/ / The cat has a hot nose: is it worth worrying and what to do next?

The cat has a hot nose: is it worth worrying and what to do next?

Virtually any host can make panic a situation when a cat has a hot nose. For most owners, their furry friends have long ceased to be just ordinary pets.

the cat has a hot nose
Many owners refer to cats and cats asfull members of the family, and sometimes as small children. The disease of the pet for such people can become a real tragedy. But even those who treat their pets are not so fanatical as responsible owners always try to notice the poor state of health of their cat.

The existing stereotype

People have an opinion that if a cat has a hotnose and ears, this is the first and right sign of temperature. In this article, we will try to understand how this statement is true. Also it will be useful for all the owners to know whether it is really worth worrying every time a cat has a hot nose.

Features of thermoregulation

First of all, never forget that, according tothe nature of the cat, the temperature of the cat's body is normally almost 2 ° higher than that of a person. Sometimes it becomes the reason that the host feels like the nose of the pet is slightly warm, while the cat itself can feel great. Also it is necessary to remember that all mechanisms of thermoregulation in cats work very clearly. The temperature on certain parts of the body in them can vary throughout the day, and this is normal. If the cat has a hot, wet nose, and after 30-40 minutes it becomes absolutely normal (warm or cool), this means that there is no reason for excitement. Most likely, the warming of the nose was provoked by non-fatal factors for the cat's life, which increased the overall temperature. At the same time the mechanisms of thermoregulation independently coped with this problem.

Should I worry?

In fact, cats are so vulnerable andgentle creatures that provoke a short-term increase in temperature or cause their nose to warm can a lot of household factors. The answers to the question "why does the cat have a hot nose?" Can be several:

  • home pet sleeps or just woke up, and after he warmed up in a dream, his temperature is slightly increased;

why does the cat have a hot nose

  • the cat survived stress (the appearance of another pet in the house, moving to a new place, someone shouted loudly at him);
  • the animal was frightened of something (loud noise, barking dogs, vacuum cleaner, etc.);
  • a fluffy friend showed an excessive amount of activity, played, jumped, etc.

The cat has a hot nose: what to do?

First of all, of course, do not succumb topanic. If the pet has ordinary ears, he behaves in the usual way, eats and drinks water, keeps activity and mobility, then the animal just has to be closely watched during the next few hours. Most likely, this symptom will pass by itself.

the cat has a hot, wet nose
If the owners noticed a hot nose in the cat, they should worry and get to the veterinarian as soon as possible in cases when at least one of the following symptoms is added to this:

  • the animal does not drink water for a long time;
  • the cat refuses to eat;
  • avoids the hosts, hides, does not want to play, does not go into his arms;
  • shows aggression, runs around, rushes around the apartment, behaves irritatedly;
  • the animal, on the contrary, becomes apathetic, falls into melancholy;
  • there are signs of a cold: sneezes, red eyes;
  • from the nose fluid flows, there are discharge.

How to measure the temperature of your pet

It is not necessary to postpone visit to the doctor in those cases,when for a long time the cat has a hot nose and at the same time there is a lack of appetite and apathy. But in order to understand whether a hot spout actually signals to us about the temperature and whether to put the cat under stress, taking it to an unnecessary examination in the clinic, the temperature can be measured at home, independently.

the cat has a hot nose and ears

In cats this is done basally (i.e., throughanal opening). Few kitten will take this entrepreneurial idea with enthusiasm, and one must be prepared for the animal to resist and not sit quietly for 5 minutes with a thermometer in the pope. Therefore, it is desirable that the procedure carried out 2 people, one of which could keep the fluffy patient well all the time. In this case it is desirable that the thermometer body is plastic, not glass.

It must be remembered that the body temperature of ourtailed friends are several degrees higher than those of humans. So the figures around 38 ° -39 ° for cats are acceptable. But the temperature above 39 ° should be a signal that it's time for the pet to show the veterinarian.

Hot and red ears

One of the symptoms of having real problems withA cat's health can be a dry and hot nose, as well as red hot, "flaming" ears. This condition may indicate infection with an ear mite. Also a bad signal is a dry nose, red ears and a specific, unpleasant odor from the auricle. This may be a sign of simple or already purulent otitis. In this situation, you should not waste time. Carry the cat for examination to the doctor you need as soon as possible.

Council for caring owners

Many of us, madly fond of their cats,having noticed at them a hot spout, at once run to the computer and start to search on various forums advice about what to do. Having read the advice of various "expert breeders", the owners risk only aggravate the condition of their furry friend. On the Internet, you can read absolutely ridiculous advice, for example: pour a teaspoon of vodka into your mouth, grab her herbs near the road, mix the Aspirin or Paracetamol tablet with food.

the cat has a hot nose to do
Such methods, especially with the use of alcohol, can shake the health of even an absolutely healthy animal before this.

No matter how great the temptation itself"Save" your diseased caudate friend, remember that an animal, just like a person, should be prescribed only by a doctor. If the cat shows symptoms of a real illness, find the money, time and show it to the vet, because the most important thing is not to harm the animal with their care.

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