/ / How long is estrus in cats? How often is estrus in cats?

How long is estrus in cats? How often is estrus in cats?

Покупка котенка – это важное событие, к которому must be approached with all seriousness. In addition to the selection of care products, special food and filler for the tray, it is also important to take into account some behavioral features. In a particular case, this is the heat period of a cat. In an animal, puberty occurs much earlier than in humans, and therefore many owners, by purchasing a female pet, are not ready for such an event.

What is estrus?

Cats hug each other

In science, this process is called reproductivethe estrous cycle (hereinafter referred to as REC). It manifests itself in changes in the physical and emotional state of the cat and occurs during the period of sexual arousal.

The first period of estrus in duration does not exceedthree days and allows the animal to adapt to the appearance of such stress in the future. However, an agitated and unprepared host immediately wonders what to do if the cat is in heat.

Often information about this can be found inonline or check with a vet before or after acquiring a pet. Also information about this period should be provided to the owner by a breeder from whom the animal is purchased.

Further in the article you will be able to find out all the necessary information regarding what to do during the REC period from a cat and how not to harm its health.

When does this cycle start?

The earliest age of estrus in cats is 10months from birth. At the same time, depending on the individual characteristics of the organism, the appearance of a REC can occur in a period of 7 months. Such a variation depends on the stage of formation and development of the internal organs, and consequently, on the readiness to procreate.

Sometimes pathology may occur, due to whichThe first estrus occurs at 4-5 months from birth. In the case of mating with a cat at such an early age, pregnancy and subsequent childbirth are quite possible. However, sterilization will be the best answer to the question of how to help a cat with estrus at such an early age. This will contribute to the elimination of health problems, as well as eliminate possible threats to life.

Attention!Despite the rather early puberty of an animal, it is better not to bind to the first chute. Veterinarians recommend waiting until the cat reaches the age of one, which will allow it to produce healthy offspring.

Signs of rec

Checking the cat at the doctor

Often, buying a fluffy friend, the owners do nothave a special notion about how the cat's first heat passes. But when confronted with it, they have no idea how to react to an abrupt change of behavior in an animal. To determine that the pet began a period of sexual activity, it is possible by the following criteria:

  • the animal begins to roll on the floor;
  • when stroking the back, the cat practically lies down on the floor, begins to touch its hind legs and throws its tail aside;
  • there is a decrease in appetite;
  • manifestation of excessive tenderness;
  • insistent demand of attention from the owner or complete disregard of his presence;
  • one more standard symptom in cats during estrus is excretion; in this regard, she often licks herself in the area of ​​the tail;
  • persistent meows, turning into a rather irritable howl;
  • в этот промежуток времени питомец начинает rub about all things in the house, and if it practically doesn’t affect fluffy rocks, then in the case of such representatives as the Canadian Sphynx, it manifests itself in the form of red spots or scratches in the neck or muzzle;
  • the animal is aggressively trying to leave the house and go outside.

How long is estrus in cats?

Cats sleeping on the bed

The REC period in cats can be divided into several stages, each of which can last from a couple of days to several months. Specifically, the following four stages of sexual activity are distinguished:

  1. ProestrusThis part of estrus lasts for one or three days. The characteristic behavior is the sudden appearance of anxiety in the animal. It starts screaming regularly, trying to attract a partner. However, even despite the fact that during this period cats begin to be actively interested in their “girlfriend”, the mating does not occur due to the fact that the cat itself does not allow “grooms” to itself. At the same time, the appearance in the house of the male leads to the imminent cessation of this period.
  2. Estrus.The answer to how long estrus in cats lasts during this period depends on the presence or absence of a male in the house. The standard stage length is 5-7 days. At this time, the animal allows individuals of the opposite sex not only to dwell on its territory, but even to tie itself. However, her behavior may be completely unpredictable and even inadequate. If during this period a cat appears in the house, then its (period) duration will be reduced to a couple of days.
  3. Diestrus (also known as meestrus).Flow time from 2 to 20 days. Interest in the "suitors" falls, and the female tries to chase them away. In the case of ovulation and subsequent fertilization, pregnancy begins. It is also possible offensive "false pregnancy." In such situations, the breeders say that the cat is "empty." In case of unsuccessful tying, estrus will resume after some time.
  4. Anestrus. This period is also known as sexual rest. Flowing does not occur for a long time. Most often this happens in summer or winter.


