What are our energy centers responsible for?For physical, mental, emotional and emotional health. These centers of power and consciousness allow us to live in complete harmony, not only with the world, but also with ourselves. On these points, the vital energy flows, which, with the right and healthy condition, will make it possible to take the path of personal and spiritual development. All these centers are seven, and on each of them we will stop in detail.
The first chakra, the same muladhara, is the lower andis responsible for the energy of kundalini. The second - svadhistana - is located in the coccyx region. She is responsible for your sex appeal. Therefore, if you do not experience positive emotions in an intimate experience or simply can not attract your soul mate, it is likely that you have blocked it. Umbilical (according to individual sources, located in the solar plexus region) manipura is responsible for the will, character, vitality and strength. Anahata is associated with love, feelings, emotions and is the heart chakra. Throat vishudha refers to voice, speech, information. The ajna chamomile is located between the eyebrows (that same third eye). It helps to open the future and is responsible for the gift of clairvoyance. Sahasrara is the most important energy center. As a rule, its blocking carries with it pernicious consequences and mows down the work of all other points. Each of them is also responsible for the activities of certain bodies.
Засоренные или вовсе закрытые чакры ведут за a number of problems not only in the spiritual plan, but also with health, the flow of personal, public, career life. By the way, banal evil eye and spoilage act on them, and the healers of them, in fact, just clean and remove any deviations in structure, color, shape.
Aura is such an original energyThe cocoon on which the chakras are located. If this shell is damaged, it needs to be trimmed. You can refer to specialists (and if you do not have confidence in your abilities and capabilities, then it is necessary), or you can correct the situation by certain exercises, mudras and mantras. But it is better not to delay with this, since the closure of the centers is akin to a disease - over time, it all grows into a huge coma of problems.
Diagnosis is carried out in several ways.There are special devices that can capture a person's aura. There is also a description of the chakras, their performance. But, unfortunately, most of these tools are not in the way, since the real unit is a rarity, and there is such a picture, I suspect, pretty decent.
The second way is to turn towho knows this topic to specialists. Clairvoyants, psychics, shamans, sorcerers and witches - they all know quite closely the subject of discussion, only call it in different ways. In either case, it is worth trying both methods. You can try to diagnose yourself, but at the same time you will be responsible for the results.