/ / Starline car alarms: instruction manual, installation, reviews

Car Alarms Starline: instruction manual, installation, reviews

Появившиеся на рынках автомобильных аксессуаров StarLine alarms were a real breakthrough in the field of vehicle security, as they combined broad functionality, innovative technology, an intuitive interface and a high level of protection. Why do car owners leave only positive reviews about StarLine car alarms, how does it differ from analogs and how to install and configure it correctly? All answers are presented in the article.

car alarms starline

Features StarLine alarms

One of the main features of car alarmsStarLine is an interactive data encryption method that reduces the risk of hacking into the system. System models created to work in the city, have a multi-kilometer radius of action. Radio interference is sent to individual channels, which ensures the stability of the signal to interference.

Самодиагностика - еще одна отличительная черта StarLine car alarms: the system automatically checks and monitors the operation of all sensors located in the vehicle. Notification of damage to the entire system or its individual elements is carried out through the LED indicator or alarm keychain.

Protective mechanisms to prevent hacking attempts are listed in the StarLine car alarm manual:

  • dynamic code does not allow to intercept the system signal;
  • you can interrupt the alarm without disarming;
  • the number of alarm repetitions is limited, despite its cyclical nature;
  • custom alarm settings are saved in case of power failure;
  • the introduction of a personal access code allows you to urgently disable the alarm.
car alarm starline a93

Car alarm features

When choosing a security complex car owners infirst of all pay attention to its capabilities and functionality. The set of options, the number of protected areas and protection algorithms can vary depending on the specific model of car alarm StarLine.

The functionality of StarLine systems includes:

  1. Control and blocking of the engine in case of attempt of its unauthorized start that is carried out by the ordinary or digital relay.
  2. Remote start of the engine.
  3. Limit switches provide protection for the trunk, doors and bonnet.
  4. Two-level sensors protect the car body and glass from shocks.
  5. The sensor located inside the cabin monitors its condition.
  6. Disable parking brake is impossible.

The principle of the system

All models of security systems StarLine, includingAmong them, one of the most popular versions of the StarLine car alarm, the A93, is equipped with innovative technology that works through the use of a secure channel. The signal received from the sensor is checked by the system for authenticity. A confirmation request sent in response is a coded number.

Секретный код и алгоритм позволяют брелоку StarLine car alarms process the received signals and send a response to the control unit. Disabling the alarm occurs if the sent and received signals are similar, and confirmation is sent to the key fob. The process of exchanging signals and confirming them takes less than a second.

car alarm with auto starline

User's manual

StarLine Car Alarm comes incomplete with instructions, which explains in detail the principle of its work and the installation process. Installation, configuration and subsequent operation of the security complex can be carried out by the car owner both on their own and with the assistance of auto repair shop specialists.

The mounting points of the system elements are selected toinstallation of car alarm StarLine. The control unit is best placed behind the dashboard or front seats. The siren is installed in a place protected from moisture - the engine compartment is considered the best option. The antenna is located at a distance from the wiring and the metal elements of the car.

The shock sensor is mounted in the center of the cabin due to the fact that its principle of operation is based on reading the impact on the body at the same distance from all sides.

Panic button is desirable to place under the hood at a maximum distance from heat sources. Such elements are usually attached to the inner surface of the wing of the car.

The LED is located on the center console. Such a position in advance warns attackers that the car is equipped with car alarm with auto start StarLine A93.

All elements of the security complex are connectedonly when activated protected mode. After the parts are placed and the alarm is set up, it is earthed and powered. The correctness of the installation and operation of the StarLine car alarm is checked.

Due to the high sensitivity of the sensors, the alarm may falsely trigger. You can eliminate this reaction by recalibrating the system.

keychain car alarm starline

Setting the alarm system

After installing the car alarm proceed to its setting, which begins with the binding of the key fob.

Key fob

Included auto-alarm with auto startStarLine comes with two remote controls. The main key chain with four control keys and a liquid crystal display, the additional one is equipped only with a light indicator and three buttons. Before using the keyfob, you need to make the basic settings of the alarm itself:

  • set the date and time;
  • if necessary - set the alarm;
  • set the timer;
  • adjust the volume of the beeps;
  • select sound alert tone.

