/ / Prayers of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Orthodox Prayer

Prayers of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Orthodox Prayer

Orthodoxy for the whole period of its formationrepeatedly experienced moments when a person allowed himself to doubt the truth of the Christian faith. And then the Lord showed miracles to the world in order to prove his mercy and unified Orthodox faith. In this miraculous way the phenomenon of the world of the icon, honored among the people as the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, was noted. Prayer is considered the strongest near this holy face, energy is the most positive about this holy image.

prayers of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God

Wonderful acquisition of the shrine

At the end of the 16th century, a terrible disaster struckto Kazan. The fierce fire that began in the church spread to the houses and the Kremlin, many buildings and people's houses were burnt. There was no one Kazan family left homeless, which was the reason for scolding the faith by the Christian non-believers: "Where was your God? Why let the houses burn out? "And indeed, many on that terrible summer night questioned the faith of the Orthodox and one God. However, while the summer season stood in the yard, it was urgent to rebuild the burnt houses. One night, at the height of the restoration work, the daughter of the archer Matron in a dream saw the image of the Mother of God, who ordered her to take an icon with a holy face from under the earth and showed her place in a dream. The miraculous icon indeed was found in that place, it was taken to the light, the day of its finding began to be revered among the people as a holiday of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Miracles from the holy image

The fact that the image that appeared unexpectedly to the worldOur Lady of Miraculous, it became clear right after the extraction of the icon. The holy face was solemnly transferred to the Temple with the Cross procession, during the transfer of this icon, two blind men saw the blind, who very much wanted to see the miracle that was revealed to the world. From that moment even those who mocked and mocked the true faith hurried to the icon with requests for healing and correction. Prayers of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God from that memorable day began to create true miracles according to the faith of those who ask. In the place where the icon was found, a nunnery was erected, in which many true believers of Orthodox women and women were tonsured and served the Lord and the world with prayers and sacrifices.

the Kazan icon of the Mother of God prayer is the strongest

The Wanderer's Guide

The face of the Kazan Mother of God belongs to the categoryicons, guidebooks, indicating the right path for the lost souls, as well as for all needy. Especially famous was the famous icon in times of troubled times. As a rule, the defenders of the Russian land, this shrine indicated the right path to victory, thereby supporting the spirit of the Russian warrior. Not one battle was won with the prayer and holy support that the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God rendered. The most powerful prayer of this icon sounded in front of important battles and wars, and it was always heard by the Heavenly Patroness Russian Orthodoxy. Not only the soldiers and soldiers pointed out the correct way this icon, the people have long gone the custom of blessing the young under the crown in this holy way.

feast of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

Ancient lists of the holy image

In the beginning of the 20th century a miraculous icon, foundin Kazan, was robbed by robbers, the precious salary was looted, the shrine itself disappeared without a trace. During the entire period of worship of the holy face, many lists were made from him, which also became famous as miraculous. After the terrible revolutionary turmoil of 1917, these lists dispersed throughout the world, and the whole world has already believed in miracles that pray before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God. Today, the Russian Orthodox Church makes every effort to return the shrines to the Russian land, the oldest list from the Kazan icon can be seen in the Tretyakov Gallery. Especially famous were the lists with a miraculous icon of healing from blindness and eye diseases. An irreplaceable helper, this icon is also considered during hard and military times.

Autumn celebration of the icon

The second holiday of the icon of Kazan Mother of GodThe Orthodox world celebrates in the autumn, November 4. At the beginning of the 17th century, Moscow was liberated from the Poles on this day, the intercession of the Kazan face of the Most Holy Mother of God was considered a considerable achievement in this victory. The grateful Orthodox world by that time numbered more than one heavenly help of this illustrious holy icon, therefore another day of celebration was established. It is also significant that during the revival of Orthodoxy and spirituality in society, in the early nineties of the 20th century in Moscow, on November 4, the restored Kazan Cathedral was opened. To date, this image continues to be considered one of the most revered by the Russian Orthodox Church, with miracles on the prayers of believers continue to occur. In the troubled time of military events in the Ukrainian Donbass, believers who performed the Procession in defense of Orthodoxy and Orthodox Christians, one of the main icons carried an icon of the Kazan Mother of God.

Kazan icon of the Mother of God than helps prayer

Prayers work wonders ...

