According to many experts, this breed -the true treasure of the domestic cynology. She is still very young, but loved by admirers of decorative dogs. The Russian toy terrier is a long-haired, whose photo you see in this article is a charming creature. These tiny creatures miraculously combine touching and sweet appearance, “pocket size”, sociability, peacefulness and excellent health.
Самый первый русский длинношерстный той-терьер (it is sometimes called Moscow) appeared in 1957. The usual smooth-haired one became the father of the child, and the mother's hair was slightly elongated. The newborn was named Chikki, he had unusual for breed fluffs on the ears and paws. Next to his sleek brothers puppy looked very impressive. Therefore, the Moscow team of dog handlers, headed by the breeder Zharova, started breeding and improving the breed. Later he was mated to a bitch, which was distinguished by a slightly elongated fur and black and red color. The result pleased specialists. In 1964, these dogs were first presented at the exhibition.
Long-haired toy terrier - an animalfriendly and cheerful. He easily finds a common language with all members of the family. Affectionate, sociable and affectionate dog will not leave anyone indifferent. This explains the fact that every year more and more people choose this miniature animal. According to experts, the basis for the creation of the Russian Toy Terrier breed was the Toi English, who were very much loved in pre-revolutionary Russia. After the war, this breed almost disappeared from the territory of Russia. But in the fifties, fans of small ornamental dogs happily saw a new object for adoration, and his name was the long-haired Russian toy terrier.
Modern long-haired toy terrier, photowhich is presented in all canine collections, is a miniature dog with a square body, a small head and a deep chest. Its height does not exceed twenty eight centimeters, weight - about three kilograms. A characteristic feature is a pointed muzzle, bulging, usually black eyes, erect big ears and tall, graceful legs. They can be divided into shorthair and longhair.
In the second case, the animal's body is covered with a straight,long hair. The head is covered by a shorter fur. Paws should have a slight fleece, and on the ears - fringe. Argued that there are mini-toy terriers. But you must clearly understand that these are just dwarfs, which are not allowed at exhibitions and are forbidden to breeding: the breed is already rather fragile, which makes it necessary to treat the mating very carefully, and it is strongly not recommended to knit dwarfs.
If you are sure that you need by all meansthat you need this dog, learn how to choose the right puppy. Remember the main rule - you can not buy a baby in the bird market. Excessive heat or cold is detrimental to such a crumb, and on the market it will be in such conditions. It is also better to refuse private announcements (including in specialized editions) - it is possible to meet a second-hand dealer, and as a result acquire a sick dog. It is more correct and more reliable to buy a dog in specialized kennels. You can do this from private breeders. In this case, you must very carefully look at the conditions in which the animal is contained, to get acquainted with the puppy's mother, it is advisable to see the photo of the father. Puppy should not be acquired before the age of three months.
Sometimes this breed is called Moscowlonghair toy terrier. In our article we will call it long-haired. These animals feel great even in the smallest apartment. This crumbs for comfort and sheer happiness most of all need the attention and love of his master, proper and complete nutrition and regular outlets.
Despite their fragility, these dogs canvery cleverly exterminate rats, possess convincing and loud barking. If you are a puppy from a good nursery, then you can be calm - he will have no health problems, but you should not forget about the annual vaccinations and the examination of the veterinarian.
Не являясь профессиональным заводчиком, лучше toy terrier does not knit. The nuances of such a procedure can only be known to a person with great experience. In order for your dog to be allowed to breed, it must regularly take part in exhibitions, receive assessments of strict experts.
Like all breeds, the long-haired toy terrier hasyour national club. There are several large nurseries that sometimes develop their own breed lines, as well as breeders who work closely with the nurseries. Nowadays, the breed continues to actively develop, for this reason, while its standard has been recognized as temporary by the International Cynological Association. Experts believe that official recognition can be expected no earlier than 2016.
In the early nineties, the breed is practicallywas on the verge of destruction. But why? During these years, several breeds of decorative dogs were brought from abroad. Due to too aggressive advertising, new breeds have been squeezed out of the market, and their number in the country has decreased dramatically. Despite this, thanks to the efforts of several breeders, the breed was revived, and interest in them increased again. True, the process was too slow - because the toy terriers are not very fertile.
Currently, the Russian long-haired especiallypopular in St. Petersburg, Moscow, Novosibirsk, Krasnoyarsk and other major cities. In addition, they are bred in Finland, the Czech Republic, Germany, Poland, the United States.