/ / Cool contests for adults for the New Year

Cool contests for adults for the New Year

New Year is a holiday, which lookboth children and adults are waiting. If the holiday is planned to be held at home with friends and relatives, then it is worth considering a program so that everything does not turn into a banal and boring feast. Cool contests for adults, even if there is no presenter, will help to celebrate the New Year brightly, to the sound of laughter and with a good mood of each guest.

How to spend New Year at home

How unusual to spend the New Year?

Of course, you can set the table as usual,utter toasts, shout loudly "Hurray!" under the chiming clock. But it is much more fun and unusual to hold this magical holiday by organizing cool contests for adults on the New Year. Such an idea will allow you to spend this day in a colorful, emotional and memorable way.

Where to spend New Year's Eve?

There are quite a few options for how to celebrate the New Year:

  • You can go to a restaurant where the entire program will be thought out by the people responsible for this mission.
  • Some go to celebrate the New Year in another city in order to give themselves in the coming year hope for travel and knowledge of the unknown before.
  • And many people prefer to spend the holiday in a familiar atmosphere, in the circle of the closest relatives and relatives.

Wherever a person goes to celebrate the New Year, he must be accompanied by an excellent mood, a smile will shine on his face. This will help cool contests for adults with unusual tasks.

How to surprise guests?

If the New Year is planned to meet at home, thenthe landlord must prepare the space, making it festive, uplifting. To set the rhythm of the holiday, the landlord can go for the following tricks:

  • Decorate the space with balls, Christmas-tree branches, tinsel.
  • You can also arrange beautiful candles all over the apartment in order to light them in a solemn moment and create a festive atmosphere.
  • And most importantly, create a scenario in which there will be funny funny contests for adults that will create an unusual and fun atmosphere.
Cool contests for adults

These tricks will help to arrange for the invited guests a real holiday that will be remembered for a long time.

Cool table competitions for adults

Depending on the contingent and age groupguests, you need to decide what kind of entertainment for them to organize. Cool contests for adults who are not very mobile and prefer a measured, calm rest, it is best to come up with a table, with the participation in which you will not need to show athletic ability and physical fitness. For example, you can take the following options:

"Testing the knowledge of the alphabet."This contest is interesting and quite simple. It lies in the fact that each guest sitting at the table, in turn, says a wish for the next letter of the alphabet. For example, the first participant may say “An ambitious and fun evening”, the second participant “Be all healthy this year”, the third participant of “Fun days and bright events”. So continue until the letters of the alphabet run out.

Next cool contest for adultsis that each guest comes up with an adjective name, with which you can show your displeasure. For example, these may be the words: “dirty”, “strange”, “mysterious”, “fat”, “terrible”.

When all the contestants voiced 13adjectives, the presenter takes from his pocket an envelope containing a letter to Grandfather Frost. The point is that words that the guests have come up with are inserted into the text of the letter. The text of the letter is approximately as follows:

“... Grandfather Frost, we are looking forward to your ... coming.After all, the New Year is the most ... day in every year. We promise that we will sing our ... songs, we will dance the most ... dances, and also, we will tell ... poems. We all have been waiting for this day for so long and now, finally, this ... holiday will come. We don't want to talk about our ... work. After all, under any circumstances we will work ... Please do not torment us and do not make you wait for your ... gifts. After all, it is ... presents that inspire this holiday. We are waiting for you with impatience, your ... guys and ... girls! ”

Instead of points in order of priority, you need to substitute adjectives that were invented by guests.

How to surprise guests on a holiday

"Competition surprise."When guests enter the house, everyone needs to give out a token on which the task will be written and the time in which it must be completed. It will be very interesting when in the midst of the feast someone suddenly starts singing New Year's songs or dancing lambada.

Such cool contests for adults who don’t really like to be active will fit perfectly. Therefore, we can safely take them into account.

Cool contests for the birthday of an adult

If it so happens that the New Year's Eve coincided with someone's birthday, you can devote several competitions to a birthday man. For an example, you can take into account such ideas.

Each guest writes on a piece of paper on request.And the one who wrote the word, the most distant from the beginning of the alphabet, from all that is written on the piece, should make rhymed lines in honor of the birthday man.

