/ / Katavasia - what is it? The origin and meaning of the word "katavasia"

Katavasia - what is it? The origin and meaning of the word "katavasia"

Many people know the word "katavasia", which is usuallyserves as a brightly colored, expressive definition of something like confusion or disharmony. But not everyone knows about the origin of this term. This question will be covered in this article, we will try to answer the question about what is actually katavasia.

katavasia what is it


Some think that the word is Russian and consists ofit is from the word "cat" and the name of Vasya, that is, it is a kind of reference to the domestic cat and the qualities that it personifies. In fact, this and all such interpretations are based solely on random similarity. In fact, Greek is the real source of the term "katavasia". What this is, we will help to understand the charter of Orthodox worship. As you know, in Orthodoxy there are several public religious ceremonies. One of them is matins, which, accordingly, must be performed in the morning. However, in Russia it is often served in the evening. Chinoposledovanie this ceremony includes singing the so-called canon - the sequence of eight songs, consisting of small couplets, called troparia. Each such song begins with the so-called irmos - also a small text sung in a special way. The text of the irmos can also be duplicated, and after the song and it is in this case that it is called "catavasia". What it is, you can easily understand, if you take in hand the ritual of matins. However, it does not explain the essence of the term, since the literal translation of it - "convergence to the bottom, descent."

Here it is necessary to learn something else about the traditionsOrthodox ceremonial. The fact is that all the hymns and hymns during the service are performed by a choir called the choir. And although there can be only one choir, traditional worship involves two choirs, which are located to the right and left of the altar. Such placement makes it possible to create certain effects, for example, sing antiphones.

So, katavasia - what is it?Initially, this was the practice when both choruses descend from their seats on the sides of the altar and descend into the nave, that is, into the zone for the laity, where they unite and sing the hymn as a single choir. Later, this practice began to occur less and less until it completely disappeared. And its name was fixed after that song, which was performed in this form.

what is katavasia

Types of Catavia

There are different types of katavasia.Most often it is performed after each of the songs of the canon and is called in this case an ordinary. There is a festive cathartic. What it is, it is easy to feel with immediate presence in the service. It is performed in the manner of the Irmos, but only after the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 9th songs of the canon.

Secular significance

The fact that this word is used in secularworld, we have already said, as well as that its significance here is extremely portable. Katavasia is called any confusion or chaos. Such a popular term is due to Russian seminarians, who during the singing and convergence of the choirs have much and greatly falsified, creating a cacophony of sound.

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