Now you know how long estrus in cats lasts.And how often does it occur? It is a reasonable question. The answer to it is often the fairly common opinion that much more RECs come in the fall or spring and occur at intervals of one or two weeks. At the same time, science has suggested that the level of daylight affects the level of sexual activity.

The cessation of estrus occurs duringpregnancy, and renewal occurs 3-4 months after the birth of offspring. If all the kittens died before / during / after birth, the start of estrus occurs a little earlier.

There are cases when the REC can begin on the second day of feeding the pups.


Cat pressure check

Как часто течка у кошек может закончиться having health problems? The answer is often enough. The phenomenon of “false pregnancy” has already been mentioned. It occurs when fertilization has not occurred after the animal has ovulated. One of the reasons for this result may be cat infertility. Quite frequent repetition of the process of mating with such an animal, and consequently, obtaining this result can lead to the occurrence of inflammatory processes, diseases of the reproductive system, and even oncology.

To avoid such problems, both partners should check in advance. And if the progeny from the cat is not planned, then sterilization is the best solution.

What if a cat is in heat?

Kitten in the hands of a doctor

Начало течки всегда гарантирует причинение inconvenience to both the pet and the owner. To avoid various troubles during this period, it is worthwhile to prepare in advance a list of actions that must be performed in order to make life easier for everyone. The sequence of these actions depends on the purpose for which the animal was purchased. There are two main categories.


Cat with kittens

A breeding animal was purchased forbreeding. In this case, it is necessary to act depending on what the flow is on the account. If the first, then it is better to skip it, allowing the pet to adapt to this state. During the second and subsequent estrus, it is necessary to find a healthy cat and knit it, thus allowing the cat to calm down.

Внимание!When buying a cat for breeding, regular fertilization should be avoided. After birth, kittens are recommended to take a break of six months or a year to avoid the appearance of various diseases and complete moral and physical exhaustion.

Pet ("for myself")

Второй случай – когда питомец был приобретен в as a pet. In this situation, you need to know how often and how long the estrus of a cat lasts, in order to provide timely assistance in overcoming the accompanying stress. When breeding animals is not planned, you can use one of the following tips:

  • Use hormonal drugs, stoppingestrus. The use of such drugs is not allowed more often 2 times a year. Violation of this mode or a poor-quality product can lead to malfunctions in the body or even the appearance of a tumor of the ovaries or uterus.
  • Resort to the help of sedatives.During estrus, such drugs as Fospasim, Cote-Bayun and others can be given to the cat. But the results of their actions are not all. And some may even cause the occurrence of allergic reactions.
  • Distraction from stress.When the use of various drugs for sedation is impossible due to problems with the health of the animal or because of the desire not to harm him, then it is necessary to resort to various kinds of activity. If you play with a cat before going to bed, you can ensure that it will quietly sleep all night without harming itself and others.
  • Sterilize the animal. This operation will completely stop the onset of estrus.
Cat on reception at the vet

Attention!When an animal is sterilized, it is necessary to make a complete removal of the uterus and ovaries. Simply tying up the tubes will cause the cat to continue to demand the "groom", but will not be able to get pregnant and subsequently produce offspring. However, her condition will deteriorate significantly.


Caring for animals is a rather complicated process.Pet requires sufficient attention and quality care, along with a full-fledged family member (no wonder they are often compared with children). And the reproductive estrous cycle is one of the integral parts of his life. In this material, answers to questions such as how many cats have estrus, how it manifests, what to do to calm the animal at that time and others, were revealed in as much detail as possible.

Nevertheless, we strongly recommend getting all the necessary information about this process from a professional veterinarian.

Good luck!

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