/ / Much will tell palmistry: the line of marriage

Much will tell palmistry: the line of marriage

Many girls (and guys too) dream to find out,that the day ahead is ready for them, but not everyone can look into the future. Few people know that it is enough only to look at their own palms, in the lines of which many secrets are hidden. This area of ​​the occult sciences is headed by palmistry. The line of marriage, the hill of Venus and many other signs on the palms can reveal many secrets concerning the past, present and future.

Studying the fundamentals of palmistry, it is worth firstDetermine which hand is most suitable for analysis. In this science, the hands are divided into active and inactive. Active - this is the one that makes the majority of movements. So, right-handers - this is the right hand, and left-handers - the left. The second hand is considered inactive. The active hand reflects the outer shell of a person. It shows what a person wants to convey to others, speaks about those character traits, actions and actions that are in sight, which everyone knows about. The inactive hand is connected with the heart, with the inner world of man, therefore it reflects on it all the hidden thoughts and true essence of man. It is on this rule that chiromancy is based. Marriage can be found on any of the hands, but love is worth looking at inactive, because it will show not only the official relationship, but all the serious intrigues that a person is trying to hide. If there are concerns about treason, then it's worth looking at the line of marriage.

On the question of when it is destined to get married, will giveresponse palmistry. The marriage line is depicted on both hands. Search for it on the hill of Mercury, which is located on the palm of your hand under the little finger. A long and often deep line running from the edge of the palm to its center is called the line of the heart, and it highlights the hills of different planets. On the hill of Mercury there are all lines of marriage. That's only palmistry love displays on a par with marriage. That is, if a person has a serious relationship, then by all means they will be open to everyone in the form of a dash on his hand. The clearer and longer the line, the stronger the feelings.

Although it is worth to say a few words aboutmultiplicity of lines and their depth. Depending on the age, the quantity, and the quality of the lines, varies. Someone's feelings can be strong, and the lines of marriage are poorly seen, or, conversely, one long and clear line does not yet say that a person is sincerely devoted only to his companion. Any fate is changeable, and the marriage line can also change its appearance over time. The main thing is to learn how to correctly interpret the variety of meanings posed by palmistry. The marriage line has its own characteristics.

So, the closer the line is to the line of the heart,the earlier there will be an affair. When there is a pair or three separate clear strips on the Mercury hill, one can say that a person will have several marriages. It must be borne in mind that in such a science as palmistry, the line of marriage is by no means the number of marriages sealed with a seal. Relations, accompanied by cordial affection and sexual intimacy, are already considered to be a marriage, so they are reflected on the hand. It is for this reason that we need to be more lenient towards what we see and try to interpret the signs correctly.

It is worth mentioning the signs in more detail.Two parallel lines that go side by side, as if merging, say that a person has a lover who takes away the heartfelt affection of a legitimate spouse. The perpendicular lines that cross the line of marriage show offspring, that is, the children that appear from this union. If the marriage line at the end splits, and the beams diverge in different directions, then we can say that the pair is waiting for the inevitable gap, which is caused by the fact that people living in wedlock are too different in their interests and character. If the line of marriage sharply starts to go down and crosses the heart line, this is a sure sign of widowhood, which says that the spouse will die early, causing great pain on the heart of his partner.

Variety of signs can surprise, becauseeach destiny is individual, and to understand it, only looking at the palms, is not easy. Let chiromancy give answers to many questions, the line of marriage is not yet a guarantee of a happy family life. Everything depends on a person's desire to give happiness to a partner, and the bands on his hand do not give any advice about the correctness of building a family life.

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