/ / How to set the ignition on the VAZ 2106? Instructions on how to set the ignition for all models of VAZ

How to set the ignition on the VAZ 2106? Instructions on how to set the ignition for all models of VAZ

On cars VAZ, falling undercategory "classic", including the "six", is set electrical ignition system. The exception is its modified versions, in which the contactless system was mounted. In the first case, the B117A tool was used as a coil, while the modified ones were equipped with coils of the 27 3705 series. The main distinctive feature of both devices was the difference in some winding elements. The only thing that remains the same is the “habit” of frequent failure (by the way, the ignition of the VAZ 2107, the “sevens”, is built on the same principle).

About ignition locks on the VAZ of the “classic” family

On the "classic" was installed standard engine start lock, which is not fundamentally different from previous members of the VAZ family. In its design, there are three main details:

  1. Contour part.
  2. Anti-theft device.
  3. Castle.

Moreover, if the anti-theft faileddevice, motorists had to change the entire system in the complete set. The contact part, which is located in the ignition housing, can be replaced in a separate order. The installation of the vehicle start-up (ignition) device at VAZs is performed under the front panel, namely, under the dashboard (to the left of the driver), on the steering shaft mounting bolts.

how to set the ignition on the VAZ 2106

All these three components must providecoordinated and trouble-free start of the motor, because it is their condition that will determine the performance of the entire vehicle. As a rule, the question "how to put the ignition on the VAZ" (21213 including) car owners are asked no sooner than 100 thousand kilometers, since the lock itself is supplied by the manufacturer himself on the conveyor. But if this question still arose, you need to take certain measures. If you do not adjust the ignition lock in time, your car will at least overrun the fuel, or even completely stop to start normally, even “on hot”.

Signs that indicate the breakdown of the ignition system on VAZ cars

Before you set the ignition on the VAZ 2105(however, as well as on any model), it is necessary to make sure whether the failure really lies in the key. The most likely symptom of this in the event of a malfunction in the ignition lock can be a overheated engine and poor acceleration dynamics. In addition, it happens that at low and medium revs in the cabin there is a characteristic ringing in the engine compartment. I would also like to say more about revolutions that at idle such a machine can be slightly shaken if it is incorrectly set or the ignition switch is adjusted.

Is this an ignition lock?

Every experienced car owner knows that suchsigns like overheating of the engine, loss of vehicle dynamics and increased fuel consumption may occur at all due to a lock, but due to a number of other technical problems. This may be a malfunction in the fuel system, a poorly adjusted carburetor, or simply poor-quality gasoline. Therefore, in order to ascertain whether this is really a symptom of a malfunction of the ignition lock, you need to pay attention to the spark. It is by their condition that it is possible to determine what the breakdown is and what caused it.

Before putting the ignition on the VAZ 2106, motorists pay attention to the amount of sediment in the working part of the candle. If on the surface there is so much dirt accumulated as in this photo ...

Ignition VAZ 2107

... then surely the reason lies in the castleignition. There is so much plaque that to restore the working surface of this incendiary element simply makes no sense. Otherwise, after several hours of long and painful work, you still will not achieve anything, and the electrode will not again give a spark in the normal amount. As a rule, the working surface of a candle with black oily residue is no longer subject to recovery. The same applies to parts with a thick layer of plaque on the working surface. Such parts are subject to replacement only. But if you still want to try to restore the characteristics and clean the candle from pollution, you can make the following manipulations:

  1. Put a candle in 2 or 3 cylinder heated and serviceable engine. Here, the heating temperature is somewhat higher, since the combustible fuel-air mixture is more lean than in cylinders 1 and 4.
  2. To process the working part of sandblasting.

In another way, set the ignition on the VAZ 2101-2106just impossible. Other methods, such as cleaning with a metal carriage or calcining the surface, are just a waste of time, and you will definitely not achieve the desired result using such methods. Therefore, to save personal time, change the candle in the kit.

It is necessary to pay attention to the fact thathow many kilometers your candles have already run off. If they are operated for more than 30 thousand kilometers, then - under the condition of accumulation of soot and pollution - this part needs to be changed. Experts recommend replacing candles at least once a year, even if the speedometer did not add 30 thousand during this period. But in any case, it is not necessary to wait for that moment until they completely fail. This can significantly affect the technical condition of the car, and not for the better.

Candle wears in the process of reducing the heightcentral electrode and external section. During engine operation, the thin end of the outer electrode is heated to a temperature that is sufficient to ignite the working mixture in the combustion chamber. If the fluid ignites independently of the spark (this process is known as indiscriminate ignition), then the driver may feel a noticeable loss of engine power. Sometimes it happens that even with the ignition off, the motor does not stop working. This indicates that the candles have come to malfunction, and with them - which is quite possible - and the ignition lock.