In the management of car alarm StarLine prioritygiven to the main keyring. He, in fact, is the only remote with which you can control the system from a distance. Additional keychain is used as a duplicate in cases where the main is not at hand or it has failed.

car alarm instruction starline

Setting the system in a cursor way

Car alarm supports multiplemodes for programming some of which you can resort to the cursor method. Activation of this method is carried out by pressing two buttons at once: the first continues to the corresponding sound signal, the second confirms the activation. The icon of the enabled function appears on the LCD display of the main charm. Move from one character to another by using the control buttons. You can activate a specific option by pressing two keys.

Cursor method allows you to activate the following StarLine A93 car alarm functions:

  • silent protection mode;
  • locking and unlocking doors;
  • anti-pillage;
  • third-party service mode;
  • activation and deactivation of the turbo timer and others.

StarLine Alarm Modes

The alarm system has not only wide functionality, but also a rich set of operating modes:

  • Immobilizer.
  • Anti-theft
  • Panic mode.
  • Self-diagnostics of all sensors and elements.
  • Activation of the silent mode of protection both at the started, and at the muffled engine.
  • Auto-start alarm in case of its shutdown.
  • Emergency call for help in VALET mode.
  • When striking glass, wheels and bodywork, sensors work silently.
  • Determination of the coordinates of the machine and GPS monitoring.
  • Automatic programming of the key fob on the specified parameters in case of loss of the old one and destruction of the previous encryption code.
  • Locking car wheels when it is evacuated with special equipment.
installation of car alarm starline

Malfunctions of the security complex

The most common occurrences of the following StarLine car alarms are:

  • Disabling the key fob due to discharge.The battery installed in the remote control does not have a long working life, therefore at the first malfunctions in operation it is necessary to change the battery.
  • Power problems. The reason is a malfunction in the power supply system of the alarm system, fuse box or discharging of the car battery.
  • Failure of the central control unit. May trigger the failure of the entire alarm system.
  • Problems with the sensors. Defective elements of the system may be replaced by new ones.

Most of the automotive faultsThe alarm is solved by replacing the failed elements. The situation with the replacement and repair of the control unit is problematic, since it is the most complex and expensive part of the security system. Any repairs associated with car alarms should be carried out by the masters who installed it.

car alarm starline a93 with auto start

Advantages and disadvantages of StarLine car alarm

Основным достоинством сигнализационной системы StarLine is easy and simple to install: all the stages of installation are clearly and easily described in the instructions supplied with the security complex. The car owner can independently carry out all stages of alarm installation or resort to the help of car service specialists if necessary.

Among the other benefits of car alarm StarLine note:

  1. The ability to install a security system on any vehicle, regardless of brand, model, engine type and transmission.
  2. High-strength enclosures key fobs.
  3. Resistance to the effects of precipitation and temperature jumps.
  4. Protection from third-party interference and signals through the use of innovative technology.
  5. Autorun function, which increases the comfort and efficiency of using car alarms.

At a relatively low costStarLine alarm systems are notable for not only a wide range of basic functions, but also a considerable number of additional options. The rich model range allows you to choose the most suitable for the vehicle and the corresponding system to the wishes of the motorist. Depending on the specific model, the functionality of the StarLine car alarm system varies, which may include the following options:

  • Navigation system and tracking the location of the vehicle using satellite communications.
  • In the event of an emergency, the car owner will be notified in various ways.
  • Autostart engine in the distance.
  • Several channels for eliminating radio interference and many others.

The only disadvantages of car alarmsStarLine can be considered a large number of electronic components, the failure of which can lead to the need to replace the entire security complex. It’s quite easy to avoid such sad consequences - the car owner is required to timely diagnose and maintain not only the vehicle, but also the alarm system itself.


StarLine car alarm is consideredperfect security system to protect the vehicle in any situation. The security complex stands out among its peers and competitors with an affordable price, wide functionality, a considerable list of additional options, a high level of protection, an intuitive interface, and the possibility of self-installation, which is highly valued by motorists.

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