Very often gynecologists in the period of bearing a baby recommend a bandage for pregnant women. How to choose this supporting product, and will there be any complications when wearing it?
Some believe that it is really necessaryas for the health of the future mother, and for the baby. But there are also opponents of this, since wearing a bandage can harm an unborn child. In order that this does not happen, it is important to know who can wear it, how to choose the right size, what to look for when choosing.
In order to know how to choose the right onea bandage for pregnant women, it is worth investigating - what is it. This is a corset, belt, shorts or panties that perform a supporting abdomen function during the period of bearing the baby, as well as after delivery.
Since the tummy of a future mother increases withfor a period of time, the wearing of a special bandage can somewhat reduce the burden on the back. In addition, it also has a therapeutic effect, since it helps the fetus to take the correct position and prevents the early lowering of the abdomen. Many mummies note that the bandage prevents the appearance of stretch marks on the abdomen, which appear in almost every woman at the time of bearing a baby.
Knowing the features and functions of the product, which is betterto choose a bandage for pregnant women? It all depends on personal preferences and the size of the abdomen. It should be noted that no obstetrician-gynecologist will give mandatory instructions to wearing a bandage, he can only advise wearing it in some cases, but the choice is always for the woman.
The functions of the supporting product are as follows:
To determine which is better to choose a prenatal bandage for pregnant women, it is worth familiarizing with its types and species. All supporting products can be divided into several groups.
Before choosing a prenatal bandage forpregnant women, you need to know from what period it is best to wear it. Duration and time, when it is recommended to wear a supporting corset, is appointed taking into account the state of health of the future mother, considering all the pathologies that can affect the fetus.
Most often, the bandage is prescribed for wearing.pregnant women, starting from the fifth month, when the belly is actively growing and pain appears in the pelvis. You can wear it before delivery and after the birth of the baby.
When is it recommended to wear a bandage?
What is the best bandage for pregnant women to choose?The reviews are ambiguous in this case, but both specialists and future mothers agree on one thing - it is better to make a purchase in a pharmacy or a specialty store. The selection takes into account the anatomical features of the woman, her circumference of the hips and abdomen.
What to look for when choosing?
To know how to choose a bandagepregnant by size, you need to measure the parameters of the future mother. The circumference of her belly and thighs is taken into account. If this is the second pregnancy of the woman, and with the first she gained more than 10 kg in weight, then it is worthwhile to take a supporting corset one size larger.
Wear bandage only in horizontalposition Clamps or velcro are located in the area below the abdomen, so that the expectant mother can easily unfasten it. When putting on or wearing a woman should not feel discomfort.
Also gynecologists advise not to wear it.constantly, and every three hours to remove it or unbutton it for a certain time. Constant wearing of a bandage can lead to a decrease in the motor activity of the future baby and impaired blood circulation in the pelvic organs.
To any product, including the bandage, goesinstruction. With her certainly need to read. Along with universal recommendations, each manufacturer gives its own. It is important to read them before choosing and wearing a bandage for pregnant women.
Любой бандаж не должен носиться постоянно, на the night should be taken off; in the daytime you should also take rest in wearing. Feelings of pressure when wearing should not occur. You can sit or lie in a bandage, but this is inconvenient.
Wearing a bandage is often prescribed with a 20 or 16weeks, but if the pregnancy is good, then you can start to wear it from the 28th week. Often women wear a supporting corset during physical activity or during house cleaning. It is important to understand that it is impossible to manufacture a supporting product on your own, since only production experts know all the subtleties. In addition, such products must comply with all quality certificates and pass the appropriate tests.
Despite the fact that they wear a supporting corsetmany pregnant women, in some cases it may not help but harm. Before you choose a bandage for pregnant women, it is important to consider all the individual characteristics of the body of the future mother.
One of the contraindications is allergy.With the appearance of various allergic manifestations on the skin of the abdomen to wear a bandage is impossible. To avoid this, it is worth choosing products of famous brands that have proven themselves in the market for years.
The bandage should not be too narrow to prevent the baby from squeezing in the womb, and also not to disturb the blood circulation in the pelvic area.
Bandage is not recommended in the following cases:
Appointments for wearing a bandage are made only by a specialist, taking into account the peculiarities of a woman’s pregnancy.
Which is better to choose a bandage for pregnant women?Experts recommend to give preference only to reputable manufacturers. Consider the brands that are most popular among women.
These products can be of different colors,but all of them, regardless of brand, are made of high-tech materials (cotton, viscose, elastane, polyester, microfiber, lycra, polyamide). It is impossible to answer the question which manufacturer is better, since every woman chooses according to her own preferences. It is important that he meets all quality requirements.
It is the recommendations of customers and future mothers.will help to understand the shortcomings and advantages of certain models, before choosing the right bandage for pregnant women. Some young mothers note that most models of bandages are made for women of medium or large stature, therefore, it is more difficult to find a suitable product for skinny women. Manufacturer Emma Jane manufactures small sizes of supporting corsets that are durable and have a long service life.
Many pregnant women say that budgetmodels rub, move down from the place of fixation and quickly stretch, therefore do not perform their supporting function in full size. Some also note the positive characteristics of the orthopedic models with ribs on the back, especially with a strong load on the spine. According to reviews of mothers, they significantly reduce pain with a growing belly of a pregnant woman.
Women also note that universal models are the best option, since the bandage can be useful after delivery.
Price category depends on several factorswhich need to be considered before choosing the right bandage for pregnant women: the size and type of product, which depends on individual preferences; manufacturer and material of manufacture.
Отечественные модели, как правило, дешевле foreign analogues. But this does not mean that they are of lower quality, they are not taxed during transportation. Therefore, you should not choose a product based on the price. Moreover, even with the delivery of the bandage, many online stores provide an opportunity to try on the supporting product to the expectant mother before purchase.
Before you choose a bandage for pregnant women,It is important to consider many factors. It is also worth guided by expert advice. You also need to remember that wearing a bandage, even prescribed by a gynecologist to a pregnant woman, is not necessary all the time, but periodically, most often when walking or increased physical exertion.