Today we propose to find out how a very unpleasant dream is interpreted in various dream books, in which we see a dying person.
What does a dying person dream about?: Gustav Miller's Dream Book
This dream book treats such a dream likea premonition of unhappiness that will come from the side with which it was not expected at all. If a dreamer dreams that he himself is dying, then such a dream warns him that neglect of his deeds and his own health can, in the end, be lamentable for him.
What does a dying person dream about?: The newest dream book
According to the authors of this dream book, a person dying in a dream symbolizes a speedy release from some hardship or gaining wealth and prosperity.
Dream Interpreters dreamer: what a dying man dreams of
If a similar dream is seen by a representativethe fair sex, then in the foreseeable future, her lover can cool against her. For a man, such a dream is a warning about a possible sharp deterioration of the cases and the related consequences. A dream in which the dreamer sees himself dying (but not dying!) Promises an offensive in his life of a peaceful and calm phase, during which the affairs will be stable, and in his personal life will go without worry.
A symbolic dream: a dying man in a dream
If you dream that a loved one is dying,waking reality, then a dream like this can promise him good health. Another interpretation of this dream lies in the possible disruption of relations with this person or forced long-term separation from him.
What does a dying person dream about?: Dream Book of Shuvalov
According to the interpretation of this dream book, a similar dreamcan personify the dreams of a dreamer, which he failed to realize because of some prohibitions and taboos. It is possible that such prohibitions are a consequence of ordinary prejudices imposed by society. If you often dream of deceased people who are actually alive and well, it is quite possible that such a dream manifests a hostility towards you in which you are afraid to admit even to yourself.
Dreams of Azar: a dying man in a dream
This collection of interpretations of dreams asserts that sleep,in which the dreamer sees his own dying mother, foreshadows severe sadness and anxiety. The outgoing father promises some events that will lead to a sense of shame. If you dreamed of dying other relatives, then such a dream may foreshow in the near future the receipt of an unexpected and rich inheritance. The dream in which you witnessed the agony of a dying person promises a long and happy life, strong health and financial well-being. If you dreamed that you are dying yourself, then you should exercise greater care and responsibility in relation to professional duties. Also, pay attention to your own health, which can give you some problems in the future.