Long since the horseshoe is considered the luck charm andhappiness among many peoples of Europe and Asia. Fashion women of different eras with pleasure wore jewelry - earrings, rings, brooches and pendants, in the design of which was a poke.
The source of this belief was the horse horseshoe.Yes, yes, the one that is nailed to the horse's hoof and protects it from erasure and damage during the race. Why? Now it is difficult to say, although there are several interesting theories. According to one of them, the Egyptian pharaohs harnessed horses for solemn occasions to their chariots, who had horseshoes of pure gold. And since gold is soft metal, the horseshoes quickly deformed and simply flew off the hooves. For the pharaoh - the loss is small. But if such a "surprise" was found by a poor man, there was no limit to his happiness. Hence the opinion that people are given a horseshoe for good luck.
In the Chinese art of feng shui this subjectIt is considered one of the most popular and strong symbols of the protection of the house and its inhabitants. And so it was happily placed and placed to this day inside or outside the front door or in the doorways, in the openings of windows, above the fireplaces or elsewhere, using as an element of the decor of the home interior. Admirers of this trend are enough among Europeans, as well as residents of the New World. Therefore, the horseshoe above the door is quite a frequent sight, especially in small towns, villages and private estates.
In general, in countries with developed horse breeding, findhorseshoe back in the Middle Ages, during the Crusades, when products made of iron were expensive, it was an economic event. After all, it could be adapted to your horse and used, so to speak, for free! However, superstitious people still preferred to bring the find home. But how to hang a horseshoe over the door? To the common denominator the followers of different philosophical trends still have not come.
Basic rules for placing horseshoes for treatment and luck
An ancient Russian rite
Alas, but in the 21st century, technical progressso broadly and freely that the horse "alive" can be found already in a very very deep province. Villages, villages are increasingly shifting to "horsepower" under the hood. In this case, the chances of acquiring a talisman, which faithfully served some kind of a dozen years old, are very small. Exit? Buy a souvenir-horseshoe and attach it where you see fit. The main thing is that you believe in the good that it will bring to you. And everyone is rewarded by faith!