There is another cool competition for adultsbirthday He is called "Guess the emotion." Each participant in the game is given a piece on which some emotion is written, for example, joy, sadness, surprise, shock, and the like. Guests line up and everyone stops with the emotion on the face that he came across. The birthday boy should guess what kind of feelings overwhelm the contestants.

Another interesting contest is called “Learnfriend's voice. " Birthday man put in a circle and blindfolded him. After that, any of the participants utters some word or phrase, and the hero of the occasion must guess who is talking to him. If the birthday man guessed, then the one whose voice is identified sits in the circle. You can play this game indefinitely, or you can make such rules so that the one who did not guess drops out of the team.

Funny contests for couples

Such funny and funny contests for the birthday of an adult person, who was born on the eve of the New Year, will allow the birthday boy to have an unforgettable time.

Moving funny contests for the New Year

To keep you from staying out, they should be offeredcool and funny contests for adults for the New Year. There are a lot of ideas, so anyone who plans to organize a celebration can easily choose games and fun in accordance with the assembled contingent. For an example, you can take such options.

There is a contest called “Get ina bottle. The bottom line is that men are given long ropes, at the ends of which are tied handles. Ropes are tied around the waist and empty glass bottles are placed on the floor. The challenge is to get into the bottle with a pen without hands.

Another competition for girls. Before the participants put the chairs, which put the candy in any quantity. The task of the girls is to sit on a chair and determine how many candies are under it.

Everyone knows the game "Crocodile" is also suitable for organizing a New Year program. Only the words need to guess not ordinary, but related to the holiday. For example, Christmas tree, tinsel, champagne, feast.

Cool contests for adults

Very playful and fun game - round dance.The essence of the game is that all the guests are divided into two teams. The first team becomes around the Christmas tree, and the leader gives them a card, where it is written that they must portray (only the second team should not see the card). The task may be to depict a kindergarten, a military regiment, a psychiatric hospital. The second team must guess what is being portrayed.

Such funny and funny contests for adults will surely please everyone. With games and fun competitions, the New Year will be unusual and bright. Everyone will remember this holiday for a long time.

Contests for couples for the New Year

If there are spouses or simply meeting couples among the guests, then separate contests can be arranged for them.

Three couples are invited to participate.For each pre-prepared bag, which are balls, Christmas decorations, hats, funny hoops, glasses. In general, everything that comes to mind and there is in the apartment. At the command of "Began" the girls should dress their men in everything that lies in the bag. Afterwards, women should take turns to announce the name of their designer outfit and advertise it. The winner is the couple in which the girl showed the maximum creativity and originality.

All couples participating in the competition are givengazette. Turns on the music and the couple, together standing on the same newspaper should dance so that the legs do not extend beyond the print edition. After a while, the music stops, and the presenter folds the newspaper in half. Then more and more, until the size of the newspaper becomes one that can fit only one leg of a man. Wins the couple who coped with the task as well as possible.

Adult Competition Ideas

Конкурс «Конфеты в муке» также отлично подойдет for couples. Before the spouses put a bowl of flour, in which caramel are hidden. From the crumbs stick out the corners of the candy wrappers. The task of the couple, take turns pulling out candy. The winners are those who have the most sweets and the cleanest faces.

Such funny and mischievous contests will raise your spirits and give pleasant memories.

Contests for logical thinking

When outdoor games tired guests, you can offer them fun puzzles, which should be carefully considered.

  • There were five people on the bus, at the first stoptwo people came out and three people went down, two people got off at the next stop, nobody left. At one more stop, seven went, and one went out. How many stops were there? (Almost all the guests will count the passengers, not the number of stops. Therefore, the meaning of the riddle is in the effect of surprise).
  • ABOUTbut yours, but everyone uses it. What is it? (Name).
  • It is always ahead, but no one sees it. (Future).
  • What kind of woman rubs against you, snuggles up, and then demands money? (Conductor in transport).
  • Which island calls itself a garment? (Jamaica).
How to have a fun New Year

Such puzzles will make the guests think. And also allow rest after active games.

How to motivate guests to participate?

Чтобы друзьям, знакомым и родственникам было more interesting aktivnichat, it is worth preparing gifts for them. These can be pleasant things, for example, a Christmas tree toy or a magnet with the symbol of the upcoming New Year. The holiday with fun contests, prizes and surprises will surely appeal to guests, the main thing is to think over everything in advance.

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