/ / Horse and Rat: compatibility on the eastern horoscope

Horse and Rat: compatibility on the eastern horoscope

A very interesting zodiac pair isHorse and Rat. Compatibility among people born in the years of these animals is often good. This should be told in more detail, but first, a couple of words about the nature of each of the potential partners.

horse and rat compatibility


The people who were born this year are charming,smart and attractive. They always make a good impression. Their main virtue is the ability to think things over. These people always put their own interests first. And before taking a step or making a definite decision, they will weigh everything well, in order to win in any case.

These people are very attached to their home.And if you want to have a close relationship with such a person, then you need to remember this. Rats appreciate comfort. They do not tolerate scandals, quarrels and hysterics. They themselves are not conflicts, therefore, with any hint of discord in relations, they will run away. To keep the Rat near him, you need to become for her a good friend and reliable companion. She will appreciate it.

compatibility of horse and rat women


People who came into the world in the year of thisanimal, very light and pleasant character. They are cheerful, talented and perceptive. And the charisma given by nature is their main weapon. These people attract attention of almost everyone. And they get the rest of them to themselves.

Они любят сборища, публичные зрелища, вечеринки, cinema, theaters and even demonstrations with rallies. These people are welcome everywhere. They are excellent interlocutors and interesting personalities. Which is not surprising. These personalities are educated and smart. They always have something to talk about. By the way, this is a common feature, which is different and the horse and the rat. Their compatibility in many ways can be determined by this quality. After all, both one and the other is very important to have a good companion at your side. But more on that later.

What about love, then, if the Horsesfall in love, for the sake of a radiant feeling they can throw everything and everyone, just to be with the one who is dear to them. Moreover, a person born in the year of this animal may even sacrifice his principles if the love of that one demands. And the partner should appreciate such actions. Because the principles for these people mean a lot.

male horse female rat compatibility

Is the union promising?

Выше были рассмотрены особенности, которыми Horse and Rat differ. Compatibility, in principle, is possible. After all, they have many common features. Everyone is intellectually developed, and both have a chance to reach considerable heights in their careers. They are also united by purposefulness. Everyone likes to communicate and learn something new. It would seem that the ideal pair can come from people like the Horse and the Rat.

Compatibility, however, is a subtle thing.As you know, opposites attract. And here there are similarities. And there is a minus. Neither one nor the other does not know how to yield. Very rarely - and then, in the case of insane love. But, since both people are rationalists, they think first of all in the head, and not in the heart.

But it is worth considering this topic in more detail.What if a man is a Horse? Compatibility Horses and Rat-women in this case can be successful. He is bright, charming, loving, energetic. She is charming, charismatic, attractive. For a Rat girl, such a man will become a reliable support and a wall, behind which you can feel at peace. And she, in turn, will be able to please him and satisfy any desires. True, conflicts can not be avoided. Girls-rats are two-faced. And often deceive. Boys born in the year of the Horse can not stand this. But this is their essence. They will have to look for a compromise. The girl will have to learn to be more honest and open, and if she does not manage to forget how to lie, then at least do it without harming the relationship. A guy - to take her essence.

horse and rat compatibility in marriage

And if the opposite is true?

So, the situation described above can behappen to such a pair as a man-horse - a woman-rat. Compatibility is possible, but not without problems. And if the signs of the eastern horoscope are distributed the other way around? Everything will be the same.

The cunning and agile man-Rat can hide fromhis faithful salary, for example. A woman-horse, in turn, can plan his vacation so that he does not get there. And, most importantly, she will be able to motivate it. She will say that she needs a personal space. And it really will be like that! After all, Horses are individuals who need freedom.

Perhaps everything does not look very happy.But in fact, people like Horse and Rat can get along fine. Compatibility in marriage is successful, because these individuals have a lot in common. They just need to understand it. And to realize that common interests, hobbies and the ability to share something new are better than constantly trying to prove to each other their case. They may be able to get close if they both leave aside what they can embroil. They should go on a joint long journey on equal terms. This will help them get closer to each other.

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