/ / Compatibility of Gemini-Women and Male Cancers. Is it possible to have an alliance?

Compatibility of Gemini-women and Male Cancers. Is it possible to have an alliance?

Tandem Taurus-Gemini in a joint life will havenot very well, they are very different. Their alliance will constantly be on the brink of collapse, the day before yesterday they were quietly making plans for the future, yesterday they quarreled so that it seemed that there is no future, and today they put up with such a passion that people can not be more familiar than people. Compatibility of Gemini-women and Male Cancer is possible, but only on condition of finding common points of contact.

compatibility of twin women and male cancers
Representatives of the water element prefer to livepast, and it does not matter, its own or historical personalities. Crayfish gladly dream of old times, when brave knights went on a campaign to win the heart of a beautiful lady. Twins are capable of playing along, because something, and their imagination is working at full strength. The couple all perfectly smoothly until the moment when the proprietary approach of one and the freedom of the second cross. That's when horoscopes for compatibility can fail, and touchy Cancer will again climb into its shell, and not the fact that Gemini will beckon it out.

These two completely different signs are similar in one -they very often change their mood, for this reason, and there are a lot of quarrels and skirmishes. Quick and unstable Mercury makes a woman then merry, sometimes pensive, now nervous and full of sarcasm. The cycles of the Moon exert their influence on the mood of a man: only he was cheerful and joking, as he had already fallen into a state of rest and relaxation. Compatibility of Gemini-women and Cancer-men completely depends on whether they can go on one wave.

horoscopes for compatibility
With a single rhythm, the pair will be fine with each other,but if they are on waves of different frequencies, then only mutual assistance will help. They need to agree that when she is in a bad mood, he will try to cheer her up, if he is overcome by anxieties, she will calm and help. If one half is bad, then the second should help in every possible way, and not aggravate an already deplorable situation, or at least withdraw to a more favorable moment. Compatibility Crawfish with Gemini can not be called ideal, crises in relationships from time to time will make itself felt, but with joint efforts such unfavorable moments can be reduced to a minimum.

Attitudes toward money in a couple are different.Twins litter them in the wind, but the crayfish prefer to save for a "rainy day." The first like to go to restaurants, clubs, have fun with friends, constantly change the situation. The second - these homebodies, prefer home cooking. Compatibility of Gemini-women and Cancer-men is that only a lady can awaken in her chosen one the desire to have a party, relax in the circle of friends, go on a trip.

compatibility of cancers
Both signs live in a dream world of dreams andfantasies, but if the Air prefers to remain in reality, then Water is transferred to the past. It will be easy for a woman to persuade a man to go on a trip, if there are excursions to ruins, old historical and architectural monuments, because he unconsciously draws to the past. Compatibility of Gemini-women and Male Cancers is possible, but only on the condition that he will be able to adapt, and she will learn patience.

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