The prayer icon is the miracle-working forceThe Kazan Mother of God. The text of the prayer address, pronounced in the summer feast of the Kazan Mother of God, is identical to that read in the Kazan Autumn. The only difference is that on the summer holiday, apart from the troparion, the kontakion, and the praising of the prayer of the Mother of God before the icon of Kazan. True believers, praying to the holy image, repeatedly noted that "according to our prayers it was given to us ...". The holy image is preferred by many Orthodox in the house, since it is believed that the Kazan Guidebook guides the true and safe path of every believer in her power and the Christian's wisdom.

The Enlightenment of the Blind by Prayer before the Image

Many miracles were surprised by the Holy Kazan, butmost of them are exactly when healing from blindness. Rumors filled the Russian land about finding a wonderful image, about the mysterious image of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. What helps prayer in this way, it became clear after the insight of the first two blind men during the Holy procession. Soon the desperate mother of the blind infant brought the baby to the temple to this icon, began to pray fervently to the Holy Mother of God of Kazan. Parishioners of the church and the priest offered prayers along with it, after a while after the beginning of prayers the kid began to touch the mother's face with handles.

prayer before the icon of the Kazan Mother of God

All those present in the temple were able to seethat the child was healed of blindness through the prayers of believers. I saw the miraculous icon and the blind monk. After a hot prayer, the image of the Kazan Mother of God was not eased, a frustrated monk went to his monastery. Soon in a dream the Mother of God appeared to him and commanded to continue the rapture of prayers, then wipe with a shroud. Having executed exactly the command, the monk received his sight.

Healing by the relaxed body and mind

Miraculous healing of a young boy fromrelaxation was recorded in the city of Kazan. The young man did not stand on his feet for about two years, his parents did not cease to believe in the mercy of the Lord, they prayed diligently. The prayer of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for help was simultaneously raised by the mother of the young man and the young man himself. His mother prayed in the temple before the image, the guy himself tearfully asked, lying in his bed. At some point, the young man felt so relieved that he could get to his feet and came to the temple, leaning on two staffs. The hot prayers of the mother and young man accomplished a miracle, it is believed, because they both sincerely believed in the power and power of the holy image. The disease of dementia also heals the prayers of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. There is a well-known case of the healing of a weak-minded person in the Kazan Cathedral from the image of the Virgin. The young man sincerely wanted to receive help and be healed, prayed diligently, served a moleben and went home absolutely healthy.

prayer of the icon of the Kazan Mother of God text

Healing Sick

There is a case of prayer cure from the iconKazan Mother of God from a serious leg disease. A young woman who could no longer walk when she heard about the miraculous face, asked to take herself to him. In the temple, she diligently and with tears offered prayers to the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, asking the heavenly mistress for mercy. The woman was healed on the spot, immediately during the prayer service, she went home with her feet, thanks to the Lord and the Mother of God for their mercy and omnipotence.

prayer of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God for help

Many patients noted a significant decreasesymptoms of leg disease after treatment to this Heavenly Saint, a lot of cases of complete healing are also recorded. Many healings from cancer are recorded through prayers to this image of the Mother of God. Since this icon is considered an assistant in wars and battles, in the battle with a terrible disease, it will also be an invaluable helper. Oncological tumors are a terrible enemy of humanity, destroying people no less than wars and battles. That is why the appeal for healing from a serious illness to the Our Lady of Kazan has a special meaning.

Assistance in finding a family

It is not by chance that the mothers of young girls entering intomarriage, bless the daughters with the icon of Our Lady of Kazan. It is believed that the prayer to the icon of the Kazan Mother of God about marriage is one of the strongest Orthodox prayer appeals. Those who sincerely believe in the power of the holy image and wish to enter into an Orthodox marriage, this image assists in acquiring a family. Girls who are blessed by mothers to the crown of the Kazan image of the Mother of God should always keep this icon in their house. This shrine is considered a kind of amulet of the family, the prayers of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God will keep the family hearth and children born in this marriage. A holy guide will point the way to a young girl who wants to marry. The holy icon will not refuse support and those who experience difficulties in family life and wish to preserve peace and peace in the family. The way to exit the family crisis can also indicate the Kazan Hodegetria by prayerful appeal to her for help.

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