Our ancestors also noticed how powerful the force is.thoughts, words and emotions. She can serve a person in good stead, and can cause failures and illness. Unfortunately, this power is often used to the detriment of man. Therefore, it is extremely important to know the signs of a negative impact. And still need to be able to determine the source of the threat, to continue to stay away from him. There are several ways to find out who causes damage.
How to recognize damage: primary signs
If you often have to contactnegatively-minded people, if you suspect that you have envious and detractors, you will need information on how to find out if damage has been induced. But first you need to eliminate the objective reasons for your troubles: real health problems, general economic problems, as well as your own behavior. If these items are okay, the following signs should alert you:
- constant weakness and gratuitous physical fatigue;
- irritation and fear of crowded public places;
- lack of inspiration and working mood;
- anxiety and foreboding;
- loss of a pectoral cross or amulet;
- feeling unpleasant smells that others do not feel;
- insomnia;
- nightmares in which you see a threat to yourself or loved ones;
- sudden exacerbation of chronic diseases;
- the unreasonable appearance of several new illnesses at once;
- problems at work up to demotion or dismissal;
- a sharp deterioration in the financial situation or a large monetary loss;
- total apathy and lack of interest in joy and entertainment;
- heaviness in the chest;
- the sudden emergence of craving for alcohol or gambling.
Confirmation of the diagnosis
If you find yourself in at least three primary signs, there is every reason to fear that they have damaged you, evil eyes. Find out for sure whether this is possible thanks to the following methods:
- In a glass of boiled or filtered watergently hammer the egg in order not to damage the yolk. Do not take water directly from the tap, as a large amount of chlorine and salts will lead to the folding of protein. For three minutes, hold the glass in front of the chest and above your head. You can also pay attention to other areas that bother you. If the protein began to fold in the form of threads, flagella, or flakes, it means that you have a negative. Wash the water with the egg down the drain.
- Light the church or the most ordinary householda candle. Bring it to your chest (it is better to ask someone to do it at home) and follow the reaction of the fire. If the candle begins to quit, crack, shift in different directions or go out, then there is damage. In addition to the chest, you can check the area of the head, back and small pelvis.
How to see the "offender" in a dream
Самый распространенный способ, как узнать, кто causes damage, - call the "offender" in your dream. At the same time, it is not at all necessary to carry out any complex rituals and pronounce entangled spells. Just follow these conditions:
- Try to clear your thoughts as much as possible. On the day before the ritual, restrict watching TV, reading books and newspapers, using the Internet.
- Change the bedding and take a shower to remove extraneous energy.
- Going to bed, focus on your goal. Mentally in free form, ask the Universe to show you your enemy.
- Put a notebook and a pen under your pillow so that when you wake up you should write down everything that you’ve dreamed of, because people quickly forget their dreams.
Ritual with keys
If you wonder how to find out who suggestsdamage, pay attention to the ritual with the keys. You will need seven of them. It may be the old keys to the apartment, suitcase, safe, garage, car, secretary - their purpose does not matter. The ritual is performed as follows:
- When the sun goes down, boil water in a small metal cup or bowl. Well, if the water is from a spring or reservoir. Otherwise you can use plumbing.
- When the water begins to seethe, begin one by one to lower the keys into it, uttering the following spell:
"Whoever harms the slave (the name) bears him the devil tomorrow. Amen."
- After three minutes, turn off the heat and wait for the water to cool.
- Remove the keys from the liquid. They can be safely discarded.
- Pour water over the threshold of the house or apartment.
- The next day or for two or three daysthe abuser will come to your home. And he will apologize for no reason or, on the contrary, swear. If a person is far away, he will definitely want to contact you by phone or via the Internet.
Needle Ritual
A fairly simple way of finding out who is causing damage involves using seven needles. They must be new, have the same length and thickness. Here is the ritual:
- Come to an uncrowded place where you can later hide the needles in the ground without the risk that someone will accidentally dig them up.
- Gently squeeze the needles in your fist, so as not to prick. Focus on your problem and mentally retell it to the Universe.
- Unclench fist. Take the needle, whisper in her ear, "Who did this?" and plunge deep into the ground. Do this with all other needles.
- If you find a lining at home, dig in and dig needles into the ground around it.
