/ / New laws of money: meditation on money and cash flow

New laws of money: meditation on money and cash flow

Since the era of natural has sunk into oblivionexchange, representatives of active humanity are trying to increase their monetary condition. Once the income depended on the amount of work done, and any meditation for money and cash flow belonged to secret knowledge, accessible and understandable only to a certain circle of initiates.

Meditation on money and cash flow

New era - new principles of receiving cash

"Work hard and hard, thenget rich, ”the majority of the population of the planet was convinced before the beginning of the 20th century. People earned their living through hard work in factories, peasant labor, planting and harvesting.

Around the middle of the 20th century came anotherthe law that said: "Use your mind." People studied, received knowledge in institutes and universities, choosing interesting professions that can provide them financially.

The beginning of the 21st century brought new principles, openedsecret, unknown knowledge that says: “Use feelings and passion in work”. This will give not only satisfaction, but also money, wealth. Understanding and applying the laws of the subconscious, this “gray cardinal” of our inner world, certainly leads to success. Meditation for money and cash flow is one of those affordable means of improving life.

money meditation in the flow of money

How negative attitudes limit access to wealth

Можно много говорить о том, что медитация “Cash flow” can change a person’s well-being. It is proved that a negative, outdated attitude to money greatly delays their entry into the life of a person. Of course, in parallel with mental actions, real ones are also necessary. However, it is difficult enough to overcome both their habits and the usual suggestions of close relatives who have negative life experiences. Such habitual attitudes affecting the improvement of the material state include the following statements:

- all the rich are scoundrels and scoundrels;

- money is evil;

- where there is wealth, there is misfortune (as well, that I am poor);

- Honestly not to earn big money, but I am honest;

and other similar statements.

There are individuals who use such statements to cover up their own laziness as excuses to justify their inaction.

Developed over the centuries traditional attitude todaily work for the welfare of one’s own and family is often a hindrance in the movement towards real wealth. Therefore, a person who really wants to enjoy life and be secured is simply obliged to change his attitude towards money!

cash flow meditation

How to fix the wrong installation and become rich and happy

In order to remedy the situation, it is necessary, firstall, harmonize your cash flow. For this, the power of love and joy is used. What does it mean? You just need to stop regretting the money given for services or goods - after all, a lot of useful and necessary things were received in return. Envy for a better person simply kills their own success! Fate always shows us examples of richer people, arranging a kind of testing for readiness to accept a large income. If you learn to sincerely enjoy their well-being, their achievements, meditation for money and cash flow will work much more efficiently.

The amount of income depends very much on self-love. The better a person is about himself, the more he is appreciated by those around him and the world with all its possibilities.

A little bit about the mental attraction of wealth

Traditionally, it is considered that any meditationfor money and cash flow should be carried out in a separate room, in a relaxed state. However, there are ways that use the energy of crowded places.

Важно влиться, войти в резонанс с движением people watching (not appreciating!) its participants. Feeling a kind of excitement, drive from what is happening, you need to go where there is a lot of money turnover: a busy market, a shopping center, a bank. And there do the same.

Then take any vessel with water and mentallytransfer moisture to your feeling. Energy drink, charged in this way, you need to drink during the day. Such meditation for money in the flow of money will not work in the case when there are so-called “counter-thoughts” that block and inhibit any desires.

The confidence that problems are solved, the mood for positive and the radiation of joy, real actions in the right direction - this is what attracts success in the life of any person.

Live healthy and be rich!

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