growth and development of the animal. Only the owner, after consulting with the veterinarian and after listening to the recommendations of the breeder, must decide what to feed his pet with - natural food or prepared feeds.


Rottweiler training may have severalareas: protection of the territory, escort of the owner, grazing, as well as hunting. At first, a dog can show leadership qualities, so during this period it is better to turn to professional dog handlers to help you survive this stage more easily. Even without professional training, rottweilers by nature are wonderful watchmen and guards. Excellent hearing and excellent coordination in space will not allow an unwanted guest to go unnoticed.

At home, the dog is easy to train.things aimed at the safety of the animal itself while protecting the territory entrusted to it. The owner should be aware that dogs of this breed have a somewhat delayed reaction. In other words, the transition from one state to another is slowed down. This is necessary to know so as not to get annoyed during training. Otherwise, there is a great risk of unknowingly developing bad habits in the animal, for example, aggression.

rottweiler training

After giving the command to the dog, wait for its completion.Do not proceed to the next until the previous one has been studied. Jumping from one team to another, you only confuse the animal. In this case, for a dog of this breed, the team will lose its meaning, and the Rottweiler will refuse to fulfill it. If your pet does something wrong, this does not mean that he is not smart enough or naughty. In most cases, this is the result of improper training of the Rottweiler.

Во время занятий следите за психическим и the physical condition of the animal. Any unusual behavior of the dog (excessive excitability or anxiety) should be an occasion to skip the lesson, allowing the animal to relax. In the case of Rottweiler disease, training is continued only two weeks after the recovery of the animal.

Communicate with a dog should be well understood by herlanguage, indicating the need for the assignment. Teams should be clear and short, with a certain intonation. Encouragement for a correctly completed assignment will tell the Rottweiler that he will be rewarded if he obeys. Do not fool the dog during training. By instructing the Rottweiler to “walk,” and instead giving an injection, you are likely to lose the trust of the animal. Training will turn into a heavy burden for the owner and his pet.

Choosing a puppy

Probably not worth saying that sucha dog is not worth buying in the bird market if you want to have a purebred and healthy animal. It is best to contact a specialized nursery, where the baby will be provided with good care, the necessary vaccinations will be carried out and all the necessary documents will be drawn up.

Обратите внимание, в каких условиях содержатся adult animals and puppies. The room should be dry, clean and free from unpleasant odors. Look at the parents of the baby: you can imagine what your adult pet will look like.

puppy choice

Best age for acquiring a rottweiler puppy- 2-3 months. Defective rocks and imperfections are already clearly visible at this time. In addition, this age is most favorable for a four-legged family member to get acquainted with a new home. When choosing a puppy, pay attention to the cleanliness of his ears and eyes, as well as the fact that the baby does not have an umbilical hernia. In males, the testicles should be completely lowered. The skin should be clean, without any rash.

Get ready for your pet to arrive at your home.Despite the fact that the best bed for a Rottweiler puppy is the owner’s bed, this cannot be encouraged. The dog must have and know its place. If you allow a charming baby several times to do what he wants, the owner will very quickly lose his authority, and the animal will become uncontrollable.

In addition to sleeping mat, the puppy should have bowlsfor food and water, toys. Everyone who wants to get a Rottweiler puppy needs to know that at first the puppy will need a lot of attention from the owner, so if everyone works in your family, you need to take a vacation in advance.


How long do rottweilers live?This question worries everyone who plans to have such a smart, strong and beautiful dog. The life span of these animals is affected by their size. It is known that all large dogs do not live too long. On average, their life expectancy is from 10 to 12 years.

Knowing how many rottweilers live, the owner,providing his pet with balanced nutrition and feasible physical activity, will be able to extend this period to 15-18 years. Be sure to follow the vaccination schedule. This will protect the animal from dangerous diseases.

Мы представили вам описание породы ротвейлер.If you need a faithful and devoted friend and protector, then the Rottweiler is suitable for this role as well as possible. Until the last breath he will remain faithful to the owner and will defend him in any situation.

Owner feedback

In the vast majority of cases, owners are veryhappy with their pets. In the first months of life, a puppy needs a lot of time and attention. Do not start such a dog for families with small children: a rottweiler will not rush at a child under any circumstances, but, given the size of the animal, it can be assumed that in the game the dog can accidentally push the baby and it will hit painfully.

All your worries about the little Rottweiler are more than compensated when your pet becomes a big, strong and loyal friend.

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