Science numerology, the meaning of numbers in whichdescribes our whole life, originates from the teachings of the famous Pythagoras. This great ancient Greek mathematician took as a basis the nine first elementary numbers. On this foundation lies the entire infinity of the complex figures of our universe. The teachings of Pythagoras were continued and developed by his followers and disciples. And after twenty centuries, the famous occultist and philosopher Cornelius Agrippa created the work "Occult philosophy", in which numerology was described. The values of the numbers in this work were also mentioned.
To this day manuscripts have been preserved, in whichall letters correspond to certain numbers. Thus, was created a kind of digital language or cipher, which is used and modern numerology. It is this foundation of fundamentals that gives numerology for beginners - a course for those who want to know the universe of numbers.
So, we found out that he is studying numerology. The meaning of the numbers in it has long ceased to be the property of the elect.
We shall begin, of course, with unity.This prime number corresponds to the letter "A" - the first in the alphabet of almost all the languages of the world. Unit is the number of goal and leadership. Its main characteristics are aggressiveness and ambitiousness.
The twin symbolizes the contrast andopposition. As a pair, the pair maintains a balance between positive and negative qualities and concepts. Her element - antitheses and extremes, a combination of incompatible.
The symbol of number three is the triangle, which connects the present, the past and the future. The trio is considered a sign of instability, talent, cheerful disposition and great ability to adapt.
Four is stable and strong.This number symbolizes a square. Four - this and the seasons, and the side of the world, and the main elements and elements of astrology. Probably, by virtue of its thoroughness, the four is considered a primitive number.
The symbol of risk in numerology is number five.The element of the five is the achievement of the desired result by experience, sometimes by means of travel. As the number is unstable, the five can mean uncertainty, predictability, and even happiness.
The number six is reliability. It is in harmony with nature and is considered ideal, because it is divided into an even and an odd number, thereby integrating them into one.
Seven symbolizes the mystery and knowledge thatComprehend the thorny by studying and exploring. This sacred number denotes the seven main planets and musical notes, the number of days in a week and the colors in the spectrum. This number combines an integral unit with an ideal six and forms its own symmetry.
Number eight in numerology is a symbolsuccess and wealth. It consists of equal halves and quarters, therefore it is considered a double square, and means reliability and balance bordering on perfection.
Number nine, the largest among the elementarynumbers, symbolizes the universal and the highest success. Nine combines the properties of all elementary numbers. In addition, it consists of three triples, which transforms the instability in the pursuit of success.
Each prime number has its own frequencyVibration, which affects the laws of the universe. In these figures, all initial numerology is enclosed. The meaning of numbers, however, is not all that you need to know for beginner numerologists. There are rules for the addition and reduction of these numbers. A special system was developed that turns multivalued numbers into simple ones. This system is based on addition. To turn a multivalued number into idle time, it is necessary to add the numbers that compose it. If the result is a multi-digit number, repeat the addition operation until one of the prime numbers is obtained.
Numerology, the meaning of numbers in it and the rule of their addition will help you to know not only the surrounding world, but also yourself.