/ / Icon "Semistrelnaya": the value of what helps

Icon "Semistrelnaya": the value of what helps

Icon "Semistrelnaya" of the Blessed Virgin Mary - onefrom famous orthodox shrines. She is revered as a guardian for the dwelling space, she is prayed for reconciliation and softening of hearts, as well as for healing from diseases. This is a rather ancient pattern of icon painting, which was discovered for the first time in the XVII-XVIII centuries on the territory of Russia.


This shrine is also called the Icon "Soften Evil Hearts." Revered as miraculous and healing not only from diseases, but also anger, intolerance, feelings of anxiety.

Prayer to the Queen of Heaven, depicted in the image, gives a feeling of peace and tranquility, protects against bad thoughts and negative people who have come into the house from fraudsters and thieves.

The icon of the "Seven Mast" Mother of God is in every truly Christian believer. It is usually carried with them (in a small format) or placed in a house opposite the entrance.

Icon of the Virgin of Hearing


According to legend, the image was found on the bell tower of the temple in the vicinity of Vologda - on the river Toshni.

One peasant saw a dream in which the Virgin Mary asked to find an icon among the boards, which were placed on the landing that leads to the roof of the church, where the bells were located.

The abbot of the temple believed this poor man only withthird time. When the “Mother of God” icon of the Mother of God was truly found, cleaned of dirt and bird droppings, the believers felt grace, and some of them, including the good peasant, found spiritual and physical healing.

And in the 30s of the XIX century, when everywherecholera was raging, the image of the Virgin protected all those who came to the temple to pray before it. Since then, the shrine is also a defender of serious infectious diseases.

Heart Softener Icon


The “Seven-mounts” icon depicts the Mother of God,which pierce 7 (sometimes 6) arrows. It is a symbol of the pain that Mary experienced in her mortal life when Jesus Christ was severely condemned and executed for preaching the good news of God.

This face shows all the pain and torment for each person that the Queen of Heaven has undergone with the Son.

According to the spiritual teachings, as well as the laws of Orthodoxy, the number of arrows (swords) - seven (sometimes six) also have their sacred significance:

  1. It is a symbol of fullness, abundance, wealth.
  2. Sins from which a person needs to be healed (pride, anger, despondency, adultery, envy, greed, gluttony).

This is the meaning of the Icon.“Semistrelnoy” (in which it helps) - to “see” the evil in every converted heart and help get rid of it, as well as strengthen the positive qualities and spheres of life of a believer.

Icon of the Queen of Heaven

Where is it located

Several miraculous images are in the temples of the Russian Federation:

  • in the Moscow cloister of Archangel Michael;
  • in the church, which is in the village of Bachurino (Moscow region);
  • in Vologda - in the temple of St. Lazarus.

The shrines are found miraculously, they are transported to different cities and villages of Russia, as well as pilgrims come to their faces every year.

The icon of the “Seven Mistress” of the Mother of God or the “Softener of Evil Hearts” is in one of the Venetian chapels.

Icon of the Blessed Virgin Mary

Important shrine

Modern Christians consider the icon to be one of the most important images of the Virgin Mary, and each keeps it in his home, the space of the workplace.

After all, the face protects:

  1. From enemy swords that can threaten a loved one in the war zone.
  2. From flashes of envy, irritation, anger and despondency.
  3. From gluttony and lack of patience towards anything or anyone.
  4. From the meanness of detractors who have the intention to destroy the well-being of a person, humiliate, rob.
  5. It protects the home (especially if you place the icon in front of the entrance), “expelling” or softening everyone who comes into it with bad intentions.
  6. From disbelief in God - sincere and fervent prayer in front of the image helps to return to a person who has descended from the righteous path, who has lost faith for a time.
  7. From diseases of the physical plane, infections, severe ailments.
Old Icon

Prayer before the Icon

Every woman has a special lifeadvantage - it is given the opportunity to help (family, friends, all people) through prayer appeal to God, the Virgin Mary and other Saints. The main thing is to do it from the heart and with a sincere desire to help, not wanting anything in return.

Including help prayers addressed to the icon "Semistrelnoy", of which there are several.

One of them especially protects travelersgoing on a long journey, in which there may be danger. It begins with an appeal to the Queen of Heaven, the Lady of the "Seven Mistress". This is followed by a request to protect from the arrows of sorrow, anger, grief, temptation, persecution, yearning and ailment. About protection from all sinful thoughts and disagreeable to God affairs, from nasty people. About intercession before God.

Another strong prayer helps gain protection.from damage and evil eye. It begins with the words of the address to the Lady of the Mother of God. The following is a comparison with arrows that fly by, and the thoughts of the bereaved and spoiled bypass the person from the side, without causing harm. A request for protection and protection at any time, day or night, from demonic attack and all that is evil.

Prayer in front of the Icon of the


В храмах Российской Федерации и всего The Orthodox world has its own days of festive services - in honor of the Icon of the "Seven Least" or "Softener of Evil Hearts" (also "Simeon Proverb"). These images are of the same type, and therefore the dates of the celebration are identical:

  • August 13 and 26;
  • 9th Sunday after Easter;
  • 1 Sunday of the holiday of the Trinity.

Akathist, Kontak, and Troparion are sung on these days. And also read special - holiday prayers.

There are two prayers in the text of Akathist:

  1. The first is to appeal to the multi-speed MotherGod, who suffered more than any human being. What follows is a request for protection under the Cover of Mercy, which cannot be found anywhere else. A request for help and salvation through prayers and chanting of praise in the Trinity to God.
  2. In the second prayer, the Icon of the "Seven Matter" saysthat every believer wants to please the Virgin Mary, to sing Her mercy to people. Please protect from evil, dissolve the hearts (your own and your enemies), send an arrow that will pierce the world to the persecuting believers and worshipers. The petition of the Virgin to receive and send love. Give the power of patience and soften the hearts of people. Pleading to ask the Lord to humble people's hearts and send peace to them. Chanting of the Everlasting and Gracious Maiden, who is protection from enemies through filling people with love for each other and eradicating all evil, enmity.
Icon of the Virgin


Each of the images of the Virgin is strong in its own way andfertile. And sincere prayers fill with powerful energy and calm. And it is especially important for a person to remember this in the most difficult days of his life and to address, ask for help the Queen of Heaven.

The “Semistrelnaya” Icon, which really softens hearts, protects from bad thoughts and attacks (including energy ones) from other people, is no exception.

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