/ / What animal is in the cage? We'll find out!

What animal is in the cage? We'll find out!

What animal is in the cage? This is a rather interesting question. There are a lot of answers to it, so everything is in order.

"King of beasts"

What animal is in the cage? A lion.Very often this predator is seen in zoos. The weight of such an animal reaches 250 kilograms. This beast has strong jaws, the canine length is about 8 cm. In addition, it has powerful legs. In nature, a predator kills very large animals. In captivity eats meat. There are different colors (yellowish, dark brown and others). A distinctive feature of male lions is the mane, whose hair length reaches 40 cm.

what kind of animal sits in a cage

A monkey

This animal also sits in a cage, if it lives in captivity. A monkey is a four-armed mammal. By the structure of the body is close to man. Monkeys belong to the order of primates.


Such an animal can often be seen in the zoo incell. The wolf belongs to the dog family. The body length of the animal is more than 1.5 m, and the height at the withers is (on average) 70 cm. The weight of such an animal can be over 80 kg (on average - forty kilograms). They eat food of animal and vegetable origin, especially those that were brought to the zoo from the southern regions.


A cunning animal very often lives in a cage.As a rule, in zoos you can see a red fox. The weight of such an animal on the average is seven kilograms, and the length of the body is 70-80 cm. In captivity it can survive to twenty years. The fox eats both plant and animal food. Of course, the meat on the menu is the most.


This animal also often sits in a cage in a zoo.Now there are nine subspecies of the tiger, three of which, unfortunately, have already been destroyed. The body length of the tiger can reach 2.8 m, and weight up to 320 kg. Males are larger than females. The tiger's body is massive, flexible, elongated.


the beast in the cage

What is the animal in the cage? Bear.This animal belongs to the order of predators. They are good at climbing trees, swimming well and running fast. The diet of bears is very diverse. They eat both vegetable and animal food. Active, as a rule, at night.


pets in cages

Live and pets in cages.For example, in such a place you can keep different rodents. Perfectly get along in the cage chinchilla. In captivity life expectancy of the animal is on average sixteen years. Some individuals live up to twenty. The most valuable thing for such animals is fur. Although recently these animals are popular as pets. They feed on plants, grains, beans and insects.


What animal is in the cage?Of course, this is a small hamster with big cheeks, in which reserves are hidden. These animals also get along very well in such a place. Now there are 19 species of such rodents. Characteristic features of hamsters are cheek pouches, which are very well developed in these animals. Such animals live on average three years.

The most popular breeds:

Syrian hamsters are sitting in a cage

  • Dzungarian;
  • Syrian.

In addition, at home, you can often see a hamster Roborovsky, or Campbell.

All these rodents are nocturnal animals. They make reserves in their holes (up to 90 grams of food).

Animals are very prolific, for a year a few litters (3-4) for 10 kids on average.

The duration of pregnancy of the female is about 22days. They feed on vegetarian food, greens. Sometimes in the rodent's menu it is necessary to add a chicken egg and cottage cheese, that is, protein foods. Active usually at night.

A small conclusion

Now you know which animal is sitting in the cage.As you can see, there can be there as large, predatory beasts, and small, herbivorous animals. It is possible that we list not all who can sit in a cage, but the most popular fauna representatives have been considered. We hope that the information provided in the article will be useful to you.

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