- After graduating from the ritual, immediately leave without looking back. On the way, read "Our Father" or any other prayer you know, three times.
- Within three days, you will notice someone's inappropriate behavior. The person will start to avoid you or obsessively search for meetings. It was he who caused damage to you.
Wax ritual
Pouring wax is a fairly common magic rite. Here's how to find out who caused damage, at home:
- Pour spring, thawed or filtered water into a wide bowl.
- Melt a piece of natural wax or a church candle in a water bath.
- Silently say, "Pour the wax - pour out the enemy" and pour the wax in a bowl in a bowl with water.
- Take a close look at what the wax drew to you.
- Rounded shapes indicate that yourthe enemy is a woman, and if the pattern is angular and geometric - a man. Also, the wax can show you the initials of the offender or take the form of some object that will indicate to you the type of activity of the one who caused the damage.
Candle Ritual
One of the most effective ways to independently find out who caused damage is the rite with a church candle. Here is how it is carried out:
- After sunset, light a church candle and slowly walk around the dwelling in a clockwise direction, reading the spell in a whisper:
“A strong word is mine, therefore, until my foe repents, there will be a long time to suffer from the flame of my candle. He will come to my threshold and repent and repent of all their deeds. Amen".
- After completing the bypass of the dwelling, put out the candle and put the stub at the threshold.
- Within three days the person who has caused damage will come to you. He will look tired and painful.
Removal of damage
The surest way to know a personsuggestive damage, - to remove this damage. Having performed the rite on your own or with the help of a psychic, you will thereby cause serious discomfort or even discomfort for your enemy. He will be drawn to you. Within three days he will come to you and ask for something - money, salt, and so on. But in no case give him anything, otherwise the ceremony will lose its power.
Independent removal of damage
If the information on how to find out what damage has been put on you has led you to make positive conclusions, try to get rid of the negative impact yourself. Here are simple and affordable ways:
- Buy a candle in the church.When you come home, bathe, dress in something clean and take a lighted candle in your right hand. Slowly cross it seven times, having read the prayer "Our Father" as many times. Put a candle on a plate so that it is completely burned out.
- Pour water into a glass.Alternately burn nine matches to the ground, setting them together on fire and throw them into the water. Dip your fingers in the water and draw a cross on the forehead. Drink three sips and pour the rest into the sewer.
- Break an egg into a glass of water, sentencing"Take all the bad from me." Place a container at the head of the bed overnight. In the morning, pour the liquid down the drain. This should be done for nine days.
How not to get caught in the paws to the charlatan
Increasingly, people are turning to magicians, fortunetellers andpsychics to understand whether damage has been induced on a person. How to find out if they are telling you the truth, or are they trying to capitalize on your fears? Remember a few signs characteristic of charlatans:
- Intimidation.Most modern "psychics" are nothing more than good psychologists. They start to intimidate a person with terrible damages and curses that can lead to a fatal outcome if they do not act immediately. Feeling the slightest pressure, run away from such a "magician."
- Participation.Another psychological device is the “sincere” experience, sympathy and desire to save you from all troubles. But, no matter how rough it may sound, a real esoteric doesn’t care whether you decide your problems or not. He thinks higher categories.
- Pulling money.If the "psychic" calls you an astronomical amount for the removal of damage, most likely, he is just trying to cash in on you. Real esoteric, as a rule, leave the right to determine the amount of remuneration for the client. And even if they voice some fixed amount, it will not be fabulous.
- Stretching in time.For a real psychic, the removal of damage is a matter of a few minutes. In particularly advanced cases, you may need a couple of sessions. But if the "magician" appoints you all new meetings, then he just wants to earn more from you.
- Many questions.The psychic sees the person through. He can only ask clarifying questions that require the answer "yes" or "no." If you have to give detailed answers, it means that you are dealing with a charlatan.
- Rainbow promises. If the "psychic" promises you a solution to all problems, the fulfillment of desires and the golden mountains - do not believe it.
- Энергетическая зависимость.If a charlatan really understands esoterics, he can supply energy to a person. Thus, during the session, he feels a real relief, but then all the unpleasant symptoms return. At the same time own energy weakens. Thus, a person falls into an energy dependence on a charlatan.