/ / Plastic weather cloth on the "Niva". Power cloth on the "Niva"

Plastic weather cloth on the "Niva". Power cloth on the "Niva"

"Niva" can rightly be called one of the mostpopular cars in our country. He was fond of anglers, hunters, villagers and extremals for good off-road qualities, which with ease will help to conquer forests, swamps and other impassability.

body kit

But just like the rest of the domesticcar industry, "Niva" at the output looks very "unfriendly" both in terms of design and in terms of security. One of the most common solutions for upgrading your favorite car remains a body kit, especially since its advantage over the "bare" body is quite obvious.

Let's try to understand what is so attractive in the "Niva", and at the same time classify the basic concepts and moments.

Advantages of the body kit

  1. Appearance. Even the most unpretentious car after the dummy looks very presentable and "fresh". Therefore, besides the practical solution of the problem, the aesthetic solution is also solved.
  2. Strength. All the bodies of domestic cars are assembledfrom the tin, and the power kit on the "Niva" implies, in addition to plastic, also a metal base, designed to protect body parts along with thresholds and bumpers, which greatly strengthens the body as a whole.
  3. Easy installation. During the installation / dismantling, you do not need any special skills or a specific tool, everything is quite simple and understandable.

Power (metal) kit

Fully metal body kit can berecommend when the car is daily operated and subjected to extreme loads. Choosing an external weather-cloth for off-road cars "Niva", special attention should be paid to the material from which it is made. In total, there are 4 types of materials that are used in the manufacture of metal skirts.

  1. Stainless steel. Detailed comments here are superfluous, and the advantages are obvious - the absence of corrosion and aesthetic appearance. The only disadvantage of this kind of dodger is the high price.
  2. Steel. Such obvesy from the obkatannoj pipes with the subsequent processing by anticorrosive materials are made. With his direct duties, he is doing quite well and costs a little less than stainless steel.
  3. Chromed. The most expensive body kits are made of chrome, butin appearance they are many times more beautiful than the same stainless steel. The only thing, there is one but. If the body kit on the "Niva" from stainless steel or steel can be bought separately from the kit, then the chrome set will not be dismantled, and this, accordingly, is completely different amounts.
  4. Aluminum. A rare sight, but on our roads to meet himcan. Many will consider that aluminum is soft and its application in obesah is inadmissible and inexpedient, but let's look at more "advanced" models of the car industry. BMW and Audi have been using aluminum and its alloy in the suspension of their cars for decades, and this is a very weighty argument. However, the aluminum body kit on the "Niva" can only be made to order, it is extremely difficult to meet it on the shelves of stores.

Installation locations

Probably the first thing the owner wants to see"Niva" on your car is a kenguryatnik. Although from the end of 2008 his installation was banned, this fact does not stop motorists. The main purpose of the engine is to protect the engine under the bonnet in the event of a head-on collision.

external body kit for offroaders field

On the front of the car, namely the lower edge of the bumper, it is possible to install longitudinally shaped longitudinal elbows with internal fastening.

body kit

For extreme drivers and amateursoff-road (as an alternative to kangaroo and tubular body kit) you can advise the whole reinforced bumper with an additional winch attachment and metal crankcase protection. This design is more or less universal, but to install it will have to make a few holes in the side members of the body.

Then you can add reinforced thresholds, installed on the regular. In addition to the aesthetic function, they take on a part of the practical supplement - the step is very useful when boarding a car.

The rear bumper, as well as the front, is not worth leavingwithout attention. For him, protective tubes are provided that are similar to the front ones and will not be hampered by the additional installation of reinforced corners, which will be very useful in the urban stream.

For lovers of travel, fishermen and hunters,and brutality for the sake of, you can recommend a body kit on the "Niva" in the form of a ladder, which is fixed on the back door. If you have an expeditionary trunk, then without a ladder you just can not do. There are such instances infrequently, but they look very nice and add solidity to the car.

plastic body kit for the field

Plastic weather cloth on the "Niva"

With regard to plastic, you can say only one thing - cheap and angry. For the installation does not need special skills and tools, it's enough screwdrivers or a simple screwdriver.

When choosing a plastic body kit on the bumper, be sure to specify the thickness of the material and its quality. The same applies to the side liners and spoiler.

Expanders of arches from plastic arean integral part of the body kit, fulfilling both an aesthetic and practical role. The car looks with them much more solid and beautiful, and the design of the arches allows you to protect the body from flying out from under the wheels of rubble and other dirt.

power kits for the field


In the kit along with the arches go rapids, door plates and decor on the rear bumper. After installing all parts of the car is largely transformed and looks very presentable.

It is not necessary to buy cheap skirts from plastic, it is thin and wears out quickly. And even if the plastic itself is attached to the conscience, its thickness will not allow to preserve the colorful coating.

Question price

The cost can vary over a wide rangeand depends on the type (plastic, steel) and the type (chrome, thickness), ie, from exactly what type of kit was chosen for the "Niva". The price is below 10 000 rub. it is not worth your attention, since what you get for this money will dissipate after a few thousand kilometers.

As such, the price ceiling is not here, the amount per set can reach up to 70 000 rubles, and therefore everything depends only on your needs and financial possibilities.

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