/ / Volunteer's Day is a holiday of good!

Volunteer's Day is a holiday of good!

Not everyone can do good for freehuman. But such desperate people, fortunately, very much. Those who help their neighbor, who finds themselves in a difficult situation, are called volunteers, or volunteers. On the shoulders of these daredevils is the search for the missing, cleaning public places, helping old people and children, and much more. Do not forget to congratulate your friends on Volunteer's Day. Kindness deserves praise and thanks. But volunteers do not require any thanks at all, they do their best work, attend children's homes, organize actions and concerts. All their cases can not be listed!

Official status

In our language, the word "volunteer" settled completelyrecently. For many centuries people who helped the state were called volunteers. The UN invited governments of all countries to enter Volunteer Day on December 5. The holiday has an interesting name - International Volunteer Day for Economic and Social Development. Of course, this day is not arranged lush festivities and fireworks. But it is absolutely necessary to congratulate people who chose this way.

volunteer day

Your work is very important to us,

After all, you change the world at times.

And decorate this Earth

His spiritual beauty.

Not everyone can volunteer to be

And free to do goodness,

Smile and "thank you" - instead of all sorts of awards -

For you, it's more than a hundred times more important.

So continue your good deed,

Walk you through life proudly, boldly!

Such a congratulation can be written down in a beautiful postcard and presented to the International Volunteer Day by a representative of a public organization.

Anytime and anywhere

The work of volunteers is very visible and tangible.They appear exactly where they are needed. If a catastrophe happened, there was a collapse, a fire, an earthquake, a flood - a team of volunteers hurries to help immediately. In the search for missing people, they have no equal. Volunteers are combing the neighborhood, posting ads, asking passers-by. They will work hard to disassemble the rubble, take out the garbage, provide the victims with physical and moral help. It was not for nothing that the Volunteer Day was introduced on December 5. Those who have been helped by volunteers have an opportunity to tell them kind words and give presents.

Volunteer Day December 5

The reasons for such a difficult businessseveral, they each have their own. Someone is simply good-natured in life, some try to prove to themselves that they can do everything. They want to be necessary and important, to feel that their skills are necessary for people. It does not matter why they do this, the main thing is that their help is sometimes necessary. This is a great help not only to ordinary people, but also to the government. Even the most advanced countries in the world need volunteer support. Therefore, on the Day of Volunteer, you should not forget to congratulate these kind people.


At the Olympics, volunteersbetter side. They helped foreign guests to navigate the terrain, overcome the language barrier, conducted excursions, told about our traditions and culture. This is a huge help to the state and ordinary people. After all, the services of an interpreter are not cheap. But people who consider Volunteer Day their holiday, did not help for money and with great pleasure!

International Volunteer Day

Many volunteers have practically settled inOlympic Village. They became friends with the athletes and their coaches, received an invitation from them to visit. Now ordinary students have a chance to visit another country, learn a lot of interesting things.

Fun party

The day of a volunteer in Russia is celebrated in an original way.In many cities of the country they organize interesting actions. For example, anyone can become an volunteer for an hour or a day. He will be given a difficult task, and when it is done, they will say "thank you". Thus, you can test your strength, understand, whether this is a pleasure. One day a year, try to do good or commit a heroic deed! Get unreal self-gratification and understand what is simply necessary for society! To see happiness in the eyes of people, to hear sincere words of gratitude is the dream of any normal person!

Volunteer Day in Russia

The government of some countries considers Daythe volunteer is a useless holiday, like the very activity, call it a bearish service. After all, volunteers need technical equipment, small funds for necessary expenses. They are ordinary people who have simple human needs! But not in all states this situation. Our government welcomes the work of volunteers and is completely on their side. Join the ranks of people who give good and warmth!

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