But how to set the ignition on the VAZ 2106 in this case?

how to set the ignition VAZ 2108

In this case, it's best to just replace the candle.New item. But if you decide to restore it, try to cut the clogged part of the outer electrode with an appropriate tool. At the same time, do not neglect the size of the gap in the candles, which should be 0.55 mm. If your VAZ works on 76th gasoline, this value can be increased to 0.6 millimeters. But if the gap is very large, it will significantly impede the start of the engine in the cold season, and, moreover, will lead to a significant overconsumption of fuel. This happens because the spark formed in the electrode can sometimes disappear without reaching its final destination. Good advice for the future: to avoid such situations, always carry a new set of spark plugs with you (and preferably a distributor cover and a slider). Still, the WHA is not a Mercedes, and it can break at any moment. Well, with the “six” more or less sorted out. And learn how to set the ignition VAZ 2107-21099, you can a little lower.

Is the distributor to blame?

Как показывает практика, именно это изделие most often fails. It is also worth noting that not the distributor itself can break, but some small element of its design. So, one of the smallest and most unreliable parts is the ball bearing 900706U, which is supplied with a diaphragm of a vacuum corrector. In addition, the distributor cap may break. Most often it is either a deformation in the form of a crack, resulting from mechanical damage, or a layer of deposits in the form of oil with graphite. Another distributor cap does not like water very much and in cases of wetting it also fails.

If you have a broken ball bearing, youyou will notice that the motor has ceased to “pull”, and you will feel how it works poorly at idle. Often, to adjust something in this case is simply impossible. However, if you want to set the ignition (on the VAZ 2114, for example) with a broken distributor lid, you can try to correct the situation by doing the following series of works:

  1. Disconnect the vacuum hose from the distributor.
  2. At its end, tie a knot and fix the said element so that it does not “dangle” during movement.
  3. Press the element of the vacuum-corrector thrust plate. If its end does not fit between the bend of the thrust and the body, then try to make a new part and repeat the manipulations.
  4. Adjust the gap in the breaker contacts. An error in the range from 0.05 to 0.35 millimeters is allowed.
  5. At the last stage, it remains only to set the exact ignition angle (it is equal to 7 ° 30 ’).
    set the ignition on the VAZ 2101

Thus, you can set the ignition on the WHA2105-2110 and return the lock to normal operation. However, in such cases, fuel consumption often increases (by 3-5 percent) and the level of CO concentration increases.2 in the exhaust gases of the car.

By the way, with such “symptoms” on the “Niva”, VAZ “kopek” and “six” cars, the tachometer needle walks strongly throughout the scale, regardless of what the engine speed is.

So, let's consider how to set the ignition on the VAZ-2106.

set the ignition on the VAZ 2105
Since the construction of the “classics” and VAZs of the “ninth” family is almost the same, you can apply the instruction offered by us to almost all car models of the Volga manufacturing plant.

Before you put the ignition in the WHA2106-2110, we need to prepare several wrenches (13, 14 and 36 millimeters), as well as a minus screwdriver and a set of probes, to measure the gaps. With the help of wrenches 13 and 14 millimeters, we will unscrew the fasteners of the distributor. With the help of the 36mm tool we have to turn the crankshaft ratchet.

So, how to set the ignition on the VAZ 2110?First, take the key in your hand at 36 and unscrew the crankshaft clockwise. Need to spin yourself. At this point, you need to carefully examine the contact in the distributor. We expose the largest contact gap. To do this, take the probe at 0.40 millimeter. If the value obtained does not match the set value, then the gap must be adjusted. In this case, take a flat screwdriver and loosen the screw securing the contact. Now, with the help of an eccentric, the gap should be set (increased or reduced). In this case, the probe itself must be between the moving and fixed parts of the contact of the distributor.

How further is the ignition adjustment?

VAZ 2106 and all the rest of his "brothers"repaired in a similar way: after the contact gap has been set, proceed to adjust the next important parameter. Now we need to adjust the ignition gap. How to set the ignition on the VAZ 2110? To do this, use the key to turn the crankshaft pulley clockwise until the moment when the crankshaft mark does not coincide with the notch we need on the timing belt (gas distribution mechanism). There are only three of them. The first one denotes an angle of 10 degrees, the second one - 5 degrees of advancing, and the third one (it is the longest) is not needed, since this is the upper dead center. We only need the second mark.

how to set the ignition VAZ 2111
After setting these values ​​shouldcheck the piston of the first cylinder, which should be located at the top dead center. This can be done as follows: unscrew the candle cylinder, which is located near the distributor, and insert a screwdriver into the candle hole. If the piston is located at the top, the screwdriver will immediately rest against it. If not, then the crankshaft pulley should be turned 3600 and again put it by tags.

Обратите внимание!In order to properly set the ignition, VAZ 21213 (in principle, like any other car) must be cold, because the temperature contributes to the appearance of errors. Even when performing these works, it is necessary to consider that the crankshaft can rotate 360 ​​degrees, and the camshaft - only 180. It is thanks to this characteristic that the piston will be in the position of the top point.

In the next step, we will need a 12 voltlight bulb with 2 soldered wires. We connect one of them to the vehicle’s “mass” (to the body or the engine), and connect the second to the distributor contact.

