/ / Dragon-Libra (male): characteristics and secrets of personality

Dragon-Libra (male): characteristics and secrets of personality

Astrological signs and the eastern horoscope -a great way to learn about the nature of a person as far as possible remotely. Considering the sign of his horoscope, together with the year of birth, one can get both a characterization of the person, and, accordingly, a guide to action: how to attract it or how to interact with it.

Dragon and Libra

For example, you can consider such a combinationastrological and zodiacal signs, like the Dragon and Libra. The man described in the article will be viewed from various angles, in different social roles: as a partner, as a business person, as a person. This makes it possible to understand the ways of best interaction with him in various situations. Dragon-Libra (male), characteristic which is presented below, is a model of an excellent combination of qualities.

general characteristics

People born in the year of the Dragon differ in theirfirst of all irrepressible vital energy. They manage to successfully deal with many things at the same time, they are not afraid of new beginnings and do not pass before troubles. The internal fire kindles a passion in them, which becomes the embodiment of the strength of character - the notorious core that everyone needs, especially a man.

dragon scales male characteristic

In contrast, the zodiac sign Libra -the embodiment of moderation, tranquility, striving for harmony and balance. Men-Libra - natural aesthetes, they are able to pay attention to any small things, scrupulously building a picture of reality so that it was close to their ideal.

Thus, if you ask a question about whichpersonality is the most harmonious from the astrological point of view - this is uniquely Dragon-Libra (man). The characteristic of this horoscopic tandem is the fusion of the passionate nature of the Dragon and the softness of Libra, which gives rise to the real golden mean of a person's personality.

Work and Career

The sign of Dragon-Libra is uniquely creative people. This is confirmed by the natural inclination of Libra to everything beautiful. These people know how to appreciate and, importantly, to understand art like no other.

A dragon with its vital energy may wellto take up a non-standard, unusual case. Not meeting competitors on this path, he will undoubtedly succeed in the chosen field. And when he meets, he will easily bypass them thanks to the ability to quickly make the most difficult and risky decisions.

scales dragon male characteristic

But at the same time, the Dragon-Libra - a man whose characteristic reveals in him the personality of the "free artist" - can be an excellent leader.

Courtesy, honesty delicacy,peculiar to Libra, will allow him to easily guess the slightest changes in the relations between subordinates and settle them. And the courage and certain firmness of the Dragon will cause iron discipline in the enterprise entrusted to him.

Personal life

Dragon-Libra - a man whose characteristicstestifies that he will be able to attract more than one woman. He can beautifully care for the chosen one, it is almost impossible to hear awkward compliments from him or get a ridiculous gift. With his chosen one, such a man will be courteous and affectionate, he will recognize the person in it and never expose her zealous ultimatums or prohibitions.

dragon and scales male characteristic

В то же время энергия Дракона наделяет его strong passion and - as a result - attachment. If a man born under the sign of Libra in another year on the eastern horoscope can choose a chosen one for a long time and meticulously and even after choosing to doubt whether she deserves his love, Libra Libra is a person who does not hesitate to plunge into passion with his head and will strongly love your companion for a long time and even a lifetime.

Thus, the Libra-Dragon is a man whose characteristic says that he is a wonderful companion of life, a talented worker and manager, an interesting and pleasant interlocutor.

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