/ What is graphology? Graphology: definition, meaning

What is graphology? Graphology: definition, meaning

And you knew that the handwriting can be readperson as an open book? Your character, temperament, state at the time of writing and much more can be learned only by looking at your manuscripts. Impressive, is not it? This knowledge is open to everyone, and studies their graphology.

What is graphology?

Graphology is a field of knowledge that studieshandwriting and its stable connection with the character of a person. The thing is that the characteristics of your handwriting and signature contain very valuable information about you, and progress has even reached the point where you can determine the physique of a person by handwriting. So do not be surprised if the graphologist tells you what you did not know about yourself, and believe that he is right.

what is graphology

Graphology, the definition of which is so simple, found application in such areas:

  • Recruiting. Often, employers spend much less time selecting candidates, and all thanks to an analysis of handwriting that can tell a lot about a lot better than the candidate himself.
  • Career Guidance. According to your handwriting, you can also understand what skills you have and what you are interested in, which has a positive effect on the definition of a professional orientation.
  • Conversation. With the help of graphology, you can determine how a person will behave in negotiations.
  • Genealogy. With the help of the analysis of the handwriting of some historical personalities, one can understand why they acted this way, and not otherwise.
  • Forensic-medical examination. Thanks to graphology, you can determine whether the signature is genuine or not.
  • Security. By handwriting you can understand how honest a person is.
  • Compatibility. After analyzing the handwriting of several people, we can assume how people are compatible with each other.

The meaning of handwriting in psychology

Once again, humanity is convinced thatpsychology is a great power. Probably, only thanks to psychologists this world has not yet gone mad and keeps afloat. For a moment, imagine what would happen if everyone were left alone with their problems?

handwriting graphology

The results of some studies show thathandwriting is directly dependent on a person's mental abilities. According to most psychologists, it is in the handwriting of a man that his psychic essence manifests itself more than in any other of his activities. That is why graphology is an indispensable part of psychology.

Graphology, the significance of which is large enough in psychology, can even help a person to change. And this process of change is called graphotherapy.


Graphotherapy is based on the calculation of alldeficiencies, bad habits and some traits of character that a person wants to get rid of. Forewarned - means armed, is not it? It is much easier to get rid of shortcomings when you know what you need to get rid of. Graphologists follow the changes of a person to the last, after all, it often happens that after getting rid of one character trait another, even worse, than the previous one is manifested.

Each change in our character immediately reflects on our handwriting, so do not be surprised that in his whole life he will change more than once, and not even two.

Graphological expertise

So, what is graphology and graphotherapy, we have already learned, let us now consider the main weapon of this teaching - graphological expertise.

graphology value

Graphological examination is a procedure in which graphologists analyze your handwriting on certain grounds. Let us list them below.

The main features of our handwriting

Each handwriting is unique, but graphologists still managed to see in the set of manuscripts some common signs on which they determine the character of a person.

To begin with, the graphology of man's handwriting and the handwriting of women are considered separately, and each has its own characteristic:

  • Female handwriting. The woman has a clean, uniform handwriting,most often thorough, accurate, with closely-spaced letters. In the female hand, small lines with weak pressure prevail. Almost always it is a rounded handwriting with an inclination back.
  • Male handwriting. Men are distinguished by a carefree, unbreakable and uneven handwriting, with wide letters and wide lines, hard and strong pressure. Most often, the slope is forward.

However, these are not the main criteria by which the sex of a person and his character are determined. Here are the main features of handwriting, which examines graphological expertise:

  • Dimensions of letters (very small, small, medium or large).
  • The slope of the letter (tilt back, easy tilt back, tilt forward, sharp tilt forward).
  • Direction of handwriting (directed upwards stitches, straight lines, directed downwards).
  • The nature of writing (letters are very closely connected or, conversely, distant from each other, or a mixed style)
  • General evaluation of handwriting (diligent, neatly printed each letter, careless handwriting, illegible).

    signature graphology

In the US, even there are special offices where you can order a graphical analysis of any handwriting.

The graphology of the signature is slightly different from the handwriting graphology. When analyzing the signature, attention is paid not only to letters, but also to the number of curls, sticks, signature sizes and other factors.

Relationship of handwriting to physique

As studies by foreign and domestic graphologists show, handwriting is strongly interrelated with the type of physique of a person. Having drawn conclusions from the studies, we can say the following:

book graphology

- Picnic handwriting (body type, which is characterized bybroad and stocky figure, prone to obesity) can be characterized by the absence of letters drawn, each word he writes together, almost without taking his hands off. His letters are all the same size, most often rounded. In general, the handwriting is smooth, light and casual.

- Handwriting of asthenics differs in several partsin words, letters sometimes can not be connected at all. Uneven handwriting, letters of different size and shape, pointed. In general, the handwriting is insecure.

- Handwriting does not resemble either asthenic or picnic. It can vary depending on the role that athletics choose for themselves.

How does the scientific community evaluate graphology?

The scientific community for a long time could notcome to a general conclusion about what graphology is. And despite the fact that at the beginning of its development graphology was supported by some scientists, now it is considered pseudoscience. The British Psychological Society believes that graphology (along with astrology) has "zero authenticity" and no means of determining the character of a person has.

Literature on graphology

If you are interested in such a field of knowledge asgraphology, it is not difficult to find books about it. Most really clever books on graphology were written by Sergei Yurevich Aleskovsky, candidate of legal sciences and president of the NGO "Eurasian Association of Polygraphists". Among his works is the book "Fundamentals of Graphology. Moscow: Yurlitinform, 2008 ", written jointly with Komissarova Yaroslava Vladimirovna, expert polygraph examiner and candidate of jurisprudence. In it, an accessible language describes all methods of studying the handwriting so that any reader will understand what is at stake. After reading it, pay attention to other works of S. Yu. Aleskovsky, many interesting things are described in them.

graphology definition

Now you know what graphology is. Believe me, this is a very interesting field of knowledge that can help people understand themselves and change for the better.

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