/ / Competitions for children at their birthday - both fun and safe

Contests for children at their birthday - both fun and safe

Birthday is a special holiday, especiallyfor a child who is waiting for him with impatience, because this day means gifts, fun and guests. It's all true, but if you decide to organize a holiday at home and invite young guests, you need to worry in advance not only about the menu, but also to come up with interesting contests for the child's birthday. Kids love to make noise, play, which can turn into broken furniture, broken chandelier or even injury. Organizing competitions for the birthday, children, you not only entice interesting activities, but also direct their energy to a peaceful channel. We bring to your attention some entertainment.

Contests for children at their birthday

"The Lord of the Planet"

In order to organize competitions for children onbirthday, stock up some attributes in advance. In this case, balloons and markers will be needed. The task of the game is to create your own planet and populate it with inhabitants. To do this, it is necessary to inflate the ball as quickly as possible (he is a planet), and then draw figures of people on it. It is advisable to play the game for a while, selecting for the task 5-10 minutes (depending on the age of the children). The winner will be the child, who after the expiration of time will be the most people on his planet.

contests for children's birthday

"Dress Up"

Contests for children at a birthday can beyou do not have to come up with a winner's choice, but simply fun and memorable games. For the "dressmaker" prepare in advance a variety of things: slippers, scarves, skirts, shorts, mittens, etc. Fold it all in a box, close it, just leave it so that the arm would fit in. The child who will drive, blindfold. Then they put him in the center of the room, turn on the music, and the rest of the children lead a round dance around him. The driver needs to extend his hand forward, expose the index finger and move in the opposite direction. After a certain time, the music turns off. The child pointed at by the finger of the guide should go to the box, pull out the first thing that was found, put on and drive on. The game continues until all things are removed from the box and put on the kids. It means fun, laughter, a lot of bright photos.


Старайтесь продумать все конкурсы для детей на birthday so that the guys have a lot more fun and moving, otherwise they will just be bored. In this case, for example, they will have to somersault, jump on one leg, grimace and do everything that will be written in the assignment. To do this, make a paper daisy with as many petals as the number of guests at the party will be. If the guys are few, then calculate for each 2 or 3 fantas. On the reverse side, write the tasks. The children will take turns taking the petals and carrying out what is written there. If the guests are still too young and do not know how to read, then the adult's help will be needed, although you can represent the task in the form of a picture.

interesting birthday contests


Each participant receives a card on whichthe name of the animal is written (if the children can not read, draw it). It can not be shown or told to anyone, what is there for a little animal. Now the children have to take turns representing the animal from the task, and the rest have to guess who they are being shown. If the guys are older, then you can come up with other tasks for cards. For example, describe in them a situation that needs to be portrayed.

Contests for children at their birthday can be very diverse. Be sure to consider the age of the guests and their interests. Have a good holiday!

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