/ / The meaning of the name of Elmira

The meaning of the name Elmira

Man and the influence of a name

In our world of being

the meaning of the name Elmira
There are many names.But, after all, no one thought about the fact that naming a child by that or other name, parents affect his character. All names can not be told at once. We will consider the features of people named Elmira. The meaning of the name is characterized, first of all, by its origin, but Elmira's appearance can not be unequivocally stated. According to one version, it has Spanish roots and is translated as "princess". According to another, this is an Arab name, which means "the ruler of the world".

The meaning of the name Elmira for its owners

Since childhood, girls are constantly ill. They are very wary of strangers and do not come into contact with everyone.

the name of Elmira
Elmira is silent and shy.Because of inherent indecision, she often hides her musical talents. Thanks to an excellent memory, these girls have high marks in school and in most cases are favorite teachers. Despite the fact that Elmira is simple in communication, she always has only one girlfriend, in rare cases - two. Preferred quiet and calm games. The meaning of the name Elmira strongly affects his owner in adolescence. She keeps herself aloof, trying to avoid noisy companies. This girl is endowed with an excellent ear and voice, so she likes to sing when she is alone. In addition, most Elmir are very plastic and attend various dance clubs. They do not like to conflict, they are sensitive and vulnerable. In addition to secondary education, the girl always gets higher, giving preference to the most prestigious universities. Externally - these are soft girls, but for unknown reasons, they attract men to themselves, like a magnet. Because of his modesty and shyness, Elmira's marriage is getting late.

The meaning of the name Elmira depending on the period of birth

The girl Elmira, born in the winter, has great determination and vigor in comparison with those who were born during the rest of the year. She is

Elmira - the meaning of the name
does not like to wake up early, and for her itbecomes a whole problem. Elmira loves to fiddle around in the kitchen. And in the preparation of food "puts the soul", so it turns out very tasty. In most cases, she gives birth to girls. Spring Elmira is vulnerable and sensitive. He prefers to get married so that he feels "like a stone wall." Women with this name, born in the summer, are very affectionate with the husband, always obey him and never contradict him. After the birth of a child, everything goes to the background, and they only deal with the upbringing of their child. Their love for their spouse is great. They give him a lot of warmth and affection, but even more demand from him. They are very jealous, but, in spite of this, they never scandal, but keep all experiences in themselves. The meaning of Elmira's name differs from those born in the autumn period. Autumn Elmira is prudent, thinks through each step. Disappointed, therefore, neither to go to visit, nor to receive guests does not like. But, if people come to her, she will take it at the highest level.

The work of Elmira

As for the work, the name of Elmira endows him withowners scrupulous and scrupulous. They will always do all the work on time and without errors. At them all is executed ideally up to trifles. If desired, they easily achieve career growth. However, in most cases, the first place they have a family.

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