Многие из нас ясно представляют себе, о чем идет speech when the headdress is worn by orthodox Jews. However, not everyone will correctly answer the question “what is the name of the headdress of the Jews”. We suggest to sort out this issue together and learn more about this ancient people and their traditions.
The traditional headdress of Jewish men wearsthe name "yarmulka" or "bale". It is believed that this small round cap received its name from the phrase “those who fear the king,” which in Hebrew sounds like “Yerke Malka.”
Wearing a pile is associated with reverence for God, whichJewish men expressed by covering their heads with a hat. Some Jews began to wear the Yarmulke constantly, demonstrating to those around them that all their actions were aimed at serving the Almighty.
It is very easy for a person to knowconfessional affiliation of a Jew in his pile. So, if a man wears a knitted yarmulke, then he is a religious Zionist, a leather black one is American Neo-Orthodox, a large white one is a follower of Rabbi Nachman, and so on.
Most ultra-orthodoxies are sure thatCovering the head only with a yarmulke is not pious enough. In this regard, they insist on the need to wear an extra headdress during prayer.
A very small pile that is sometimes difficult.notice in the thick hair of its carrier, called kipat-pear. Often the wearing of such a Yarmulka suggests that a man plans to permanently remove it, but so far hesitates to do it.
The headgear of the Jews is always foundcalled, at hand by their owners. So, religious Jews always wear a pile on their heads, but secular people put their yarmulke in their pocket, glove compartment or bag, as they do not need it in everyday life.
There is a category of Jews who identify themselves as atheists. They do not wear a pile and claim that the sky is a headdress for them.
A special place in Jewish culture occupyknitted hats of the Jews. According to the romantic legend, they were invented by girls who were members of religious youth movements. They knit Ermolki young people who felt sympathy. By the way, knitting bales to this day is perhaps the favorite option for women's needlework. You can meet Jews who are knitting from the Yarmulka, almost everywhere: in public transport, in the queue to the doctor or on a bench in the city park.
There are special protective colors in the synagogues of the Israeli army. There are also occasionally calls to oblige all religious soldiers to wear such bales.
Traditional Jewish hats today havethe right to wear not only men, but also women. But in this case, the representative of the floor, who put on the Yarmulke, is no longer considered an Orthodox Jew. It belongs to the reformist or conservative direction.
Recently in Israel’s stores more and moreYou can find funny baby bales that can hardly be associated with religious traditions, as they are mostly decorated with colorful drawings and images of popular cartoon characters: Mickey Mouse, Spongebob and others.