/ / The Assumption Church (Ivanovo) - the deceased historical monument

The Assumption Church (Ivanovo) is a lost historical monument

In the evening of November 18, 2015, on the desk of the duty officerMOE in the city of Ivanovo received an alarming message - the Uspensky Church was lit up, which is one of the oldest surviving monuments of Russian wooden architecture. When firefighting arrived at the scene, the flame spread across the entire roof of the building, so there was a danger of its collapse. All efforts to save the unique construction were in vain, and the Assumption Church (Ivanovo) was destroyed by fire.

Assumption Church of Ivanovo

Monument of the past centuries

The Assumption Church in Ivanovo, in the place of whichToday only charred logs were left, it was built in the late 16th century. The construction of the building was based on a wooden frame-crate, which gave grounds to modern art historians to attribute it to temple buildings of the cage type - a term used in the history of architecture. In the old years, the same buildings as the Assumption Church in Ivanovo were widely distributed throughout the region.

At the place where today is located the cityPalace of Arts, five centuries ago was Pokrovsky Monastery. On its territory, and this church was built, only it was called then Trinity. The first mention of it is found in documents relating to 1632, that is, to the times of the reign of the first tsar from the House of Romanov - the sovereign, Mikhail Fedorovich.

Fire in the Assumption Church in Ivanovo

Transfer of the church to the Assumption Cemetery

In 1815 the monastery began the construction of a newa stone church, and the Trinity Church, after dismantling it, was transferred to the territory of the Uspensky cemetery, which was nearby. There, at the end of November 1817, after the completion of the assembly work, it was consecrated in honor of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which is why it was named Ouspensky.

After serving in the new place more than six dozenyears, the church became dilapidated, and divine services in it were stopped. Restore it did not try, because on the graveyard by that time a stone temple had already been built. So with time the church disassembled by the residents for firewood would disappear, but the local admirer of the past-the manufacturer who founded the city museum, DG Burylin-intervened.

On the Novo-Posadsky Pogost

On his initiative, the building was again dismantledand transported to another city cemetery - Novo-Posadskoe. Here it was not only harvested in its original form, replacing the decayed logs with new ones, but they also attached a bell tower to it. In January 1906, in the presence of a large number of parishioners and all the famous residents of the city, the church was solemnly consecrated.

Assumption Church in Ivanovo

Renovated church, which became a museum

After the Bolshevik coup, the Assumptionthe church (Ivanovo) was placed at the disposal of the Renovation community - a schismatic movement within the Orthodox Church that advocated the democratization of governance, the modernization of worship services and in everything that supported the new government. However, no matter how the Renovationists tried to enter into interaction with the Bolsheviks, in 1935 the church was taken from them, the services were terminated in it, and the museum of the city of Ivanovo was opened in the building.

Parishioners, though grieved for the loss of theirancient, many generations of a namolennoe temple, but thank God for the fact that the Assumption Church (Ivanovo) was not destroyed, and hoped that one day they would hear the sound of her bells again.

The transfer of the church to the Old Believers

But before that it was still very long.And in 1939, the authorities committed a blasphemy that was usual for those times - they organized an anti-religious museum in God's church, sending the previous expositions to another room. It existed until the war itself - when the bombs began to fall on Russian soil, the authorities had no time for atheism. It is known that in order to raise the spirit of national self-consciousness among the people, Stalin went for some relief with regard to religion.

In Ivanovo fire Assumption Church

Assumption Church in Ivanovo was transferredOld Believer community, registered church council in it, but regular divine services resumed only in 1946. Since that time, the church officially belonged to the Belokrinsk Old Believers hierarchy. He was consecrated again, this time in honor of the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God. Until her last day, the Assumption Church (Ivanovo) belonged to the Ivanovo-Voznesensk diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, as a co-religion of the old rite.

The death of a unique monument of antiquity

The fire in the Assumption Church in Ivanovo occurred inthe period of restoration work carried out in it, which began in 2013. In the process of restoring the interior of the room under the layers of old plaster, the craftsmen discovered fragments of an ancient painting, the existence of which was not known. For a detailed study of the work finds were suspended, and they were supposed to continue no earlier than 2016. However, the tragedy that took place on the evening of November 18, 2015, has canceled all plans.

The fire in the Assumption Church in Ivanovo completelydestroyed the building, eliminating the possibility of its restoration. Today, the city authorities, together with the leadership of the Russian Orthodox Church, are planning to erect an exact copy of the lost temple in the same place. It is supposed to even use in its construction the preserved fragments of a burnt church, and those that are inadequate for installation, should be left as shrines of the future church.

Assumption Church Ivanovo burned

The investigation carried out by experts of the Ministry of Emergency Situationsto the conclusion that the Assumption Church (Ivanovo) burned down due to the short circuit of the electrical wiring, but the version of deliberate arson is not excluded. The commission’s work has not yet been completed, and the final results of the investigation have not been published. However, regardless of its conclusions, it should be bitterly stated that the irreplaceable damage to the historical and cultural heritage of Russia was caused by the fire in Ivanovo. The Assumption Church was not only a religious building, but also a unique historical monument of federal significance.

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