/ Love spell for food. Days for love spell. Strong love spell

Love spell for food. Days for love spell. Strong love spell

One-sided, unrequited love dries upsoul and breaks the fate. But to give up the object of passion, people do not agree. More often women, less often men spend a love spell on food. This is such a magical tool that affects the feelings of the subject of lust, changing reality for both the customer (the performer) and the victim. However, it is necessary to understand how a strong spell works, when it is permissible to use it, and in what cases it is necessary to restrain and stop at a weak magic. Let's sort everything out in order.

love spell

What is the love spell favorite food

Magic allows for some time or forevertake possession of the psyche of another person. If the sorcerer’s goal is to instill love, then a spell is applied. This is the name of a special ritual that creates a special world for the victim. Rites are black and white, contact and distance, they use the forces of nature, the afterlife, things, trees, stones, images and a lot more then. The spell on food in the villages was called forage or prisukha. It differs from other rituals in that it is performed with the use of food or drink. Schematically, it looks like this:

  • The sorcerer charges the carrier with his intention.
  • Food is transferred to the victim.
  • When food enters the body, the program begins to work, enveloping the person with the energy of the sorcerer.
  • The customer waits for the first result and begins to influence the victim by not using magical methods (to look after).

Preparing for the ritual

We will disassemble, as independentlyspend a love spell on food. By the way, if you're interested, in the villages such rituals were considered the norm. Every girl and young woman knew how and what to do. Whispering a few words for bread or drink was commonplace for a woman. She and her children depended on the breadwinner, because his interest in the family was supported in all sorts of ways, including light magic. After all, if some stray beauty was luring a man, the woman had to be tight. Healers and sorceresses were turned to only when a strong love spell was needed.

But it's not about that.To perform the ritual, you must prepare everything you need in advance (as indicated in the description). It's not good to interrupt the magic. In addition, it is recommended to raise the level of energy. For this post is quite suitable. Reasonable restrictions in food and entertainment lead to the accumulation of forces that will increase the effectiveness of the love spell. Time of divination also matters.

strong spell

Rules of love spells

In order not to make mistakes, you mustknow some subtleties. So, the love spell on food, like any other, should be carried out on the rising moon. This period is favorable. Full moon is also suitable for the rite. But caution should be exercised at this time, especially male wizards. Full moon strongly affects the emotional sphere of a person. Possible negative effects from ceremonies that affect the psyche. Women's days for a love spell - Wednesday, Friday and Saturday. As a rule, on Sunday it is customary to shun magic. Sorceresses can use alcohol in rituals. Experts recommend investing a magic program in those products that the victim loves. The food, from which a person gets pleasure, increases the likelihood of a positive result. Men's days for the love spell - Monday, Thursday and Tuesday.

love spell

Light impact

There are rituals whose purpose is to arouseinterest of the victim to the customer. They are recommended to carry out first. Perhaps black witchcraft is not required. Consider, for example, a love spell. For its holding nothing special is needed. Prepare for the moment of any feast. This refers to the charging of additional energy. Wait for the moment when the victim is appropriate to offer a drink. Pour it into a glass or mug, say a conspiracy on the liquid and hand it over to a person. Do not allow the magic potion to fall to someone else. This is the only drawback of this love spell. It is not personalized, therefore, will affect anyone who drinks the conspiracy fluid. The words of the spell are: “Water is in the blood, in the soul is love. Amen! ”The rite does not lead to negative consequences, it starts working as soon as a person drinks a magic potion. The effect of the ritual is limited and completely disappears in about a week or ten days.

Strong ritual

Consider another feed that inspires the victim.passion for the customer. For him, traditionally used dough. Zatoy, for example, cake or just homemade bread bake. And as you begin to knead the dough, think about your favorite and read the words of the conspiracy. Naturally, you have to work with your hands, in magic it is undesirable to use modern mechanisms. The words of the conspiracy are: “As the flour with water kneads, gathers into a lump, so the love between the Lord of slaves (names) inflames. In my mouth the cake (bread) melts, my heart fills with passion and melancholy. Sweet food, be him (her) my always! Amen! ”You should treat your loved one as early as possible. Just got out of the oven - bear the victim.

