/ Dunlop tires: reviews. Dunlop tires: features

Dunlop tires: reviews. Dunlop tires: features

Any driver knows that car tiresstrongly affect how smooth the course will be. They have a significant impact on driving safety. Any model that is used on the machine should provide maximum grip. The stability depends on the variant of the selected tires and their properties. All models should be easily transferred to change the temperature, to be resistant to weather changes. And especially to the selection of tires should be treated more carefully to residents of the Russian Federation. This country does not have good quality pavement.

Шины Dunlop, отзывы о которых обсудим далее, considered reliable. The manufacturer has long established itself in the market. The main creator country is considered the United Kingdom. But production is also set up in other states.

The company takes the 5th place in terms of creationtires. She collaborates with more than 30 major automotive manufacturers. We are talking about such as "Fiat", "Audi", "Honda", "Ford", "Nissan", "Renault", "Toyota" and so on.

general information

Британская компания основана в 1888 году.Currently, production is open in 9 countries. Before considering reviews of Dunlop tires, it must be said that it was this manufacturer that created winter tires with metal spikes. He also used more rows on the tread. The same manufacturer was the first to use a rubber compound that repels water. Details, which produces the described company, complete the "Honda", "Toyota", "BMW", "Opel" and so on.

All created tires are commercially available.have received silica and special additives. Thanks to them, many models, according to customers in the network, do not dubeyat in the cold. The protector works on ten steps. Due to this water from the surface is removed instantly. As for the care of Dunlop tires, the reviews are good. It is carried out easily and without any difficulties.

At the moment, the manufacturer is trying to create a technology that would allow to implement the idea of ​​notifying the driver about rubber malfunctions.

dunlop tire reviews

Assortment of dunlop tires

It should briefly describe what kind of tires this company provides. They need to be distinguished by seasonal orientation.

Dunlop winter tires, reviews of which are foundcompletely different, designed for confident driving on slippery roads. Mounted slats zigzag shape and spikes. Thanks to the additional lugs, you can get additional grip.

Отзывы о летних шинах Dunlop положительные.Buyers note the presence of a special pattern on the tread. Due to this, the tires are soft and not amenable to mechanical stress, have a long service life.

All-season options work fine. They are elastic and show excellent grip with a rather slippery coating.

dunlop tires reviews

Benefits of Dunlop tires

The general advantages of the entire range of tires to describe it is superfluous.

The range of tire line Dunlop SP, reviews confirm the following fact, for a long time not erased. They can serve at least three seasons, even with a fairly active driving.

Due to the special tread, all models have excellent grip. Drawing allows you to increase the area of ​​adhesion.

During heavy snow or in the event ofdirt wheels in such tires will show themselves at the highest level. Noise tires reduced. This manufacturer was able to achieve with the help of the shift blocks. Tires do an excellent job with high driving speeds. The cost of all models is not too high, and the range is wide. Therefore, no one will have problems with the choice.

dunlop sp tires reviews

Disadvantages of tires

Unfortunately, it is rather difficult to cope withclutch when sliding side tires Dunlop Sport. Reviews of the owners fully confirm this. Most of the rubber from the range is more suitable for those who love a moderate and quiet ride. Although high speed tires cope well, it is still not advisable to exceed the figure of 100 km / h. The grip on many models is reduced. All buyers write about it.

What to choose? Customer Reviews

The company creates tires for summer and winterperiod Also in the range there are universal tires that will appeal to any driver. They do an excellent job with trips in all weather conditions.

Summer models do a great job with grip.with dear. This effect is at a high level both when driving on dry asphalt and on wet. Moreover, the design of tires is quite stylish, so they are suitable for a car of any design. About this many reviews on the Internet.

Многие зимние шины этого производителя пользуются sought after by buyers. They will be an excellent option when driving on ice and during a snowfall. On the road covered with snow, any car will steadily move. On the track the car will not carry, if the road surface in the ice. Owner reviews confirm this, moreover, many recommend such tires.

If we talk about the impressions of professionals,they have repeatedly mentioned that winter tires from this manufacturer are one of the best on the market. Tires can improve vehicle handling, even in the most difficult situations.

Popular Models

Among summer tires have become the most famous SPSport 01 A / S / 2050M / BluResponse / 9000, as well as ECO EC201. All of them have a long service life, and also behave well in rainy weather. The noise is minimal. However, these tires should be replaced immediately, as soon as the winter period begins. The fact is that when the temperature drops, the rubber begins to harden.

