sex in Islam

In many countries of the Arab world, whichprofess Islam, the custom still exists, whose roots go back to the Middle Ages. So, for example, the relatives of a newly married guy, if suddenly the bride turned out to be "spoiled", can exterminate her entire family. In this case, even resorting to the court will not help, the guilty will suffer only a conditional punishment. This is such a background to our topic. What he is - sex in Islam and what place he takes from the Arab population, we'll try to figure it out further.

First, let's look at how love interactsand sex in Islam. There everything is complicated, more precisely not completely known, covered with a veil of secrets and incredible speculation. Many people even in their thoughts do not ask themselves the question of such a sensitive topic, considering it a complete absurdity. All this is because some of us can not even compare the religion of sex, since it is believed that religion suppresses sex and all its manifestations in man. But this is far from the case. Sex in Islam is unequivocally present, because even at birth a person has the right to satisfy his intellectual, physical and spiritual needs. Moreover, in satisfying his need for sex, he gains the blessing and mercy of the Almighty. But at the same time, if we consider the phrase "love and sex in Islam," then, of course, the word Islam is prevalent.

In the Arab countries it was believed that those whoexperiencing feelings of love, Allah will give a huge reward, and in what way it will be achieved, it did not matter. That is why, sex in Islam is considered the very method of achieving the greatest love, which leads to the highest reward.

Love and sex are very closely intertwined.If you read the Koran, it becomes clear that Allah, creating people in pairs, as it were, hints at the fact that sexual relations should be present. This need is caused by procreation, but sex without love is impossible, so one can not be without the other. Sex in Islam is the foundation of a good family and the will of Allah. So, for example, even before the advent of Islam, sex was perceived as an ordinary human need, the same as food and drink. Islam, however, significantly increased these concepts by defining the concept of sex, as based on love.

Sex in Islam, however, like everything in Arabicworld, is based on one very interesting rule: "If something is not forbidden, then it is allowed." Muslims of the new generation are no longer afraid to pronounce the word "sex" and lead a very cheeky lifestyle. In Islam, there are only two prohibitions against sex. This is the prohibition of sex during menstruation and anal sex. This suggests that oral sex in Islam is also present, since it is not banned. But this opinion was not supported by some Islamists. They believe that oral sex is too humiliating, because such actions are not peculiar even to animals. But in any case, after him it is necessary to perform ablutions.

So, we have considered questions about howinterconnected sex and love in Islam, and what prohibitions on sex exist for people of this religion, as well as what they are allowed to do in sex and how Allah looks at it. All this is presented to your attention in general terms. Most recently, a post-graduate student of the Faculty of Philosophy of Moscow State University (political scientist) published a book by Rinat Mukhametov entitled "Love and Sex in Islam," which became a real scandal for many countries. It describes all of the above, and not only, the questions in more detail. In any case, everything that happens in Islamic families in fact, we will not be able to thoroughly know, but it is not so necessary. Each person has his own religion and his life rules, which are consistent with his preferences. And it's up to him to decide what place there is for sex.

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