food spells

How to talk sweet (male ritual)

Not every knight in love is ready to get up totable and prepare their own dishes. Do not hurt, you can already speak the finished product. Buy the sweetness that your sweetheart will eat. Love spells for food is a simple matter, just choose a day according to the above recommendations. In the evening, take a photo of your beloved, put a treat on it, light two wax candles and arrange it on the sides. Create a thought form of your mutual happiness (that is, imagine it). Direct it to treat and accompany the words of the conspiracy. This is done like this:

  1. Imagine a ball hanging in front of your forehead.
  2. Fill it with pictures of desired events, scenes of mutual happiness.
  3. Concentrate on the pleasure and good emotions of the victim, which she receives from communicating with you.
  4. Direct the filled ball to the treat.

The conspiracy words are:“Sweet for God's servants (name) share, in that is my will. I fill it with food, I inspire love in my soul. How sweet is food, so be near us always. The love of fate holds you together, no one will ever break. Amen! ”In the morning, give your beloved a magical gift.

men's days for love spell

Love man forever on food

Black rituals, unfortunately, have a specialsought after by domestic wizards. But they are the most dangerous. We first analyze how to bewitch a man forever, and then talk about the risks. For the ritual, use any dish or drink. Alcohol is best suited. He in itself stirs up consciousness, therefore, lowers the resistance of the victim. But alcohol has drawbacks. It is quickly absorbed into the blood and leaves the body at the same rate. A strong man will bring out magical energy with alcohol. Therefore, experts recommend to talk food that is served with alcohol. Cook it should be his own. As you cook, light six black candles. Dish, preferably meat, season well with pepper and salt. At the same time, read the following words: “Behind the black mountain stands a dark wall. The anguish is sitting under her, looking sadly into the distance. Chained to the mountain with black chains. I will get bored, I will show her my will. I will direct to the Milenka, I will make them friends. Go, melancholy, to the threshold, I will show the way. Let mylenok suffer, light and darkness do not know. As he sees me, so grief will leave him. And in the distance to be a soul in hop, a body in captivity, and a soul in a black part. Amen!"

women's days for love spell

When can black ritual be used

This type of exposure is not recommended for youngspecial If you really need, then trust him to a professional. A sorceress will make a defense to reduce the risks of negative consequences. House wizards, as a rule, do not know how to protect themselves and the victim. Ladies who already have children, you can try to cheat yourself. Before and after the ceremony can not attend the temple. Refrain from communicating with religious symbols for at least a month. Experts strongly recommend not to practice black rituals (those that are forever). First, they change the fate of the victim, tie her to the share of the customer. To change this circumstance, to return everything into place will be extremely difficult. Secondly, a man loses a number of his merits, becomes dependent, therefore, less successful.

Consequences of an illegal spell

Ritual leads either to success, which each wishessorceress, either to grief. The negative consequences are manifested in the fact that troubles begin to occur in life, to put it mildly. They are of various kinds and, as a rule, affect the most important life spheres. We list some of the troubles for which it is desirable to prepare for those who practice black rituals:

  • loss of health in both;
  • childlessness;
  • a lack of money;
  • quarrels and scandals, despite the attachment;
  • the development of evil tendencies in the victim (alcoholism, drug addiction and others).

love spell for food

How to protect yourself

To love spell on food does not hurt, applysomething. This is a common addition to any black ritual. Were seduced, done as needed, in order to achieve a magical goal, please pay. Something is done in different ways, but it is important to give something valuable, important. For example, shy girls are recommended to buy sweets and treat everyone in a row. At the same time, you don’t give out candy, but your fear of intercourse. Such a mercy will be accepted, and no trouble will follow. Brave witches need another rite. Take a sufficient (rather big in your position) amount and take it to the intersection. Throw there, saying “paid”, and go back home. Sometimes, a waiver or favorite thing is used as a payoff. The main thing is that what you give as payment is valuable for you.

The best, strongest spell

Whatever sorcerers and witches may say, butsincerity of feelings towards your loved one can not be compared with magic. They have so much magic that a person cannot resist. Only one condition: no selfishness! This is the most real, invincible magic, whose consequences are always positive and lead to mutual happiness. Good luck and love!

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