/ / Name days of George. Days of the Name-Day of George (Yuri)

Name day of George. Days of the Name-Day of George (Yuri)

Name days are a holiday, also calledHappy Angel Day. In essence, it is dedicated to a saint whose name is given to a person. Such a saint of God is considered a heavenly patron and intercessor before God for all who are named in his honor. Accordingly, the holiday of the name-day is a purely Christian tradition. So it does not make sense to celebrate those who hold different views. Below, we'll look at the days for George's name-day.

Name Day George

About Name Day

Name days are determined solely by name, swhich the person was baptized with. Those who did not pass this rite of initiation into the tradition of Christianity in principle can not celebrate the name day. A baptismal name is given in honor of a saint who later becomes a heavenly patron of the newly baptized. This special spiritual connection remains for life. Day of name day is the day in which the church honors the memory of this saint.

It often happens that the same name hasseveral saints. But the patron will still be only one of them. If it is not known for certain, in honor of which particular saint from the list of saints of the Lord with the same name of a person was baptized, then the patron is chosen by the date of birth: that holy namesake whose memory in the church calendar is closest to the person's birthday, that is his defender. However, if you feel a special connection with some other of the saints of one name, you can choose him.

George's name day in the church calendar

Name days of George

Most of the boys with the name George are baptized inthe honor of the holy martyr George the Victorious, whose image is adorned with the State Emblem and Russian coins of a small denomination. The rider that pierces the spear of the dragon, it is he - George the serpent, bearing the victory. However, this is by no means the only saint in the Orthodox saints with such a noble Greek name, which was once called Zeus himself. Let's see what other days Georgina's name-day can be in the church calendar.


In June, on the 19th, the memory of St. George is celebrated. This is a sort of holy ghost, in the sense that the memory of him in the church has been preserved, but there is no information about his life.


July 4 - George's name day, baptized in memorythe same-name holy confessor, an archimandrite who died in Nizhny Novgorod in 1932, and during the life of the Soviet authorities, who repeatedly suffered from repression.

The definition of the "ghost" also applies to the other St. George, who is on the saints July 16th. However, there are many such saints.

Georgi name-day orthodox


On August 3 and 13 two holy martyrs Georgii are honored by the church. Both of them are not known.


September 21 - holy confessor Yuri (Mkheidze), archimandrite. He died in the 60s in Georgia.


On October 2 the memory of the Holy BlessedGeorge Olgovich, the Grand Duke of Kiev and Chernigov. In the world he bore the name of Igor, and the name with which he entered the saints, he was given with a violent monastic vows, after the conspiracy, the prince was deposed from the throne. Subsequently, the enemies of his clan did not spare the monk of princely blood. He was taken to the massacre right from the liturgy and threw the corpse to the trampling in the middle of the town square.


November 20 is celebrated the name day of George, namedin honor of the martyr George (Yurenev). During his lifetime, he worked as a judge in the city of Vitebsk, until in the 1920s he was expelled from the city. In the 1930s he was accused of counterrevolutionary activity and sentenced first to the camps, and then, on November 20, 1937, for belonging to one of the branches of the catacomb Orthodox church, to the death penalty.


On December 16 the church is remembered by the saintconfessor George Sedov. During his lifetime, he was a layman, who suffered at the hands of the Soviet authorities in the 1930s and 1940s. He served as a prefect in various churches, until a ladder hit him in the Resurrection Tutayevsky Cathedral. From the injuries received a year later he passed away.

December 31 is the day of the memory of St. George Stolpnik. Where this saint fought, it is not known.


January 30 - the day of the name day of Yuri, named in honor ofof the same-name holy martyr, who suffered in 1838 from the hands of Muslims, who accused the young man of betraying Islam. Forcing him to accept the religion of the Prophet Muhammad, he refused to renounce Christ, for which he was hanged at the city gates in the city of Paramitia, Turkey.


On February 10, the memory of the unknown St. George is honored. Only the name has survived.

February 17 - the memory of Yuri, the holy prince of Vladimir. One of the Russian holy princes.


March 23 - the Monk George. The place of achievement is unknown.

March 18 - martyr Yuri. The date of death did not save the legend.


April 17 - the Monk from the Peloponessus. Lived and died in one of the local monasteries.

April 26 - the day of the name day of George - another unknown saint. Again, only the name was preserved.


May 6 - three holy namesakes at once:Shenkursky holy fool, Ptolemaic miracle-worker, and also George the Victorious. The last of these is the Great Martyr, beheaded in 303 or 304. During his lifetime he was a military commander and one of the favorites of Emperor Diocletian until he confessed to him openly that he professes Christianity. Eight days of the martyr was tortured, trying to achieve renunciation from him, but, not having achieved success, was put to death.

May 10 is the day of the memory of George, the brother of the holy Stylist Simeon of Cilicia. In addition, there is no more information about him.

day of the Name Day of St. George


This is the main list of saints bearing the name of George.Orthodox names can be timed to the memory of other saints - little-known or not included in the general church editorship of the saints. So in choosing your patron you can show flexibility and turn, for example, to the list of Arab Orthodox saints, who are practically unknown in Russia.

The names of St. George in the church calendar are considereda festive day for a person, similar to Birthday. However, on this day it is necessary not only to have fun, but also first of all to show respect and honor the memory of your patron, praying in the church at the Liturgy and receiving Holy Mysteries.

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