/ / Orthodox meet Christmas in church

Orthodox meet Christmas in church

Christmas is one of the most important religiousholidays. The Orthodox of the whole world celebrate it on January 7. On this day one of the posts ends. Many go to church to defend the Christmas service. Now there are a lot of people who want to meet Christmas in the church.

All Orthodox churches celebrate the greatholiday Christmas. Service in the church is everywhere. Thousands of believers come there to indulge in the atmosphere of the holiday and turn to God with prayers. This is the second most important holiday after Easter. On the eve of the feast a great compliment takes place in the church. Since it, believers spend the whole night in prayers and hymns and meet Christmas in the temple.

Until now, the church of "ChristmasThe Virgin in Putinki ". This is the last stone tent temple, preserved in Russian architecture. This church was laid in 1649, in exchange for the burnt wooden church. Its name was received because of close proximity to the ambassadorial courtyard. Ambassadors who came to Moscow stopped there. This temple has experienced many alterations and political events. After a long restoration, the service was conducted only in 1991.

In the church "Nativity of the Virgin in Putinki" all festive divine services are held. Christmas in the church is celebrated according to the canons. Thousands of believers come there.

For a long time in our country, allchurch holidays. And only with the beginning of perestroika began to restore the destroyed churches and these holidays became official. Every believer should defend the all-weather on the eve of Christmas to meet this holiday in the temple. For five days, the church services are connected with the birth of Christ. At this time, people come to the temple to pray and be cleansed of their sins.

After the service in the church, the believers continueto celebrate at home with the family. This holiday is preceded by one of the posts. Therefore, those who adhered to him, this day breaks. The houses are covered with rich tables. Traditionally, only the best dishes were cooked on this day. On the table they put jelly, ham, homemade sausages, pies and sweets. It was impossible to deny the traveler a treat.

This holiday is the most important dish on the tablewas considered a sweet kutya or osovo. It was prepared from wheat or rice. This is a traditional dish of this holiday. Christmas Eve was called Christmas Eve. Usually this time the believers spent in the church or at home in meditation or prayer. At Christmas it was customary to wear kutya at home and sing Christmas songs, congratulating the hosts on the holiday. In response, the hosts were to thank for the congratulations and treat those who came with sweets, sweets or give money.

The traditional symbols of Christmas are the manger,in which Jesus was born. Temples are also decorated according to tradition and canons. Traditional ornaments are coniferous branches. Use also fir. juniper. Needles symbolize eternal life and immortality, therefore it is widely used in the design of the temple. Christmas in the church is solemn and festive. This holiday lasts five days in the church. All this time the believers glorify the birth of Jesus. In prayers and hymns, they announce the appearance of the Savior. These days the church calls on all believers in their prayers to be cleansed of their sins and ask for forgiveness from God.

Christmas festivals are the most popular.They coincide with other New Year holidays. This is an occasion to spend time with family and children, to give time to relatives and friends. It is not for nothing that on this holiday it is recommended to take guests in the house and treat them to the best dishes. But we must not forget about the spiritual side. Be sure to attend worship in the church, because Christmas in the church is also very beautiful.

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