Final stages

Further you will have no problems with how to setIgnition (VAZ 21099, 2114, 2115 or 21213 - does not matter, the principle of operation is still the same). Using the 13 mm spanner, unscrew the connecting elements of the last part mentioned above and rotate them until the lamp comes on. The latter should not shine completely, but only fully. If, when connected, it immediately caught fire, then the distributor should be rotated clockwise until it goes out. Once this has happened, you need to catch the moment when the light bulb will glow completely. Then the ignition advance will occur, and we will only have to tighten the mount, put the lid on and start the engine. Everything, the task "how to expose ignition VAZ 2103-2110" is solved.

Repair VAZ 2106. How to set the ignition? Method number two: use the strobe

You can go the other way.In this case, we need to establish a small gap between the breaker contacts. After the cover of the distributor has been removed, the crankshaft should be set to a position in which the gap would have the maximum value with a wrench. Now unscrew the bolt-latch on the bearing plate and with the help of the probe select the appropriate position, which is equal to its easy movement. Next, you need to tighten the screw back and find the marks on the engine. It is 0, 5 and 10 degrees. On the rim of the crankshaft pulley there is a similar marking. We now expose the ignition.

After all these operations, we take into the hands of a specialdevice - a stroboscope. With his help make the adjustment. But since this tool works from the mains, it must be connected to the battery before it is powered. The vacuum-corrector hose should be muffled in this case. Now we start the engine and wait until the idle speed becomes stable. After that, slightly loosen the mount of the distributor (in order to continue to turn it). Next, we direct the stroboscope to the markup, which is located on the engine and on the division of 5 degrees, set the ignition value for the 92nd gasoline. If you have a VAZ "tenth family", then set the gap to 0 degrees. It is designed to consume gasoline with an octane rating of 95 or more. After performing all these manipulations, do not forget to tighten the retainer back. Well, at this stage, the question “how to set the ignition (on the VAZ 2104 including) with a strobe light can be considered closed.

set the ignition on the VAZ 2110
In the photo on the right you can see the strobe in action. Below we consider how to set the ignition of the VAZ 2111-2106 without a stroboscope.

Если у вас под рукой не оказалось упомянутого fixtures, you can replace it with a 12 volt lamp. You will also need several wires. In the same way as described above, you will need to rotate the crankshaft to set the necessary marks. After that, one wire from the lamp must be connected to the distributor coil. The second wire will be our "mass".

Нам нужно включить зажигание.To do this, again loosen the wire. Next, you should find the position in which the voltmeter will show the averaged values. At the same time it is unacceptable that the lamp goes out or the luminaries are too bright. Then lock the bolt back and put the timer in place. Remember that loosening the screw should be no more than 2 turns.

В принципе, все вышеперечисленные способы lead to the same result. And whichever of them you take advantage of, the ignition will be adjusted at the output anyway. The differences between the procedures are not very significant, however, as the design of VAZs of the “tenth” family or the same “classics”. Therefore, you can use all methods of adjusting the ignition key for almost any model, starting with the legendary "Penny" and ending with the "Lada Priora".

Go ahead.How to set the ignition (VAZ 2115 is not an exception), we have already figured out. But did it really affect the work of the engine? How correctly the gaps were set, we learn on the move the car. To do this, you need to warm up the VAZ engine to an operating temperature of 85 degrees Celsius (when the arrow is still in the green scale) and find a flat and straight stretch of road.

Peculiar test drive

set the ignition on the VAZ 2104

After the internal combustion enginewarmed up to the required temperature, we set off onto the track and accelerated to 50 kilometers per hour. At the same time, it is necessary to switch to fourth gear and sharply push the gas pedal to the floor. If at this time you heard quiet and short skirmishes, you can rejoice: it means that you have set the ignition correctly. In this case, twist the cover of the distributor in a clockwise direction, and feel free to go wherever your soul wishes, at any distance. By the way, for the VAZs of the “classic” family, it is enough to accelerate to 40 kilometers per hour and switch to fourth gear.

В продолжение о стуках...If during the sudden pressure of the gas into the floor you feel loud and characteristic sounds, you should know that this indicates that all the adjustments are made incorrectly. This is also indicated by such signs as engine overheating, a drop in power or an increased consumption of gasoline. Therefore, we again return to the question of how to set the ignition of the VAZ 2108-21099.

how to set the ignition VAZ 2103
Unfortunately, all possible solutionsproblems we have already considered. But you should not be upset, because even from a hopeless situation you can always find a way out. So what to do if the work was done incorrectly? In principle, the only right decision would be to contact a service station. Qualified and experienced masters will be able to quickly and efficiently set the ignition (on the VAZ 2104 and on any other model). By the way, this service will cost you quite cheaply, on the order of several hundred rubles.


Now you know exactly how to set the ignitionVAZ 2108-21099 (do it yourself, by the way). As for the methods and methods of the mentioned adjustment, we note one thing: the end result of all the work performed will be the same. Therefore, there are no fundamental differences between which option will be chosen to adjust the ignition of the car. The only thing worth paying attention to is that using the stroboscope to set the required clearance is much easier. And, of course, without a probe here you will not do anything.

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