/ / How to care for newborns: the secrets parents should know

How to care for newborns: the secrets parents should know

Every future mother, being in a pleasantwaiting, rereading medical benefits about how her karapuz is developing. But in fact, it's best to devote this time to a particular topic, namely, getting an answer to the question of how to care for the newborn.

Some remarks

Before you start collecting information about lifea child outside the mother's body, is worth learning about what period of time we are talking about. A newborn is a child whose age ranges from the first minute of birth to the twenty-eighth day of life, i.e. the first four weeks. Therefore, in search of information on how to care for a newborn child, you should focus on this period. This is the first.

The second thing that you should take care of in advance is thosethe main points that will determine the further physiological and mental development. Namely, the list of necessary hygiene items, the procedure for carrying out daily procedures, warning and assistance in case of ailments. Help in this simple instructions, described below.

We make every day

How to care for the newborn in the early days?The main problem is the treatment of the navel. Correct is the procedure in which this part of the body is treated with a cotton disc or a special cotton swab dipped in hydrogen peroxide. The latter can be replaced with green. It should be noted that this procedure is sufficient only if there is no pus or an unpleasant odor in the navel. Care is carried out twice a day.

After the navel has been treated,gently wipe the child with a soft towel soaked in warm boiled water. If the child's condition allows, evening sweating can be replaced by bathing. To do this, make a solution of water (flowing or boiled) with a decoction of herbs or potassium permanganate. The first bathing is better discussed with the doctor watching the child.

Young parents should remember that bathingbabies of different sexes vary considerably. How to care for a newborn boy? His sexual organs should be gently washed under a weak stream of water. Intimate hygiene of girls is carried out in the direction of "front-back" and only under running water.

The above care rules include treatmentskin after bathing. To do this, the baby is placed on a hard surface, carefully examining all the wrinkles, removing the delayed particles of dirt, then lubricating the skin with a special baby oil or cream.

In addition, answering the question of how to care fora newborn child at the time of the toilet, do not forget about the hygiene of the person. It is worth every day to wipe the skin with a cotton disc moistened in a decoction of chemist's chamomile, placing emphasis on the eye area.

Особым моментом, о котором стоит помнить молодым parents who study information on how to care for a newborn baby are changing diapers. The diaper needs to be changed every three hours, and in case of defecation - immediately. If the air temperature "crossed" through a mark of twenty-five degrees, you should take care of a more frequent replacement. We are talking about an interval of one and a half to two hours.

Warned, therefore, armed

When a child is in the status of a newborn, one should also remember his special conditions. And it's about colic, tear duct obstruction and tone.

Colic is found in almost every baby.To simplify and eliminate them, medicines prescribed by a doctor can be used. But from the "grandmother's" methods should not be abandoned. A warm diaper attached to the baby's skin, periodic laying on the tummy, a "body-to-body" contact can ease the seizures. In addition, the nurse will show how to properly use the gas pipe.

The obstruction of the lacrimal canal is not a common problem. But the diagnosis and treatment should be appointed by a specialist. So, if the eye of the baby "sour", you should consult a pediatrician.

The tone can easily be prevented if, aftereach bathing to conduct a light massage session, gently rubbing the oil or cream into the skin. The specialist will show special exercises during the first course of professional massage.

The science of how to care for a newborn is not that difficult. The main thing is to get acquainted with the basics in advance and, if necessary, seek qualified help.

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