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What is the meaning of the name Nicole

This beautiful, refined, soft name is known to manythanks to a world-class actress - the charming Nicole Kidman. The name that is typical for girls in Europe and the United States of America, for Russia - a rarity.

the meaning of the nickname


Nika, as her name is in the Russian manner, the girlcharming and cheerful, infects his energy with close people. People, even the first time they saw it, involuntarily smile, because it all radiates optimism.

What is the meaning of the name Nicole?Of course, the winner, from the Greek Nick, that is, victory. Nika has the temperament of an unbroken horse, but it is he who leads his mistress to the top of glory. Niki has a wonderful innate intuition. She helps her, especially since the girl firmly knows what she is striving for and achieves her goal with all her efforts.

Those who bear the name of Nicole, unusually developedfantasy and imagination. These girls are well versed in life and are able to choose the right decision. The above qualities will lead them to the choice of a creative specialty: an actress, a fashion model, a poetess, a singer, a musician and the like.


What is the meaning of the name?Nicole is sensual and passionate. This nature needs a constant feeling of being in love, winds up the chosen one with its extraordinary passion and ... quickly becomes cold. And then she, with her usual calm in such cases, leaves her beloved without a special sense of guilt. Nicole has nothing to do with former men. They remain in unfulfilled dreams about this amazing woman.

But when Nicole loves for real, for the wholecoil, it means that the whole world for her now revolves around her lover. Everything loses its meaning, goes to the background, fades before her love. Marrying, Nicole becomes a devoted and affectionate wife. This caring and affectionate mother of the soul does not believe in her children and is their first friend.


And how many famous women wear this unusual andbeautiful name: popular American fashion model N. Fox, scandalous porn star Smith, vocalist Henry. We can feel the meaning of the name Nicole by the example of the latter.

nickname name

Henry was born in Philadelphia, grew musicallygifted child: she was engaged in ballet, singing at school, in the choir, and then studied the cello game for several years. Finally, she enters the theater department of the University of Miami. Only after making successful musical recordings with the famous producer N. Sanger, Henry finds himself in the popular Billboard magazine, dedicated to music. Then he begins to work actively on his own projects.

The star of Henry shone on musical jazzthe horizon, about its powerful vocal data, the international press began to speak. The voice of Henry is admirable, it is compared to the vocal data of stars such as Diana Ross and Whitney Houston. How did the meaning of Nicole's name affect Henry's life? Perhaps, having such a name, a little girl who did not think about the singer's career became a star of world size.

If you want your daughter to be happy and famous, call her Nicole. Name it bears in itself victory and glory.

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