For the winter period you should pick up othermodels. Perfectly suited for the Siberian frosts are Ice Touch / SP Winter Ice 01 options with spikes. Option Grandtrek SJ6 will look good on many cars. Variety refers to non-studded models. Tires have long proven themselves well. However, it should be noted that the car will slide heavily on wet ice. But if you compare this model with other studded options, it differs in that it is almost silent and does not affect the amount of fuel used.

Отлично проявит себя модель из линейки шин Dunlop Sport Maxx. Reviews of the owners allow you to emphasize the features, among which is excellent movement on slush. On such tires, you can also overcome the strongest ice rises.

For those who are afraid to slip in the mud, you canuse another all-season model. It is noiseless and rather soft. The tread pattern is excellent. This is a Dunlop Grandtrek tire. The reviews on this lineup are excellent.

dunlop sport maxx tires reviews

Grandtrek Reviews

Most of the drivers say thatafter installing tires of this line, the noise level immediately decreases. Especially when compared with studded models. What is the result of this effect? It is achieved by finding a special mixture in rubber. Moreover, the protectors have a special structure, and spikes are absent. All drivers say that this option is considered more or less optimal. Especially in urban conditions. This is indicated by reviews. Dunlop tires remain in demand.

But it should be noted, many users point outthat in the presence of ice on the road surface, all tire properties are quite reduced. Handling and stability is noticeably reduced. Experts also notice that these tires are more suitable for off-road driving. Snow and slush passes to "cheers." But you need to pay attention to the fact that the side cord is rather soft, due to which blows and cuts can be fatal for the tire.

 tires dunlop sp sport reviews

SP Sport Reviews

Many consumers use tires of this brand formany reasons. One of them is that they are made by a famous brand, and the second is at a low cost. Rubber allows you to get rid of grinding while starting to move. At high speeds, the tire shows its best. Manageability is also at the level.

The only flaw that impressed greatlybuyers, the noise that tires emit. Many owners of tires Dunlop lm704 in the reviews notice that this model may well compete in the level of this indicator with many studded options.

In general, most buyers recommend these tires. They do an excellent job with off-road driving in all climatic conditions. Especially often they are purchased for driving along the roads of Siberia.

dunlop grandtrek tires reviews

SP Sport Maxx Reviews

This model perfectly manifests itself on the straightroad and cornering. It will be an excellent option when working on dry and wet asphalt. The sidewall is pretty tough. Therefore, it is almost impossible to damage it. In general, it is recommended to those people who rarely carry a spare tire with them.

Of the shortcomings of Dunlop SP Sport tires in reviews, many note a high noise level. However, it is not very critical.

It should be noted that these tires are bestrepair or check on high-quality tire, which uses only good equipment. Otherwise, you can spoil the casting and rubber. If the driver did not have time to change his shoes, then driving on this tire is not safe. With a light minus, it immediately becomes like plastic.

summer tires dunlop reviews

Overall Impression

As for the general impression of buyers, thenit is more than positive. Summing up, I must say that most of the negative comments are related to the fact that the products are too noisy. This is not about all models, but about most of them. This figure is usually associated with the structural features of the tires. It does not change, and all buyers understand this. It should also be noted that for the cost that is offered for the goods, the owner receives really high-quality goods. No one disputes this. Therefore, the nuance with the noise of buyers is not upsetting. Although some models it is even higher than the usual studded versions.


Tires, which were discussed in the article, are consideredThe best option for domestic drivers. They received all the necessary certificates and are considered high quality. The reputation of the manufacturer makes it possible to understand that its products do an excellent job with their responsibilities and all the tasks assigned. In the tire industry, Dunlop remains the leader and copes with driving on domestic roads.

Как уже понятно, отзывы обо всех моделях, которые provided to buyers as positive as possible. Yes, like any other product, these tires have their drawbacks. However, they are not critical. The model should be selected based on its needs and requests, as well as on the time of year when it is planned to ride it. Then the result will never disappoint, but will delight the driver.

Некоторые модели получают плохие комментарии, в which is said about the short operational life. However, often these tires are either defective or fake. Acquire products should be only in stores that have official documents. Only then we can be sure that the tire is of high quality.

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