/ / The mirror broke. For what? To buying a new one!

The mirror broke. For what? To buying a new one!

In nearly all cultures, a mirror is consideredmystical object and the gate between the material and the astral world. According to different doctrines, invisible entities that penetrate through our world live in the mirror-like world. Another interpretation says that the mirror is able to attract and retain negative energy, formed from negative emotions, thoughts and words of the inhabitants of the house. That's why the interpretation of the situation, when the big mirror broke, have a bad sense. They say that the accumulated evil force, having escaped to freedom, begins to vibrate in the room and attract bad events to it.

The mirror broke: what (belief)

the mirror broke to what

The most gloomy predictions promise grief and woesover the next 7 years, and completely hopeless - the death of his or her loved one. This can be treated with irony or seriously, but most people believe in negative consequences. Therefore, many so often ask their friends or more experienced relatives: "The mirror broke - what for?".

Some signs

Almost everything associated with mirrors is plaquemystery, and some actions with them can lead to bad events. It is known that one should not look at broken, cracked, scratched, dirty mirrors. Parapsychologists and experts in feng shui are categorically against strangers and, especially, old mirrors in the house. It is not known who they belonged to before and what energy they absorbed into themselves. Children can not be brought to the mirrors for up to a year, because their souls are still too pure and can become prey for otherworldly forces.

broke a big mirror
It is a custom to cover the mirror with a cloth in the house,where there is a departed. This is done so that the soul does not fly into it, but goes to heaven. Also a bad sign is considered if the bride in full growth looks in a large mirror before the wedding. Many are very worried, not knowing what it means if the mirror is broken the day before or during some very significant events (weddings, birthdays, engagements, major purchases). By the same legends, it promises losses in the future.

The mirror broke. For what? What to do?

Of course, the consequences of such an event depend onyour faith in its outcome. Someone will simply brush off the fragments and, without looking, throw them into the garbage, and on someone it will produce a globally bad impression. Therefore, when you think: "The mirror is broken, why?", Then do not attach any importance to it. If you do not direct thoughts on this event and not fill it with your energy, then it will lose its power and will not be fulfilled. After all, as you know, thoughts are material, and if you think that there will be grief, this is likely to happen.

which means if the mirror broke

The world is full of people carrying crackedmirror, but they and their loved ones are alive and well. You can also take to the mirrors, which on the planet is beating a lot. But if you have been inspired from childhood to believe that a broken mirror is unfortunate, then it will be difficult to immediately rebuild your thinking. Therefore, do such a ritual: gather the fragments with a broom on a sheet of white paper, wrap and throw it where you usually take out the garbage. Such actions on the emotional plan will help quickly and painlessly survive this unpleasant event. Remember that a person is governed by life, not by signs, and that a broken mirror is nothing more than an excuse to buy something new and beautiful.

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